I am glad it is Friday. Not much going on with me. Dad worked late and we just vegged and watched movies. Rachel that is amazing about your fireplace. You will really love that one. If there is too much snow in the morning you don't have to come down. Play it safe. LOVE MOM
Friday, November 13, 2020
Today was good and we didn't have much going on. I slept in a bit so I took Tony on a shorter walk. They were having pizza at school so I didn't have to make lunches. I sewed for a while today and it was really nice. I was able to finish my birthday quilt. Mom got me the pattern and the fabric for my birthday. We picked Casey up for lunch and we ordered our fireplace insert. Our rebate was approved. I am so excited. They are going to install it on Dec 22. The weather was getting bad so I drove to pick up the boys. When I got there the school called and said Oliver fell off the monkey bars and hit his head. So I went in to get him. He was calm and seems fine. Poor thing though. I ordered Tony some bones and they came today. It kept him busy which was nice. Ruth made us gramcrackers and frosting for a snack. It was sweet. Well I will see you guys tomorrow. Love you.
My day was good. I only worked half a day so I could go get my stud checked. He said he would feel better if I waited one more month. So I still have to wait. Oh well. Work was good. It went pretty quick so that was nice. It started snowing here around dinner time and it has been snowing ever since. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Today was good. I walked this morning and enjoy it being light. I helped in Isaac's class and corrected papers. We worked at Ruth's school today and that was fun. The kids are cute. It was a pretty afternoon so I did tricks with Tony outside and it was fun. He wants to play all the time. He brings toys over and gives me a look. He is cute. Casey worked late today. He has 20 hours of overtime in the last two weeks. We had a early dinner and finished homework so we had time to watch Jamanji for a bit. Mom and Dad sent the kids some books and they really liked them. Thank you. Everyone have a good Friday.
My day was good. There was snow on my walks this morning but I didn't shovel. I did melt before I got home so that was nice. Work is still moving along. Tomorrow I go and see if my stud is ready for a tooth. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
I went into work today and that was good. I am getting a Christmas bonus so that was fun. Made my day. I got the $75.00 gift card moved over to the right account so that was good also, We just came home and vegged. We watched Jersey Boy's. It is a good movie. One of the administration assistants in my office who has worked from home since March wrote today that she has covid. She is retiring in 3 weeks. I felt bad for her. Her 89 year old dad lives with her. I was really worried about him. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Dad told me that some one ran and red light and hit Marissa's car. I felt bad. LOVE MOM
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Hump day
I worked and then met Kay and Julie for Lunch. Julie had the day off for Veterans day. I thought that would have been nice. I came back and finished up work. I bought dad a pizza for dinner and I think he enjoyed solid food. I had my chili. It did snow here all day. Thanks everyone for talking with me about Wendover. I really am in no rush to get there. Kay will be the one the hurries us along. I am going into work tomorrow and have to go in early to do screenings. It isn't a hard job. Just had out stickers. I think I am getting well enough to be ornery. I think until the stitches are gone it will be bugging me. Have a nice day. LOVE MOM
I snowed here this morning on my walk and stopped when I got home so it was bad timing but it was pretty. Nothing too exciting today. We did quilt group on zoom but only three of us came on. It was good to talk with them. We cleaned the house and the kids rooms after school. It is cold and I miss playing outside. Love you guys.
I am glad that the week is half over. It snowed here most all day. I miss the grass already. Things are going good here. I am making progress with school stuff. I am glad that the semester is almost done. Work is still moving along. The only exciting news is that 2 people tested positive for covid this week. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
It was a quiet day and I think I am starting to feel better. I got a few things done. I love your jokes Robin I looked like that girl.today after two hours of work. Dad worked late. I guess they have sold some detectors but having trouble getting everything done. Same old same old. Thanks for organizing Thanksgiving. I am excited. A smoked turkey is going to be fun. I am meeting Kay for lunch and then taking her to the ups store to shred. You just give it to them and a company shreds it. It will be nice to get out. Love mom. I love ruth's bow.
Today was good. It was a nice walk this morning. I had a dentist appointment this afternoon and I took Ruth so we went to the hobby lobby to get her something to do. Then we went and got Tony some new bones. He wants to play all the time and needed new things. I did my math class and talked to Mom when Ruth was at school. My dentist appointment was good. I need to replace an old crown. Then we went grocery shopping and picked up the boys. I talked to my primary presidency and we started planning the Temple and Priesthood for primary and we figured out the Christmas gift. Casey worked late and then we had to deliver some stuff to the activity day boys. I am excited for Thanksgiving. Good job on your classes Karen. I am glad you are almost done.
My day has been good. It did seem like it started too early though. It was meeting day at work so that took up most of my day. I even stayed a little late because I was in a meeting. Then I came home and finished my technical writing assignment. All I have left in that class now is the final project. So I have one final project, one test, and two finals to do let in the semester. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, November 9, 2020
Back to the real world
I went back to work today. It isn't bad when you can move around at your pace at home. I had a ton of emails and got done about half of them. I didn't think that was too bad. We went to Walmart after work, I saw on facebook they had 5 dollar barbies. Our Walmart sucks. I found a skipper doll and Ruth said she needed a little sister for her barbies. That was my excitement for the day. I made chicken and dumplings for dinner and it tasted really good. Rachel and Karen are we still going to Wendover on Saturday? Rachel, that is neat you got to work. That has been fun. I think that is unfair to make the little ones wear masks. LOVE MOM
It snowed here off and on today. We only ended up with about an inch or two that stuck though. It was a pretty quiet day for a Monday. I did get an appointment on Friday to get my stud checked and see if it is ready for a tooth. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
With Gov Herbert's announcement everything I had going on this week was cancelled. They even cancelled my exercise class for two weeks. 3 years old and up have to wears masks now so all the kids at preschool had to wear them. They did really well with them. It was fun to work at preschool and the day went fast. I left for a couple minutes to take Ruth to dance class. I am trying to get Oliver to bed earlier so we did homework before bed. I trying to think of something for dinner and Isaac wanted to eat out. So we ended up going to El Torjo. I shared a fajitas with Isaac and he took all the steak. It was funny. Love you guys and I hope you survive this cold. We didn't get any snow today.
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Quiet day
It snowed here all day. We still have some snow on the ground. We just vegged all day. Kay and Julie aren't going to wendover next weekend. Not much else to report. I am sorry Tracy's dad died. She isn't having a good year. Good luck being in charge. You will rock. Karen I love your pot holders you made. Love mom
We got a little bit of snow but it melted before lunch. Tony loved it and so did the kids. They got all their snow gear on and we made hot chocolate. Casey worked all day today. He was behind and had a lot to do. Me and the kids got up early and went to church. I had a meeting later and delivered some birthday books. I took the kids to sonics for lunch for being so good. We played board games for a while. It was Teri's birthday and Randy's birthday is next week so we went to their house for cat and ice cream. We went up earlier and when Casey was done with work he walked Tony up. I am working at preschool tomorrow. Traci's dad passed away Saturday so I am going to work for her. Love you guys.
We got about 2 inches of snow here today. It didn't stick to the sidewalks though so that was nice, I didn't have to shovel. I did get my motion study work done. I still have an exam to do for this class and then jus the final is left. I also made potato soup. It turned out good. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...