Saturday, October 8, 2022


 I got up early and went to exercise class.  I stayed for two hours and that felt good.  We went to Ivy's birthday party at the jump zone.  Kimi did a really good job and made a gorgeous cake.  The kids had fun playing.  Then we went to get Halloween costumes.  The kids picked out great costumes and they looks really good.  Isaac is a plague doctor, Oliver glow stick man and Ruth is a clown.  Then we decorated the house.  Their were a lot of feelings that we did it without Robin so we will have to be better next year about doing it together.  I thought of doing ghosts with tomato cages.  We went to three stores before we found some.  None of my lights worked from last year so I had to get new ones.  We made three ghosts and the look cute I think.  We watched the minion movie and a Casey walked Tony and went to the climbing gym.  His leg is sore but feeling better.

Love Rachel


 I got up early for Saturday and went and got my hair cut. It was bugging me. We met Karen for lunch at park city. The view was just breath taking. The leaves were beautiful. We went to Karen's house and played video games and then drove to provo falls. I love it there. We are spending the night and then going to the zoo with the Lewis gang. Rachel I hope you had a nice day. Have a nice Sunday love mom

Friday, October 7, 2022


Today was good it was Friday. I wasn't as slammed today or I just didn't care as much. Either or lol. We had dinner and went on a walk. Jeramy out Luna down and I printed my Amish bread cutting board. I need to mask better but I was worried you couldn't read it at all. It work out ok. 



 I was glad today was Friday. I am getting caught back up and that feels good. We went to the play tonight it was really good. We enjoyed that. Thanks Karen. Rachel do you drive him to.providence? That is a ways. We are going to Kamas tomorrow. We are going to spend the night. Robin I hope you have fun with Josh. We are going to the zoo on Sunday with Robin and crew. Have a great weekend. Love mom


 Thanks again for the candy bouquet for Isaac.  The kids were all so excited when I got home. We didn't have internet for a while at work.  So I ended up cutting fabric for our Christmas houses and it took all day.  Isaac had his first ambassador practice in Providence.  I think it went well and he was happy.  Me and the little kids went and got Ivy a birthday present while we were waiting for him.  We also went and got a cheap ice cream at Macy's because we had a couple more minutes to kill.  They had fried chicken and Oliver really wanted it.  We ended up picking some up on the way home.  Casey finished mowing the lawn and it looks nice.  I walked Tony.  The pumpkin walk started and their are a million people going to that.  I hope you have fun at the play.

Love Rachel 


 I am glad that the weekend is here.  Things are going good here. Work is just the usual. It went by pretty fast though.  At the end of the day I went into the clean room to help assemble stuff that needed to ship today.  It was fun and made the afternoon go by faster.  I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, October 6, 2022


 I am making progress ar work so that feels nice. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We are going to the pumpkin play tomorrow night.  Karen 35 is so cold. That made me shiver. Rachel that is neat about Isaac and ambassador. He is a good kid. Robin Luna is getting so big. I love how careful she paints. Karen you are so kind. Love mom


 A lot of good things happened today.  Karen sent me a book I was waiting for on the library app.  You are so sweet Karen, I really appreciate you thinking of me.  It was a nice surprise.  Isaac tried out for the ambassadors this afternoon and he made it in.  I am excited for him.  He will have an extra practice twice a month on Fridays and it starts tomorrow.  He had orchestra practice after school and then try outs so it was busy.  Work was good, I had two meetings and then we had our quarterly meeting.  We went to the event center and they bought us Zupas.  They gave out prizes and I had to introduce myself as a new employee.  Casey and Oliver mowed the lawn tonight.  Oliver loves doing the riding lawnmower and is getting good at it.  I walked Tony since Casey's leg is still bothering him.  

Love Rachel


Today was busy at work. Jeramy was feeling stressed so he woke up early today. He forgot his anxiety medication. Then after work we had dinner and relaxed. I'm making a Amish friendship bread cutting board. So I made a starter so when I'm done I can picture it with the bread. It takes 10 days to get the starter done so it's a process. Luna is getting so big it's getting hard to rock her to sleep. 



 I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Work is just the usual. I did unattached all the houses from my house because it was 35 this morning. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


 Thanks for coming up for Casey's birthday.  I really appreciate it.  You guys are the best.  This week has been so busy and is going so fast.  I am still doing step by steps photos.  I was supposed to finish it today but the last part my machine ate the leather I was sewing on so I have to remake it tomorrow morning.  Ruth's friend came over after school and they had so much fun playing together.  I folded laundry while they played which was nice to get done.  Oliver did so good on his homework.  I was so happy about it.  Isaac practiced his vioyand is auditioning tomorrow.  He sounded really good and had made so much progress.  I hope it goes ok for him.  My visiting teachers came over and visited for a bit.  After dinner I went to book group.  We met at the crepery and it was a really fun time.  It was so nice to laugh and talk.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 Work was so quiet and I even made some.progress today. We just vegged tonight. Karen got us tickets to the pumpkin play for Friday. Thank you. got a new paper in her file. She has a huge  bruise on her head. Have a nice Thursday. Love mom


Today was good. Work was busy then we had chicken enchiladas.the nights go so fast that by the time dinner is cleaned up and we run around the house picking up after tornado Luna it's bed time. 



 Things are going good here. I am glad that the week is half over. It has been chilly here. It is nice that it is super hot anymore. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


We can come down next weekend and help build the tree house. Do you want me to engrave a sign for it? Today was ok. I was tired. Luna did pretty good considering she had shots. Her legs hurt so when she slept on her side it hurt. But once she figured to sleep on her back we were set for the night. Jeramys sister is running a high school reunion so we are going to watch josh this weekend. We ran to Kohl's to get him new clothes so he has something new. He isn't bringing his x box so that will be good. Luna got these growing things for the tub. I guess it really takes 3 days to grow the mermaid so it was anti climatic.


 Work was good. Nothing too exciting. We came home and just vegged. I am good with staying up at Logan and we cAn help with the tree house. That would be good. That would be a good four days we can help. I haven't even thought about the play. I just won't get tickets. No big deal. We could get a lot done. Love mom


Casey was thinking for his birthday if everyone had time and wanted to we could work on the tree house.  That would count as his present and the activity.  He said it would be the greatest gift of all.  If it is too much to drive up here we can think of something else.  Did you buy tickets for the play Mom?  We can think of something in SLC if you have.  If you haven't gotten tickets yet we could go to the play on the 22nd.  Today was good.  I did step by step photos today which is time consuming.  Isaac had orchestra and Ruth had tumbling after school so it was a lot of dropping off and picking up.  I walked Tony after dinner and that felt nice.  I really enjoyed it.  Love you guys.
Love Rachel 


 My day has been good. It was meeting day at work so that made it go by fast. I got my new bedside lamp so I am excited about that I have been missing it the last two nights.  They also finally got my phone approved to bolus my insulin from my phone. So I got everything updated so I can do that. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 3, 2022


 It was payroll Monday so that is always busy.  I did get it done.  It was just really a normal day for us.  Not much else to report from us.  My car did work wonderful today so that was nice.  It started and everything.  YEAH!  I did miss Karen's emails today.  Outlook is so weird lately at our place as well.  I am glad the kids had fun at the fall carnival. You guys always loved them.  I can't tell you how many fish I have bought for those things.  I am so sorry that Luna had to have shots.  She might be grouchy for a couple of days.  Poor thing.  Rachel use to get so sick with them.  She always fevered even when she got her 12 year old shots.  It is so pretty outside.  Robin, I love your decorations.  The spiders look good.  LOVE MOM 


 It was good to see everyone this weekend.  Thanks for the fun time.  I was wiped out last night.  Work was good.  I took step by step photos and that took most of the day.  It was the fall festival at the kids school and they were so excited.  We bought tickets after school.  Isaac had violin lessons so we rushed to that.  Then we did homework and headed over to the school.  The kids were so excited and had fun.  It gets so hot I gym.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


Today was good for a Monday. Luna had a doctor's appointment today she is 20 lbs and 30.75 inches long. Pretty much in the middle of the curve for everything. She had to get 3 shots she she was on edge all night. I gave her Tylenol so hopefully she sleeps ok tonight. 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...