Friday, May 26, 2023

Last day of school

 I am sorry you didn't win at wendover but I am glad you had a good time.  We will be down tomorrow morning.  Today was the last day of school.  I had Casey take a picture of the kids.  They had a good time.  I took a lunch and we met Casey at crumb brothers and had lunch.  It was fun.  Isaac was invited to a burn your school work party.  We went and got some doughnuts for him to take for a treat.  We got some for home and I made bad choices and at too many and it hurt my stomach.  He had a fun time at the party and I thought that was such a fun idea.  See you guys tomorrow.

Love Rachel

For the last time

 It was.weird because all day I kept thinking this is the last time. I am excited for our new adventure. Our apartment is a wreck. So many boxes and no more room. We did take all the electronics over to the house. That was nice. It is weird.not to have any noise. Everyone drive safe. I can't thank you enough for your help. I owe you all big time. We couldn't do this with out you. Love you all mom

Thursday, May 25, 2023

No mega bucks

 I picked the gumm gang up and we went to Wendover. It was a really nice day. Julie won some and played it but that was fun. I won 40 dollars at the end  so I only lost 20 dollars. I felt good about that one. Jeff lost and said he was never coming again. It was fun to watch him. We just talked and that was nice. I came home and vegged. I should have packed but is just couldn't do it. It never seems to end. Not much longer now. I touched base with the movers and they are coming at 930. I hope they are strong. I think we are moving tvs tomorrow. I am going to be the only admin in the office in the morning. I hope it is quiet. I am looking forward to the holiday. Love mom


I took off Friday since we have Monday off for memorial day. So today was my last day of work. I was already over it by the time I got in. I think I'm tired and ready for a long weekend. After work we had dinner and went on a walk. Everyone did pretty good. It was nice and cool out. Have a good Friday



Today was good.  Work was fine.  They had another training and we just helped everyone use the machines.  It went ok.  The little kids had piano lessons.  They are really good.  Ruth plays too fast which is funny.  We just hung out the rest of the evening.  Ruth didn't want to go to tumbling because she was tired.  I hope everyone has a good Friday.  It is the last day of school.  The kids got out at noon so I am going to take a lunch and pick them up.  Then we are going out for lunch to celebrate.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. Work is moving along nothing too wild and crazy. After work I decided that Arby's sounded good. Since I am in the big city now I decided to use grubhub. I am finally in a delivery area. It was nice. I unpacked a few things and then I was  lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


 This week is flying by.  The kids are still doing fun things.  Ruth had a pajama party and read books.  Oliver went to the park all day.  He did get sick and throw up though.  He said he felt better afterwards.  Isaac had a breakfast of champions thing.  Work was good.  We edited and I sewed a couple things.  Oliver cooked dinner and was excited about it.  Casey had activity days and they made ice cream.  Isaac did have young men's because it is high school graduation today.  I went to exercise class and it was high.  I sounds like a broken record but I love so much.  

Love Rachel 


 Work was OK. We had a conference and it was kind of boring. They are doing it tomorrow also. I am going to Wendover tomorrow for Kay's birthday. We did get all our clothes and pictures over to Karen's.  That felt nice. Almost done. I came home.and packed a couple more boxes. Robin I hope you met some people you like in that department. It rained here. Send me good vibes for mega bucks. Love mom


 Things are good here. Work went good. i am reviewing bill of materials so not too exciting. After work I drove to mom and dad's and picked up some boxes and pictures. i really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE


Today I helped out on my works photoshoot for a magazine we run. I mostly powdered sweaty faces but it was fun. It was nice to do something different. It was in Provo and the house was huge. After work I got a little Caesars. It was raining so we stayed inside. 


Tuesday, May 23, 2023


It was hard to wake up this morning. The have these bright pink rose bushes in front of Luna's daycare. She has to sniff them all before we go into daycare. It's funny. Work was work. At night Luna was pointing to my hair, nose ears and eyes. Then I had her point to her nose. Then I said where is Luna's tickles then I would tickle her. Needless to say it was a fail for bedtime so she was up later than normal. It rained a lot here tonight. It was fun to hear the thunder. 



 I got alot done at work and that felt good. The lady from work came and got the kitchen table and ottoman. I am missing the ottoman. I put my feet on it. I did pack up the bathroom and some of the kitchen. Dad did the shed. We are making some progress. We packed a lot of crap in this apartment. I feel we threw a lot away and we still have boxes on boxes. Rachel I am do glad you get to go in early. That will be nice. That is sad about my girlfriends shop. I like them. Karen that is nice you don't have to drive to Heber for your eyes. I hope he is a good doctor.  I am looking so forward to Saturday to move. Love you all mom


 The kids are having a blast this week and just playing at school.  Oliver brought a blanket and stuffed animal and they had a party.  Ruth is doing the same thing tomorrow.  The kids are so tan from being outside all the time.  Work was good.  They said this summer we could come in early which is great for me.  So I can work 7 to 3 this summer.  We had a long team meeting and watched a video on how the make fabric which was interesting.  My girlfriend's is closing stores in Orem and Sandy and moving more of their business online.  A hug thunder storm came through this evening.  It was crazy to watch.  I went to exercise class and it was hard but felt good afterwards.  

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. Work is moving along. I had to cancel my eye appointment on the 5th in heber. Then since I am in the big city I made an appointment on Saturday the 10th. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, May 22, 2023


 Luna is cute, that is a pretty dress.  Today was good.  I walked this morning.  At work we edited instructions most of the day and we have more to do tomorrow.  The kids are having a good week at school.  They are just having fun and doing fun things.  Isaac did have violin lessons and it was so nice to just go slow.  It was hot outside so we finished watching Mary Poppins.  It is such a good movie.  We folded laundry and played outside.  Casey worked late and came home when I left for exercise class.  Casey was able to go climbing at lunch and had a good time.  Good job packing Mom.

Love Rachel 


 I could not sleep last night. I was tired today. I had a hard time sitting at my desk. I left early to go get an ultrasound. I have this little cyst you can barely see. They said do a mamogram next year. Dad had packed the car with his.printer so after we went to Karen's and unpacked and she made us tacos. It tasted really good. We came home and didn't do much. I packed two boxes. I will do more tomorrow. Luna is so cute. She us growing way too fast. Rachel I am glad you had a good day. I am ready for saturday to be over and packing is done. Excited to be in our new place. Love mom


Luna had a picnic with police today at daycare. I had a meeting at the same time. So I ditched the meeting and had a picnic with Luna. Lol she was cute. The let her drive the car and and she kept cutting other kids to drive again. After work we had chicken enchiladas for dinner. They tasted good.


Sunday, May 21, 2023


 Thanks for the pictures Karen.  You got really nice ones.  Good job packing Mom.  That is a lot of work.  I am sorry about Jeremy's friend, that is sad.  Thank you again guys for the fun weekend.  We are so spoiled.  We went to church today and Casey worked.  Then we just played outside and Casey worked in the tree house.  When it got hit we watched Mary Poppins.  The little kids loved it.  We went up to Randy's this evening and roasted s'mores.  They also had a water fun fight with Ivy.  I hope everyone has a good week.  It is the last week of school.  😭. My baby is done with elementary school.

Love Rachel


We woke up this morning and filled up our blow up pool with water. Then it could warm up during the day. We went out to lunch with Jeramys mom. When we got home Luna took a nap. Jeramy played Xbox and I worked on my purse. After Luna woke up we went and played in the pool. She was having a fit and wouldn't go in. Jeramy went in and she finally got in. The she had a blast. It was getting on to dinner time and then she was having a fit because we were done.... It's never a win. Lol we just relaxed the rest of the night



 We woke up and packed and then would take a break and the pack some more. We did go to the pie for lunch. It made dad sick. I think we threw away as much as we packed. We also gave some to our neighbor. It was a productive day. I sure had a nice time this weekend thanks for everything. I did take a picture of the second bedroom. It is looking like someone is moving 


 I had a quiet day today. I even took a nap. It was nice. Isaac's recital was good and he did a good job. I took a video but it wouldn't post so I will have to work on that. I hope everyone had a great day. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...