Friday, June 28, 2019


My day was good. I wish I could have left work at 230 though. But I was tough and worked the whole day. Then I took my statistics mid-term. I think I did good one it. I am all set for Lagoon tomorrow. I have the tickets all packed up and ready to go. I am excited to play. I hope that everyone had a great Friday. Bye


Today was nice I worked alot of hours this week so I was able to leave around 2:30. So that was nice. If fixed the hole in my dress. I put my jacket with it in the mannequin. The mannequin is way smaller than me but I out pictures so you could see how it's going. Its nice to be close to done. I'm excited to see you all tomorrow we will meet you at Lagoon around 10. Love you Robin

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Well it turns out I can't take my midterm until tomorrow so I guess I will do that tomorrow night. So tonight I did dishes and laundry. I also started working on my final project paper for my industrial automation class, then I did my next week statistics homework. It was easy this week. So that was nice. I felt productive at least. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. BYE

One more day

I was dragging all day.  I am going to bed early tonight.  I have been staying up too late.  I am so excited for the weekend.  Robin you leave when you have to.  I think we are all going to be pretty tired after dinner time. I am super excited to play.  I wore my watch today and got 5639 steps.  I felt like Rachel probably had that at 7 this morning.  Everyone have a wonderful Friday.  Rachel Drive safe.  If it gets too much you can come down in the morning we are really flexible.  LOVE MOM


So..... Jeramy has to work on Sunday at 6am. So we are planning on going to Lagoon but we might leave  after dinner sometime if that is ok. Just so he can get enough sleep. Sorry it's a crazy time of was good. Nothing to wild which was nice. I got a bit caught up on work. I'm ready for the weekend that is for sure.hope everyone has a good Friday



Today was good.  I went walking this morning and then the kids slept in.  We were just lazy this morning.  I thought the kids had dentist appointments at 2 but my phone reminded me at 12 that we had them at 12:20.  So we hurried and ran out the door, we made it on time and the appointments went really fast.  We went to McDonalds in smithfield for lunch afterwards.  Then we went to Mack park in Smithfield and played all afternoon.  I like that park, their are a lot of trees so it is cooler and a river you can wade in.  Casey worked late and again my phone reminded me that we had pack meeting so we hurried and ate and ran out the door again.  It was long a hour and half but Isaac got some awards and was really happy.  The little kids did really well also so it went fine.  Casey mowed the lawn while we were gone and it looks really nice.  Love you guys.  We are headed down tomorrow night but it will be late, probably around 8.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Thank you

I had a nice birthday.  They went wild at work.  I had balloon sang to 3 times taken out to lunch got movie tickets and a gift card to California Pizza and someone bought me flowers.  I felt very spoiled.  It was nice to see Karen and get her Stats all straightened out.  It was fun to go to Walmart and walk around.  My cold isn't getting any better yet.  I am ready for my voice to be normal again.  I am so glad everyone had a nice day.  LOVE MOM I am meeting the Gumm gang tomorrow at Chin Waw's Robin if you and Jeramy want to hook up with us.  We are meeting around 5:45.  LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

I am glad that you had a good Birthday Mom.  We were thinking about you.  Today was good just the usually walking and then exercise class.  We went swimming all afternoon.  It was windy and that makes it cold but we would warm up in the sun and get back in.  Isaac learned how to do the fast slide with his friends so he did that today, he was cute.  When we got home Imogene came over for a bit.  Then Randy came over to help us work out how to do the tiles.  We all went to Lowe's to see how to do the corner's.  It was late and the kids were hungry so we went to noodles and company for dinner.  Love you guys and have a good night.  You are doing really well at school Karen, it is a lot of work and you are doing awesome.



Work was good here today. It was on the warm side and it was super windy tonight. After work I drove down to mom and dad's. I got help with homework (Thanks Dad) and then we went to Walmart. Happy Birthday mom! I hope that you had a great day. I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow


Today was good. We had a.long staff meeting about benefits in a warm room. So the morning was rough. Me and Jeramy had hamburgers tonight. I bought Hulu and 3 seasons of life in pieces is on so i started watching it. Happy birthday Mom!


Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Work was quiet and I loved it.  I am getting things done that I haven't been able to get to.  Robin, I am sorry your work is crazy.  That just wears you out.  We went to the Zoo with Jared's family tonight and it was fun.  They stay until it closes which is 9:00.  It was such a pretty evening and the kids had a good time.  Everyone have a wonderful hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well things are good here. Work was busy today but I made it thru. I am going to go down to mom and dads tomorrow because I have homework confusion. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


Today was alright. I feels like it's an endless stream.of issues at work. But I guess that is job security. Lol me and Jeramy went to leatherbys for dinner. It was tasty. He's been working alot of over time so he's been really tired. I'm glad we are closer to Lagoon.



I have been leaving a bit earlier when I walk so I have more time and I found a canal walk that wasn't blocked and was pretty.  It had a path to it from a gravel pit that was also fun to walk through.  It was fun to find a good place.  The kids slept in and I sewed a bit which was nice.  I babysat Stephanie's kids and everyone had a good time.  They are all getting older so it is a lot easier now.  After they left we had a couple of errands to run and then we just played at home.  I have been having fun with a puzzle on the deck.  It is too hard for the kids but I thought once it was organized Isaac would like it.  Isaac was invited to go swimming this evening with Collin so he went and did that, he was excited.  We took the little kids and went fishing with Randy.   It was a pretty evening and their were a lot of people fishing and we didn't catch anything.  Afterwards we went out for ice cream which was fun.  It was so cool and nice today.  It has been a nice summer.


Monday, June 24, 2019


Today was good.  I walked and we went to the exercise class.  Stephanie came so the kids had someone to play with which was nice.  Oliver didn't feel well today or was tired but he spent most of the day laying in his bed watching his tablet.  We played board games this afternoon and I set up a table on the deck to do a puzzle.  Isaac went to the aquatic center with his friend Ty for his birthday.  They went to the pizza pie cafe for dinner afterwards.  Isaac had a blast and was so happy.  Me and Ruth made the pig hot dogs.  She was so excited to cook dinner and had fun with just the two of us cooking.  When Casey came home we went down to the Adairs and they gave us some plants which was nice.  Casey is going to be on a committee to help Ron with some big dinners coming up.  Love you guys.



My day has been busy. Work wasn't too bad, but after work I had to runt o Heber to pick up my new glasses. Then I had to watch 2 and a half hours of statistics lectures. I still need to do the homework but I will do that tomorrow. I hope that everyone had  great Monday.


Dad bought me a google watch for my birthday.  I haven't programmed it yet but I will do that tomorrow.  Work was quiet and that was nice.  I got some things done that take time and it felt good to get off my plate.  I am ready for the weekend however.  Karen good luck with all your tests this week.  Robin, I am sorry that Jenkins peed on your sandals.  they were really cute ones.  He just cant get the hang of house training.  Rachel I love the kids dressed up in their costumes.  You guys would wear your costumes out.  You loved wearing them.  Everyone have a great week.  I checked the weather and it looks like it might cool down for the weekend.  That will be nice.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work was work. Everyone is loving the àlexa I bought. Jenkins peed on my sparkly Sandals so he morning crazy. He's in big trouble. But he was really cuddly after work so he won my heart again. I hope everyone made it through the Monday love you


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Nice Weekend

I had a really nice weekend as well.  Thank you Karen for letting us come and up and hang out.  It was really nice.  Rachel thanks for letting us come up also.  I think the bathroom is coming along really well.  Everything you do now is pretty much putting it back together.  We can come up on the 5th of July and help again.  Robin it was fun to visit as well and it was fun to get sparkly earrings.  I can't believe how fast time is going.  The wedding will be here before we know it.  I am excited for Lagoon and will take you as long as you want to stay.  Everyone have a wonderful week.  It is suppose to be hot and sunny.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I was just lazy and took a nap. Thanks mom and dad for all your help this weekend. Have a great week everyone. Bye


It was a relaxing weekend. I didn't do much. I did get all the flower stuff done. I think... Then I met up with mom and dad for lunch today it was fun. I got a headband and earrings for the wedding. I hope everyone has a good week.



We were talking about Lagoon and we are going to come down Friday night and spend the night.  Then we can all carpool together and not worry about parking.  I also told them I wasn't going to be there on Sunday so we will spend two nights if that is ok.  Thanks for all the help again yesterday.  The bathroom is looking really nice.  Casey wasn't feeling well today so he stayed home.  He did paint the door and install the latch and it looks really nice.  I took the kids to church and we went to both hours which was haven't done in a while.  We took the nursery kids outside and that was fun.  Oliver was talking about ghost so I got out the old ghost costume and he loved that.  Ruthie had been dressed as a princess all day and then Isaac painted his face like a phantom.  It was cute.  Well good luck this week.  I hope that you have a fun birthday week Mom.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...