Saturday, April 25, 2015

Run run run

Today was busy. I worked all day. I got off at 5. Then me.and walter went over and saw the baby. She is really cute. The pictures.dont do her justice. She is tiny. She looks like a 10 pound baby in the pictures but she's pretty tiny. I didn't get any extra photos. But his sister is really sore and not loving the fact she had to have a c section. But she's walking around and seemed to be feeling better. I got home around 10. It was a crazy day I am so tired. Have a good sunday


Nice Day

It was a really nice day.  Rachel and the boys were going to come down but Isaac got sick during the night so we went to Logan.  It was such a beautiful day up there.  We went to the heritage farm and saw the animals and rode the train.  We took a ride to see the buffalo.  It was really neat.  I have never been so close to a buffalo.  They would eat out of your hands.  It rained all the way home but never had any rain in Logan.  Karen, I am glad you got your oil changed.  We did that last weekend on dad's jeep.  Have a nice Sunday. Robin I hope you got to go see the baby.  LOV EMOM


Well my day has been good. I got my oil changed in my car. They also flushed my brake line because I had water in there and apparently that is bad. Then I went grocery shopping. I also got forms at Smith's and Walmart for donations for the kingdom ball. It did rain here for a little bit this evening. All this rain is making my yard look nice. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, April 24, 2015


It is really raining here tonight.  It sounds so nice.  I love the sound of the rain.  I think we aren't going to the farm tomorrow.  It is raining in Logan also.  Isaac wants to come down and go swimming.  Rachel I-15 in Bountiful is a mess so take Legacy.  Karen if you want to come down bring your swimming suit.  We went to Walmart tonight to get treats and it was nice to walk around.  That baby is so cute Robin.  I think she looks like Walter.  I know they are both adopted but she has his cheeks.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  Be safe out there tomorrow in the weather.  LOVE MOM

It's a girl

Walters sister had her baby today. The had some complications and the had to do an emergency c section but everything worked out great. So that is the big news I haven't seen her yet I just have picts from enoch and his mom. She was 7.8 pounds and 20 1/2" ....I had to work at scheels tonight and I work tomorrow 9-5 so I will probably go see her tomorrow night. Other then that things on my side are good. I am tired I am so glad it's the weekend. Have a good night


Thursday, April 23, 2015


Work was good.  I went out to dinner with Kay and Julie and Jen and Rylie tonight.  It was fun.  I did find some kids shoes at Children's Place on clearance and then half off that.  I bought Isaac and Oliver a pair.  I figure if they don't fit them it wasn't that much.  I am excited for your vests Rachel that will be nice.  Congratulations on the lawn Karen.  You have an endless battle with weeds with your neighbor.  Until he tries and controls them you will always be fighting them.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I hope Saturday is nice also.  I am excited for the train.  Have a wonderful day tomorrow.  I hope you are feeling better Robin.  It is clean files day tomorrow and we can wear jeans.  That is a big deal around our place.  LOVE MOM

So close

Today was better my ear ache is gone so that was nice. Work was good it went by fast. I went grocery shopping so that's over. I hate grocery shopping. You never know what sounds good. I wish I was rich so u could hire some one to do my laundry and grocery shop. The two worse adult responsibilities. I made dinner tonight. I bought a rotisserie chicken from the store. And made chicken tacos. I melted cheese with avacado and ranch. It was good. Walter came over for a bit. Some one at the VA tried to commit suicide so they are making everyone have a cerfew at 8 so they can do more group therapy seasons. his sister is having the baby tomorrow at 7am. So that will be fun. I work tomorrow at scheels so nothing to crazy.



Casey and Isaac made it all night in the tent.  They didn't sleep great but had a fun time.  I think that we will try camping in the canyon next.  Last night I finished Oliver's practice vest and it fits him.  I didn't get a great picture of it but I will put one on of the real vest.  I watch half of the imitation game on vudu while I sewed, tell Dad thanks for putting them all on their.  It is nice to have.  Today we went up to Idaho to visit Calleen.  It was a good day but it rained off and on.  We took them out to lunch in Preston which was fun.  She is trying to get her soap business going and I have some that you can try and then write a testimonial on her web site if you like it.  I hope that this weather clears up for Saturday.  I am looking forward to going to the heritage center.



Well I finished the first lawn mowing of the year. I have a ton of dandelions in my yard. I am going to have to weed and feed soon. Work was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope that you are feeling better today Robin. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Image result for i fought the lawn and the lawn won

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Administration Assistant day

It was assistant day today and I got a gift basket and everyone got donuts.  It was nice of them.  It made the day go fast.  I also got my 15 year certificate so I can go get my gift.  I thought I could get a gift card but they don't do that any more.  I have to choose a gift.  They have a bread maker and since I broke ours, I think I am going to get that.  There weren't a lot of options.  I am sorry you aren't feeling well Robin.  Call in sick tomorrow.  You have some vacation time.  I can take you to insta care if you need to go.  Karen that is fun you are getting better cable.  That is always nice.  Good luck with the camp out Rachel.  It might be too cold for that but they will have fun.  They might be coming back in at midnight.  I found out the heritage farm in Logan is still open for animal days so on Saturday we are going to take the kids.  Hope everyone stays well.  I am ready for the weekend.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry you are not feeling well Robin, I hope that you get some rest and feel better tomorrow.  That is awesome about your internet Karen, that will be fun.  I am jealous.  Isaac wanted to set up the tent today so Casey set it up outside and they are going to sleep out their tonight.  Me and Oliver and sleeping inside.  It should be fun for them.  The little girl next door saw the tent so they came over to play for a while.  It was fun to talk to them and Isaac had fun playing with the little girl.  I started working on vests for the boys.  I am just making a sample one for each of them first to make sure it will fit.  I hope that it works out alright.  Clothing is not my strong suite.



Sorry I didn't blog I fell asleep. I woke up with an ear ache and I was dizzy. It was national jelly bean day. Everyone was rattling jelly beans in the container finding flavors they liked. It was giving me a migraine. So I was grumpy. I don't know why I was just in a bad mood and I didn't feel good. I had to work at scheels it was nice to just to take it easy at work for a bit. Scheels is kinda a made up job anyway. Well that's about it with me have a good thursday.


Fiber optic

My day has been good. Work is moving along. It is the end of the shipping month so assembly and production are busy. It is cloudy here tonight. I am hoping it rains. An All West guy stopped by tonight and said they are upgrading my neighborhood to fiber optic internet. I am excited about that. So during the next three weeks they are going to install that. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Image result for sewing jokes

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I am sorry that we missed dinner, that sounds fun that everyone got together.  Next time.  Today was good.  It was another pretty day.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and then Oliver took a long nap so I got a lot of sewing done which was really fun.  I attached a picture of the star quilt, it turned out really pretty.  Everyone have a great day tomorrow.


Nice evening

Work was work and my computer froze around 1 so I didn't get much done in the afternoon but dinner was nice. It was fun to visit and hang out.  We did get the rest of dad's meds.  He is good now until Saturday.  I hope it cured him.  It was a pretty day outside.  I can't believe how fast April is passing by.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I only had to work half a day and then I went to the doctor. He said I am doing good. My blood work was even all awesome. Then I met mom, dad, Robin, and Walter for dinner. We went to the Spaghetti Factory and it was so good. I even have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Well I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Image result for doctor jokes

Monday, April 20, 2015

Not much

Not much on my side. I worked at maggie then I had a meeting at scheels. It was stupid. Then I came home and embroidered. I was tired so I didn't do it for very long. Mom I still haven't heard from walter so I don't know what's going on tomorrow. Sorry.



Good luck at the doctors tomorrow Karen.  I am glad that you got some rest Mom and feel better, that is always nice.  Good job on all the sewing Robin, you are on fire.  Today while Isaac was at preschool I got most of the star class quilt quilted.  I am hoping to finish it up tonight or tomorrow and then I just need to bind it.  Today was really pretty.  This morning we walked the long way to the park and then play at the park for a while.  We made it home in time for lunch and then Isaac went to preschool.  He wanted to do more jobs today.  Casey has been wanting to make a sieve to filter all the rocks out of the hill in the backyard.  Use the rocks on the side driveway and the dirt everywhere.  He made it and him and Isaac shoveled dirt for a while.  We are all getting farmers tans and the boys go though a couple of outfits a day.


Good day

I had a nice day.  I think getting some sleep helped me, the day went really fast and I got a lot done.  We went to pick up pills after work and they didn't have them yet so they gave us enough to last until tomorrow and then we can pick some more up.  I noticed that there was a 1/2 of a refill left on the anitbiotics so we went to get the rest of them.  We watched Noah on netflixs tonight and it is a weird show but we watched it all.  Drive safe to the doctor's tomorrow Karen.  I will take you for dinner afterwards for going to the doctor.  Have a great Tuesday.  It was really smoky here today.  I looked it up and there is a big fire in California.  LOVE MOM


Well I made it thru Monday. Tomorrow I am only working half day because I have my doctors appointment in the afternoon. My day was good. I don't really have anything exciting to report so I will sign off. I hope everyone had a great day.

Image result for monday jokes

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Today was good.  Oliver slept all night which was amazing.  We played outside this morning.  I was just going to skip Oliver's and go to all of church but he was so tired after lunch I put him down for a nap and we just went late to church.  I taught the lesson today and it went well.  After dinner Isaac wanted to do jobs in the backyard so Casey got the cherry tree stump out.  Isaac was really good at digging.  Oliver used the big swing today and really liked it, I attached a picture.  Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.



Karen did better than us.  We were totally lazy.  I got up and then took a 3 hour nap.  I did make dinner so that has to count for something.  I made round steak with potatoes and carrots.  It tasted really good.  Not much else to report.  I enjoyed just laying around.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. It was windy again this morning. But it did calm down this evening. I did get my laundry and dishes done so I wasn't totally lazy today. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Image result for funny monday jokes


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...