Saturday, March 21, 2020


So I went on a cleaning frenzy and it was good for me.  I didn't do huge things just cleaned where I keep my candy and it feels really nice.  I also cleaned out my coat closet.  We have so many coats that we aren't wearing and the closet was a mess.  It felt nice to do that.  We went to Liberty park and there were a lot of people there.  It was nice to feed ducks. It got really windy and cold so we didn't stay very long.  We are going to meet Rachel and Kids at Antelope Island tomorrow around lunch time.  Everyone stay safe.  I go from mad to anxious all in one hour.  I need to calm down.  LOVE MOM


Casey helped the neighbors move this morning.  He is seert.  We played outside and Oliver got hurt.  Then we went in and the kids were restless.  So we walked to the park. Their was a notice and said to have less than 10 people at the park at a time. Their wasn't that many people there.  Casey picked up lunch and we ate it at the park.  Casey tilled the garden today so we are ready to plan.  The boys watched two star wars movies.  We are excited to go hiking tomorrow.  Isaac mentioned a hundred time how excited he is.



Things are good here. I did some homework and got my computer set up for work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, March 20, 2020

We made it

Well this week has been a ride.  We went from work/school to home.  That was a big change.  Today went a lot better for me working from home. The second monitor saved my life.  Robin those flowers are so dang cute.  That is fun.  Costco does have the best meat.  Karen, I am so glad that you got your jeep back.  It was so nice to meet up with you.  It makes life feel normal to me.  We went to Orson Gygi to get yeast but they were all sold out.  There were only 4 people in the whole place.  Rachel,  I am glad you got to get out of the house.  It makes you feel a little normal.  I am glad that school is going so well.  I think me and Rachel and gang are going to meet at Antelope Island and hike for awhile on Sunday.  I thought I could go through a drive through and get some lunch and then just be outside for awhile.  If you guys want to come just let either me or Rachel know.  I thought we would meet up at lunch time.  I was tired today.  We are just going to veg tomorrow and get some rest.  Was Costco really crowded?  We were going to go to Smith's in Park City but it was so crowded.  I thought I would use the old folks times so there wouldn't be as many people.  I am trying not to fight crowds.  LOVE MOM


Today was good, I walked this morning and it was a pretty morning.   School is going well.  We went a little slower today but we got it all done.  It was nicer weather today and we were able to play outsid .  Calleen and Allen came and got the rest of the wood from the neighbors.   The neighbors are moving tomorrow.   After dinner we went to Lee's and got some honey and ended up with a bunch of stuff.  We got icecream through the drive through because the kids have been so good this week.  I am excited to meet up Sunday. I forgot, we cut Isaac's hair this morning and he looks cute.



My Friday was good as well. I am now officially working from home as of Monday. All high risk people are to work from home. So I moved my computer to my place. Then I got a call my jeep was done. So I called mom and dad and pick it up. My windshield sprayer now works. We had dinner and went to best buy so I could get a power strip and a cable. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


Today was good because it was Friday. I was antsy around 2:30 so I took a break from work and took Jenkins on a walk it was nice to walk around. Jeramy came home and we thought we would hit Costco before the weekend hit. We went at the perfect time. They were passing out toilet paper and we got caught up in the whirl wind and bought a pack lol. We bought some food and steak. Jeramy also bought me these cute flowers for my porch. I made tin foil dinner with the steak we bought. It was so good. I'm not sure what I did but it was magical. Hit the spot. Hope everyone has a good Friday. Jeramy has to work tomorrow so I might sew I'm excited.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day 1

So today was my first day to work from home.  I need a second monitor so dad tried to use my computer but everytime we hooked it up  it wouldn't not allow us to use remote access.  We went to help Karen after work and went to Walmart and got me a monitor so in the morning we will hook that up.  This is just crazy.  I am emotional too.  They won't even let you go outside any more in California.  That is bad. Walmart didn't have many people at all when we went there.  There still wasn't any toilet paper.  I don't know what to think.  Italy has 60 million people and 35,000 people have the virus.  What makes a pandemic?  I think I am with Rachel and emotional.  I am glad the kids are loving home school.  Isaac does look better in his pictures.  I am glad you went to Lee's today.  Robin, I am sorry that day 2 was hard.  They were telling me I might not be able to come back for a long while.  What happened to 2 weeks?  Well I am going to get off my soap box and go to bed.  LOVE MOM


Things are good here. It snowed all day here instead of rain. I got my first allergy shot this morning. So far it isn't too bad. Then after work I took my car in to get the sprayer fixed. Mom and dad came and picked me up. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


It was raining today so we were stuck inside.  I was able to walk this morning before the rain which was nice.  Homeschooling is going really well.  The kids are so good to do the work.  The teachers set it up so nice, they are amazing.  Isaac's teacher even recorded her reading a book that we listened too.  Isaac seems less stressed.  He was so stressed about school all the time and he is a lot happier.  We went to Lees and picked up a some stuff for storage and groceries we needed.  It was good for my soul to go to the store like normal and get out a bit.  After school Isaac made a pillow with his fabric.  It turned out good and he is happy.  I hope that everyone is doing ok.  All these changes make me emotional.  I can't believe it is Friday already, this week went fast.



This morning time was so slow then at lunch every thing fell apart and it was Hussle time. It was just alot of work but I finally got through. I was so tired today but I think it's because I'm drinking less caffeine and my body is re adjusting. Its hopefully a good thing. I got a humidifier in the mail today so hopefully that will help our dry caugh. Me and Jeramy I think have allergies so our throats are dry. They say it's a symptom of cornavirus but I've had it for a week and no fever. So I think it's allergies. 


Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I was taking a shower when it hit and it was a big one.  It made me dizzy all day.  I took drugs and that helped.  I worked and then packed  up to work from home.  Dad came and got me and we went to Lehi.  We went to the Mill and they were really picked over.  We did get some more cream of wheat but they were out of the maple sugar and just had strawberries and cream.  I got each of us one.  We went to Walmart to get chips and it wasn't very crowded.  Not much on the shelves but we got right in and out.  They were putting wipes on the shelves so I got some of those.  I was out.  Then I went to the dentist.  It was kind of hard to talk about losing your teeth but I think we have a plan so that is good.  They pull the teeth and make you a denture then in 6 months you go in and get implants and then in another 6 months you come back and get a better denture.  It will take a year to get it all done.  We met up with Robin afterwards and it was so much fun to visit and help her.  She was having trouble putting up a blind so dad helped her cut it and get it up.  It was so nice to visit.  I took Jenkins for a walk and it was nice to be outside.  I got a chocolate milkshake for dinner and it tasted so good.  Rachel, I am so glad that school went well.  The kids look really happy and Isaac looks rested.  Karen, good luck with your shots.  Let me know if you need anything.  I hope your get your jeep fixed soon.  LOVE MOM


That is crazy you couldn't work because of the earthquake.  It must have been near where you work.  Good luck with your shots Karen.  I hope that they work really fast and make you feel better.  I am glad that you are getting them.  Today was the first day of home school and it went good.  The teachers did a lot of work and it was really nice.  Oliver's teacher did videos and walked them through everything.  We started at 10 and were done around 2:30.  We took a couple of breaks and had an hour lunch break.  The kids were really good about it.  Isaac used my computer and Oliver used Casey's.  They both were on the computer most of the time.  I didn't have much for Ruth to do so I bought some preschool printouts for a dollar.  Then she would just go and play.  She would come back and color or paint something.  It seemed to work.  We watched movie after school and then went on a walk.  The weather had cleared a bit which was nice.  The kids played in the backyard when we got back.  Good luck everyone.  That earthquake is so crazy.  I was walking when it happened and didn't feel anything.  People in Logan did feel something but nothing like you guys did.



Things are good here. No shaking here. Work is still moving along. I think I get at least 3 emails a day about the coronavirus. I still don't have an appointment to get my sprayer fixed, but my allergy shots are ready so I am going to take the first one tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

shake and bake

The earthquakes were crazy. I felt 2 big ones. I guess work was hit with damage so we couldn't work till 12 since our computer systems were down. So I took a nap. Then I started to work at 12 the after shocks were bad so they told us to stop working again at 2:30 so today was a short day. They may or may not work tomorrow. They are going to let us know. I guess they have to access the building to see if it's safe. I out a picture below that my boss sent me of the ceiling. Mom and dad came down they helped me with my blinds in my living room that were 1/4 inch to big. We got it all worked out and it looks great. Then they bought us Arby's. It tasted good. 


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I'm next

Well I am the next person to work from home.  I was told this afternoon that I need to start working from home.  We are having some interviews in the morning so I am going in for that and then I have a dentist appointment in Lehi so I was planning on taking the afternoon off anyway.  I am glad you enjoyed it Robin.  I hope it works out for me as well.  It kind of put me in a panic mode.  I can't tell if everyone is over reacting or if I am being blind.  I hope my panic mode goes away soon.  I sent pizza to the kids before they stop doing that.  I am going to have to incorporate yoga in my stay at home plan. I was going to stop by the Lehi Mill again and get some more stuff.  Rachel said that cream of wheat is really yummy and I figured it would be good to have a couple more of those around.  I had an idea for the weekend.  I wasn't sure what everyone wanted to do but it is suppose to be really good weather.  I thought may be just hiking somewhere.  I thought maybe West but not too far of a drive.  Let me know what you think about that idea.  Jenkins could come if you wanted to bring him.  I was wondering about Antelope Island or something like that.  There are a lot of places to hike around that I think would be good for us to get some fresh air.  We don't have to play this weekend if everyone would prefer to rest.  LOVE MOM

Happy St Patrick's Day

I am glad that working from home went well Robin, I was thinking about you today.  I am glad that you got milk Karen, I was worried.  Happy St Patrick's Day, the kids wore their shirt Mom got them and they looked really cute.  Home schooling is supposed to start tomorrow so we just had a fun day. It was pretty outside and the kids played outside for most of it.  I was vacuuming  this morning and Isaac wanted to ride his bike.  I thought well he is old enough to go by himself as long as he stayed on our street and on the sidewalk.  He came back and had two crashes and was beat up.  His poor hand was the worst and had a cut on it.  Poor guy.  This afternoon we made teddy bears which some minky Mom had gotten us a while ago.  It was good to use it.  Isaac didn't want to make one.  Oliver's fabric was so fuzzy it was harder to sew and when we cut it their was fuzz everywhere. It made Oliver throw up a bit.  This morning the kids made a leprechaun trap and had fun.  We bought them some chocolate gold coins that was fun.  Karen bought Isaac some books and they came today, thanks again Karen.  This evening they had the packets ready for home school.  We just drove up and told them our name and they handed it to us.  It was really fast and nice.  Mom and Dad ordered us pizza for dinner and it tasted good.  The kids loved it.  Casey worked a late because he had a lot to do.  Love you guys and I hope everyone is holding up ok.


change of heart

I was kinda worried about working from home I wasn't sure if I could stay focused. But it actually was really nice. Im kinda glad I get to work from home for a while. I just turned on my Alexa and relaxed, no one came in and disturbed me I could do laundry and dishes when I needed a few minute break. Me and Jeramy went on a walk around the park after work and that was nice to go out for a minute. Hope everyone is ok under lock down. Be safe :)


I finally got milk. Yeah! Things are going good here. Work is still moving along. Still discussing the coronavirus virus. But I am getting work stuff done so that is good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, March 16, 2020


My day was good. I was told that I could work from home if I wanted. But I said I would still come in. I went to food town to get some milk but they didn't have any milk at all so I just came home. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Robin, I hope you enjoy working from home.  That is interesting they let you do that.  No one offered that to me.  Karen's work offered it to her.  Rachel, I hope you survived your first day of kids and not being able to go anywhere.  I did go to Smith's after work to get strawberries and brown sugar for an oatmeal bar tomorrow at work for St. Patricks day.  I thought they should have canceled that. It was amazing to see how much food they had and not many people.  I did have to wait in line but not much more than you have to do on a usual day.  The lady at the self check out was cleaning the registers after every person came by.  I thought that was really nice of her.  I did hoard some Mount Dew for Jeramy.  We thought the same thing as Robin so we ordered a Pizza Hut Pizza and picked that up and had that for dinner.  It tasted so good.  It is one of my favorite pizzas.  Everyone be really safe out there.  I guess I see so much panic at work that it is hard not to pick that up.  I bet they met at least 4 hours a day just on the covid 19 virus and what to do.  I think there are 3 kids in the hospital that they are testing right now.  The results haven't come back yet.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


That is good that you get to work from home.  Good luck Robin.  They are getting the homeschooling stuff all set up.  We can pick up the packets tomorrow from the school.   They are doing a drive up so you don't get out of your car.  Isaac's teacher set up an online classroom and sent a video on how to access it.  So we were able to set that all up.  Today went good.  I woke the kids up at the same time.  I thought it would be good so they would go to bed at night.  They were excited to be at home and had a good day.  We made some strawberry bars that are so good.  We have eaten most of it.  We did some school work and crafts.  It was a cold but nice day so they played outside a lot.  I brought out the diamond craft but they have a hard time doing it.  Casey worked half a day.  He went to the store and Ruth whispered that she wanted to get me flowers.  It was so cute, it made me cry.  We called Randy and went fishing at first dam.  We caught two fish so Ruth and Isaac got to reel them in.  We were trying hard to get a third fish for Oliver but we didn't get one.  We made them for dinner but they were bony.  Casey can work from home but he has a hard time working here so I think he will just keep going into the office.  He will be pretty isolated there I think.  Good luck guys, this is so crazy.



I'm officially working from home tomorrow. I might go in once or twice a week depending on need. So we will see. I was kinda excited to hang out with Jenkins all day. And I can sleep in because I'm saving myself a 40 minute drive both ways. I might like working from home lol we will see in a week. I heard harmons still had a good supply of food so we went down and bought some things. It was triple the cost of Walmart so we should have just waited but you live and learn. We went to McDonald's for dinner. We were not sure how long they would allow fast food to stay open so we thought we would go wild. Stay safe


Sunday, March 15, 2020


I had a hard time falling asleep last night.  It was weird.  I did take a long nap today.  It just feels weird.  I am so glad we got some supplies over the weekend.  I do feel better about that.  With the restaurants closing down now.  It makes me even more nervous. Rachel, I can see where canceling your exercise class can be depressing.  It just makes you feel more and more isolated.  I felt that way today and it was just a usually Sunday for us.  I feel like I should be doing something.  Karen, I did my dishes today as well.  I know I live on the wild side.  I am going to work tomorrow and we will see what happens there.  I might be working from home as well.  Have a nice day tomorrow.  It was sunny here today. I guess we need to find this time as a blessing and work on things that we haven't been able to do lately.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the nice weekend.  It was good to see everyone.  Thanks for all the food Mom and Dad.  We are set, thank you.  Frozen 2 is on Disney + now so we watched that today.  Casey and the boys made a fire outside.  It was cold today.  I think that is is going to be cold and rainy for a lot of next week but I could be wrong.  They cancelled my exercise class and for some reason that really depresses me.  It will be fine.  Oliver's teacher sent out an email and we can pick up his packet tomorrow.  Good luck this week.  Casey's work sent out an email and he might work from home now.  We aren't sure.  They are going to have a meeting tomorrow.  Love you guys and stay safe.



My day has been good. I just took it easy. I did get my dishes done so I was a little productive. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...