Sunday, March 15, 2020


I had a hard time falling asleep last night.  It was weird.  I did take a long nap today.  It just feels weird.  I am so glad we got some supplies over the weekend.  I do feel better about that.  With the restaurants closing down now.  It makes me even more nervous. Rachel, I can see where canceling your exercise class can be depressing.  It just makes you feel more and more isolated.  I felt that way today and it was just a usually Sunday for us.  I feel like I should be doing something.  Karen, I did my dishes today as well.  I know I live on the wild side.  I am going to work tomorrow and we will see what happens there.  I might be working from home as well.  Have a nice day tomorrow.  It was sunny here today. I guess we need to find this time as a blessing and work on things that we haven't been able to do lately.  LOVE MOM

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