Friday, November 16, 2018


My day was good. My class went good. I did have to take 2 cell phones away, but now they know I mean business when I ask then to put then away. Work was busy so it went by fast. Se. You all tomorrow. Bye


That is awesome about your choosing a job, I am excited for you Mom.  I exercised this morning and they did the exercise to baby shark, have you guys seen that video.  It was fun to do.  Oliver has been singing baby shark all day and it is stuck in all our head.  We walked to picked up Isaac and then went to the library.  It was fun, they have a new slide and the kids liked that.  It was fun to walk, the weather has been perfect.  You don't even need a jacket.  Imogen came over and played, I haven't had her over since the Josh Gorban incident but it was fine and the kids had fun.  I am just cutting way back on the time she can come over.  Isaac also needs downtime, he is grumpy after play dates.   It is Randy's birthday and he wanted to go to Panda so we met everyone there but it was so busy we went to Wok on Wheels.  That was also busy so we ordered and ate it up at their house.  Then we just visited, it was a nice evening.  Keep us updated Mom and we will be down tomorrow.


This has to be one of the weirdest weeks

I had a one on one with out patient clinics and told them I was interested in the job.  I think it is the right move for me.  I will keep you updated what happens but for right now that is my next step.  Crazy what can happen in a week isn't it.  We took Jared's family to the zoo this afternoon.  They have been wanting to go again and they have 1/2 day on Friday.  They had a good time and I was so pleasant.  Thanks Robin.  I went grocery shopping afterwards and then we just vegged the rest of the day.  Annette said the hospice doctor said she only had a day or two.  I am not sure I believe that but we will see how it goes.  We are going down in the morning to visit.  I will let you know how the day evolves.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad today was friday. From the sound of it grandma isn't doing so great. I have a makeup gig tomorrow morning but if you need me I will have my phone. I have the rest of the week off so if anyone needs a place to stay you can stay with me and Jenkins :) love you guys.


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Weird week

It has been a really weird week.  It seems like a long week but yet it is already Friday.  Dad went and saw grandma today and then came home and we met up with the Gumm Gang.  It was nice to visit and Julie was having trouble programming her heat so we went out and saw her new place and Gary figured it out for her, I think.  It is a really cute place and I think she will be happy there.  She is adjusting but I think it was a good move for her.  It was late when we got home.  I think tomorrow we are going to meet up with Jared's family and take them to the zoo.  That should be a lot of fun.  I did get some work done today and that felt nice.  It was quieter today. I am so looking forward to the weekend.  Rachel, I think we have a lot of stuff for bingo.  We will be good.  I love the pillow.  Karen I am glad you are teaching.  That is fun.  Robin, I am jealous you have the whole week off.  They took grandma home today so that was good.  They took her PICC line out.  That looks so sore where they had placed it.  It was right under her arm pit.  Weird place.  She has so many bruises on her.  Everyone have a wonderful Friday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Tomorrow will be better because its friday and the start of a week vacation. :) I came home and cooked some dinner then I just watched some t.v i was going to sew but Jenkins cuddled in and I couldn't leave lol. He finally had to go to the bathroom so I took him out and then I sewed some shoes.



Today was good.  Oliver had school and we went grocery shopping.  We made cookies and then walked to the park after lunch.  It was such a pretty day we really didn't even need jackets.  Isaac's friend Ty came over to play.  They are best friends and were really excited to play together.  He is a cute boy.  I made stew and we had Leona over.  She liked the stew but doesn't want to come over for dinner until spring because it is too late and dark now.  She is going to come to Karen's house for Christmas if that is ok.  She doesn't have anywhere to go so we invited her.  Karen has the perfect house.  Thank you.  Grandma talked back with us on Marco polo which was nice, she doesn't seem like she feels good.  I hope that they can keep her pain levels down.  I was going to make pot holders for bingo but I made one and it was ugly so I just made a pillow with the rest of my blocks.  Ruthie loves it and claimed it for herself.



Teaching went good this morning. There are twice as many students as last year so it is a little more chaotic, but still fun. Then work was busy. At least i get to leave at 4 because the class starts at 730. I did send a marco polo when i got home. Sorry I missed your call mom. I put my phone on silent and forgot to turn the ringer back on. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


I hope.your teaching is fun Karen. Mom I dont think I will go this time if that is ok. I'm glad you had some sewing time rachel. My day was good just same ole same ole. I am glad we are getting closer to friday. I'm ready for some vacation time. :)


Sewing day

Karen, that is fun that you are teaching again.  Good job.  You had a busy day Mom, you are always on the go.  Sewing day was a lot of fun.  I dropped Oliver off at school and then we went and sewed.  I had Randy pick up Oliver from school and then they played.  Randy took Oliver up to his institute class and they had a fun time.  Sewing was fun and it was good to talk with everyone.  Ruthie did a really good job and was content to play and watch movies.  We got lunch at firehouse pizza.  Sylvia picked it up but they are so slow it was almost time to go when we were done eating.  It was a fun day.  Me and Ruth walked and picked up Isaac from school which was nice.  Oliver forgot his puppy and tiger so Randy ran it down later and visited for a while.  This week is going fast.  I am excited for Thanksgiving.


Hump day

I went to work today and then went and helped a Zero harm Fair at Wasatch Canyons it is by the Walmart where Robin use to live.  It was about 2 and I was driving home and there was a wreck by the freeway and I hadn't had lunch so I stopped and had lunch and then decided to just go home.  Dad had a doctor's appointment at 4 today so I took a nap.  Karen, I didn't know you were teaching again. I am glad you are doing that.  I hope it is fun.  Why are you having patient training?  Grandma isn't any better today and Susan is coming up this weekend to help out.  Dad is going down tomorrow to check things out.  Robin do you want to meet at Applebees tomorrow night around 6:00?  The Gumm gang is getting together.  I did get air in my tires tonight and that was good.  That one tire was really flat.  We picked up hot dogs for dinner.  I almost kept the part I didn't eat for Jenkins but I decided I better not.  Rachel, I hope your sewing group was fun.  LOVE MOM


Well I had IP training today (basically patient training). It went from 10 to 3. So that was basically my day. I also start teaching at the high school again starting tomorrow. So fun times. Mom don't forget to download the  book I got you. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Today wasn't as stressful so that was good.  It was busy but I made it through.  I was glad about that one.  We were going to go visit grandma but decided to eat first and miss some of the traffic.  She didn't want visitors so we stopped at the bookstore and went to best buy to look at those labs for the switch.  They were sold out.  I hope they aren't a hot item.  Grandma's kidneys are in failure and she isn't doing really great.  They talked dialysis and she refused.  Annette said they haven't given up yet and are giving her a couple more days at the hospital. Annette said if she doesn't get better she is taking her home on hospice.  Poor thing.  Thanks Rachel for going to Pepperidge Farm.  Everyone loves those prizes.  I have to go out to Wasatch Canyons (behavioral Health) by where Robin use to live and help set up a Zero Harm Fair tomorrow morning.  It will be a busy day.  Robin, I was thinking you should take that cute picture of Jenkins and photo shop a red nose and horns on him and he could be Rudolf the red nose dog.  He is attached to you for sure.  I am so happy for you.  Karen meetings sure make for a long day.  I am glad your sugars were better this morning.  Well have a great hump day.  Have fun sewing Rachel.  LOVE MOM


Jenkins is cute, he definitely likes to be by you at all times.  Today was good.  While Oliver was at school we went to pepperidge farm and got cookies and crackers.  Then we went to story time and Ruthie sat on the rug and did really well.  Oliver decorated a cute vest at school, I thought it was nice of her to do that.  We walked to pick Isaac up and Oliver saw a x in the sky, I attached a picture.  Isaac did piano lessons and he is getting better.  Casey went visiting next door and he was trilled, he was glad to be done.  I have a sewing day tomorrow which will be fun.  Love you guys.



Well it was meeting day today. So from 830 til lunch I was in meetings. It made the morning go by pretty quick. Then it was catch up after lunch. Answering emails i missed while in meetings. But all in all it was a good day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. It was a pretty chill day. I took my machine in and she said it has to go out for repairs. She thinks it's the sensor. But they dont do pick ups till next Tues so I'm keeping it till then to sew and do my sewing class on Monday. It was funny i went up stairs when Jenkins was eating and he lost me he was running around trying to figure out where I was. Lol it made me laugh. He is doing well, hes so cute. Hope everyone is staying warm. Its so cold.


Monday, November 12, 2018


Thanks for the fun weekend. I'm glad things at work went well mom. Today was pretty chill nothing wild on my end. I gave Jenkins a bath and he didn't love it but we made it out alive. Lol then I just relaxed all night. It was nice


Congratulations Mom, that is exciting news.  I am so happy everything is working out.  Karen, I am glad that you called your doctor.  You are so good.  Everyone loved Jenkins and Oliver hasn't stopped talking about him.  He is a cute dog.  We had a fun time in Clifton, it was really good to see everyone.  Richard did a good job on the deck and they got the framing done.  It is a big deck.  I have been feeling so tired lately since the time change.  I worked out this morning and Oliver had school.  He was so happy after school and made a cute turkey.  We didn't do too much else, we just played at home which was nice.  I think tomorrow while Olive is at school we will drive out to Pepperidge farm and get some bingo stuff.  Love you guys and have a good night.


Interesting day

So everyone was worried about me because Doug was leaving and I told them I was ready to move on before this and before I knew it I was behind doors being asked to come work for them.  I was touched.  It made me cry.  Even the CEO stopped by and told me I would be OK.  They would find me a spot.  Then I got an email saying I got a Christmas Bonus.  Black Friday is look really good.  I was so stressed.  I thought for sure I would have to retire early.  I feel very blessed.  I forgot my phone today and that made me feel really isolated.  They approved dad's antibiotic first time so I went and picked that up.  I was pretty excited about that one.  It was a magical day.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  Robin, the gumm gang is meeting on Thursday at the applebees by where you use to leave at 6:00.  I thought you would like to join us.  That gives you time to walk the dog.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. Morning came way too early, but I got up anyway. Work was busy I had a ton of emails. I also calked my doctor because my sugars gave been running high so they made some changes. So that should be good. Congrats on the job offers mom. That us awesome. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fun times

I sure had a nice weekend.  Thanks everyone.  I am spoiled.  We did hook up with Robin today and finished up Bingo.  We are ready to play.  We did drive out and see Grandma.  She is looking really good.  Better than she has for awhile.  We didn't stay long she wanted to sleep.  She is bruised all over the place.  We just slept when we got home and that felt really nice.  It was a busy week.  I hope this one goes a little slower.  Everyone have a great week.  LOVE MOM


Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. I spent last night at mom and dads. Then we met Robin for lunch and some bingo prizes. Then I came home and took a nap. Rachel I got Oliver a magazine subscription. It will be 6 to 10 weeks until it first gets there though. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...