Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Today wasn't as stressful so that was good.  It was busy but I made it through.  I was glad about that one.  We were going to go visit grandma but decided to eat first and miss some of the traffic.  She didn't want visitors so we stopped at the bookstore and went to best buy to look at those labs for the switch.  They were sold out.  I hope they aren't a hot item.  Grandma's kidneys are in failure and she isn't doing really great.  They talked dialysis and she refused.  Annette said they haven't given up yet and are giving her a couple more days at the hospital. Annette said if she doesn't get better she is taking her home on hospice.  Poor thing.  Thanks Rachel for going to Pepperidge Farm.  Everyone loves those prizes.  I have to go out to Wasatch Canyons (behavioral Health) by where Robin use to live and help set up a Zero Harm Fair tomorrow morning.  It will be a busy day.  Robin, I was thinking you should take that cute picture of Jenkins and photo shop a red nose and horns on him and he could be Rudolf the red nose dog.  He is attached to you for sure.  I am so happy for you.  Karen meetings sure make for a long day.  I am glad your sugars were better this morning.  Well have a great hump day.  Have fun sewing Rachel.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...