Thursday, May 24, 2012


sorry i haven't been the best blogger I don't get home till midnight and have to wake up at 6:30. But luckly its friday tomorrow and payday :) yeah!! well going to keep it short mostly here to say hi see you all this weekend robin

The Plan

We are going to meet at Hill Air Force Base on Saturday at 9:00 am and spend the morning there.  It should be fun.  Karen, I will look and see if we have an extra one, if not I will buy you one this weekend.  Today was good.  It was so cold this morning, I was freezing.  I had Isaac in a sweater and socks this morning.  Not much else exciting going on.  I made tacos for dinner and they tasted good.  We are going to have Calleen over for dinner tomorrow and that should be fun.  I am excited for this weekend.  Thanks everyone.



I looked up the airshow and it is saturday and sundary 8:00 - 5:00. It didn't say what time the thunderbirds are flying. I think we should go really early. You can take the front runner and there will be a shuttle bus for 3 dollars. I am excited to go. That will be a lot of fun. I hope the weather is good. CLoudy would be nice for no sunburns. WEll not much going on with us. I am tired tonight. I think I am just going to rest up for the weekend. I am looking forward to it. I called Kay today to see where to she wanted to go for her birthday dinner and they were at the hospital with Bert. He feel and broke two vertebre in his neck. That isn't good. Let me know if anything sounds good. I can't think of any good treats. LOVE MOM


Well I made it to the post office before it closed. Yeah so I got my glass bottles. I also pack 2 of them for spearmint oil. It is suppose to sit for 5 weeks until its done. I am excited for the long weekend it should be tons of fun. Rachel if you could would you bring a tomato brace thing down for me. My tomato plant is doing really well. Well have a great Thursday everyone. BYE

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good idea

I am good with that Idea for the weekend. We could even go to Heber on Sunday if we wanted to. Do you want to meet at Hill Air Force Base and what time. Dad said the detectors are close to coming to the lab. That might change a few things. I love the quilt Rachel. It is so cute. Good luck with getting your bottles tomorrow Karen. I am excited to have a taffy pull with mint taffy. I got my laundry done and I made bacon and tomato sandwiches for dinner and they were good. I even bought a avocado to put on them. I have never had a fish taco. For some reason I can't get past the name of them. I guess I will have to try one. I love the Logan zoo. I am glad that Isaac loved the ducks. Thanks Karen for getting the sippy cups. I got milk today so we are good for the weekend. LOVE MOM

The birds

I finished putting the prairie points on my quilt and I need to quilt it now.  It is taking a lot longer than just binding but I really like it.  I think that it adds a lot to the quilt.  I hope that the quilting turns out.  I put a picture on before I quilted it so you would know it did look good once.  When Casey got home for work we were going to take Kelly out to dinner but he couldn't go but we still went out to Rubios.  It was really good.  I got a fish taco and it was delicious.  Then we went to the Logan zoo.  Isaac liked all the ducks and running around.  He even feed the ducks, I bought some pellets and he through them to the ducks one at a time.  It was cute.  My idea for this weekend is to go to the air show on Saturday and go to Heber City on Monday and play.  I am open though.  Well everyone have a good night.


Well the week is half over. Yeah! I got you 2 sippy cups with handles Rachel. They only had three there and one was pink. My glass bottles are at the post office so I have to run in after work tomorrow to get them. I got a doctors appointment for the 11th of June so I am going to take half a day off. Well that is all my news. BYE

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nice day

I had a good day. Work was busy but I like it that way. Makes the day go fast. My VT came tonight and it was good to visit. It was nice to visit. I enjoyed it. I don't have any great things going on. Seems kind of nice. I looked at the weather and it looks chilly. I think we need to keep an eye on that. What should be the plan. I am excited to do anything. I just like to play. I need to do laundry tomorrow. I am sorry your allergies are bad Karen. Russian Olives are blooming. They are bad for allergies. Have a nice Wednesday. LOVE MOM


Thanks Robin for the tips.  I will try it out on his shoes.  Today was good.  We went to story time and that was fun.  Isaac was a little fussy but we are going to keep going and see if he likes it more.  I finished all my prairie points today and they are really cute.  I will put pictures on when I finish the quilt.  Not much else going on, everyone have a good night.



Well things are going good here in Heber. My allergies are bad today. It is really windy so I think that is why. I am sorry that Issac has smelly feet. Do the sell order eaters for kids? Good luck with your million hours Robin. I am tired just thinking about the amount of hours you work. Well have a great one. BYE

Monday, May 21, 2012

late night

well working a million hours is starting to catch up to me and its only monday. yesh. o well what can you do. well I got payed at lagoon it was fun but it was kinda sad at the same time because I made double on a photoshoot on sunday and I only worked for 2 hours in stead of 20. wierdo. Oh rachel for isaacs shoes if you get some water and a some bleach it will kill the smell in his shoes so he can wear them again. just put it in a sprayer and spray some in till there damp and let dry. or lysol works pretty well to. we use it all the time at lagoon it works pretty well and it doesn't change the color of your shoes. well I am off to bed robin

Love the quilt

I am good for anything this weekend. I would love to go to the Jordanelle and check it out. I am not sure I am ready for the cold water but if you guys want to rent a ski jet for the afternoon that would be fun. I might wait until it is warmer to try it but I may cave because the look so much fun. I think Isaac just sweats so much his feet will smell a lot. He is a hot body that is for sure. I had a good day also. IT was quiet and I liked that. We did go to target and walk around. I was looking for a table for work but they were all sold out. My bad. I am excited for this weekend. Congratulations Casey!!!!! That is so much fun.

Smelly Feet

Isaac has had the smelliest feet lately.  I think that it is his shoes because they smell really bad also.  So today    after I got done shopping at Sams we went to the mall and got him a new pair.  They are cute and I hope that they help the smell.  Casey got a huge raise at work today, it is going to be really nice.  We are really excited.  They raised all the techs pay to be more fair with what everyone else in the industry is getting.  Casey said that we should take everyone out to eat in celebration.  I was thinking this weekend of going up to Heber and see where you live Karen and maybe play around at Jorden L.  Maybe if there are some short hikes around we could do that also.  I would like to eat at that pickle place.  I finished binding my quilt today and I think that it turned out really good.  I did a lot of quilting on it, it is kind of sloppy but I am just going to keep practicing and hopefully I will get better.  That is exciting that your started the quilt Robin.  I am excited to see it.  I made corn beef and cabbage for dinner and it was so good.  Isaac even liked it which says a lot.  Thank you Mom.



Well I made it thru Monday. My glasses bottles aren't here yet so I guess I won't start my spearmint experiment yet. Work is good. I have been making progress on the projects I have been given so that is good. Do we have plans for the long weekend yet? Just wondering. That is cool that you have started the quilt Robin. I am excited for it. Well have a great one. BYE

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fire Eclipse

We saw the eclipse also.  It was so fun to see.  We went over to Casey's Dad's and me and Terry made a projector.  It was just a long box with a hole in it and you could see it projected on a white piece of paper.  It was really neat.  Church was kind of complicated for me today.  Casey was working and Isaac seemed really tired and grumpy.  So I put him down for his nap close to 12 and I thought he would wake up and I would take him to nursery so he would start getting used to it. So he made a noise at 2:10 and I thought that was perfect so I went in there and he wasn't really awake.  But I had woken him up so he was grumpy.  So we just took it slow and I decided I would just try to go to relief society.  But he started to cry when the lesson started so I went out in the hall.  I did talk to the nursery leader and she said that he can come and try it out.  So I think I will try putting him down for a nap early and then go to nursery.  I am hoping that will work.  Sorry that was long winded, it was tough afternoon.  I did have a really fun time watching the eclipse, it was a fun night.


How hard can it be

I just want to know how hard can it be to find the right ward. Man that is a pain. I hope it is a better time for you however. You were in the right building? I think there has to be a better system for finding the right ward. Well we have been out watching the solar eclipse. We punched a hole in some paper and watched it and then someone came by with glasses and let us see it. It was way cool. We made it to church today and then took a nap. It has been a good day. I don't have any more news. Have a great week and I am looking forward to a long weekend YEAH

Try, Try, Again

Well I went to church and it was the wrong ward. But they did tell me the right one to go to so it wasn't too bad. Then I came home and did my laundry. I also washed my sheets so yeah clean sheet day. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...