Saturday, February 29, 2020


We were able to help Robin get her apartment all cleaned up and she is done with that.  We went to Ikea for lunch and got her a new book case for her sewing room.  She needed a place to put her TV.  We came home and just vegged.  We are watching the marvel movies.  Dad found the movies in chronical  order.  Iron man was the first one.  I thought that was interesting.  I did cook my roast and tomorrow I am going to make chili with it.  I hope it turns out.  That was my exciting news.  Sorry I didn't blog last night I fell sound asleep on the couch and just went to bed.  I did make 11,000 steps today.  Rachel I don't know how you do 20,000 a day.  That is so many steps.  Be careful in the snow tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

thanks again

Mom and dad were awesome and helped clean my apartment. It's all done and looks really nice. We also went to Ikea and got a small book shelf for my sewing room. Thanks again! I was so sore the rest of the night I just relaxed. It was nice to have a quite night



I had a quiet day. It was nice being lazy. It is supposed to start snowing tonight so stay warm everyone. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, February 28, 2020


Today was busy. They didn't get me a final gown list till 11:30. Luckily they pushed it to ship out on Tues to help me out. So I guess it's the little things. I decided I didn't care and left a bit early. It drives me nuts everyone is poor planning and dumps it all. So I figured you can only do what you can do. I meeting up with mom at 10 to clean the apartment. That will be good to have done. Jenkins is starting to warm up to the house. He's not so scared of the front yard. There is a tarp that blows in the wind and he gets so scared. 



Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class this morning.  School for Oliver is earlier on Friday's so it seems rushed to get him there.  I didn't have to help in his class because they had a substitute.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was a really pretty day.  Mom had bought Isaac some cake pop recipes.  With him being sick I haven't made it to the store to get the ingredients.  He wanted to make them today so we made it to the store and then came home and made them.  It was fun and they tasted good.  The kids played outside in the backyard and it was so nice.  It is nice to have more sunlight and longer days.  Hopefully the snow will all melt soon.  Everyone have a good weekend.



Well my jeep didn't get finished today. The new finish date is Tuesday. Oh well what can you do. I am glad that the weekend is here. Work was good and I am making progress. That is all my exciting news I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Almost Friday

Robin,  That will be a miracle to pack in two days and you only have a day and a half left with no dresses.  Good luck with that one.  That is stressful.  I hope commuting is working out good.  Karen good luck with your car tomorrow.  I hope you get your baby back.  Rachel, I am glad that Isaac is feeling better.  He said the movie was good.  Work was quiet today and I got a lot done.  I have been on fire.  It feels so good to be getting caught back up.  We stopped and got firehouse subs for dinner and they tasted good.  Dad seems to be feeling better tonight.  I called the stomach doctor for a check up and it was until end of May before we could see him but they have a PA so we are going on Tuesday to see her.  That made me feel better.  Have a wonderful Friday.  I am over my time by 45 minutes.  I know it isn't a lot but I can leave early tomorrow  YEAH!!!!

just one more minute

Our sales reps were in town this week to see our new collection. One of them bought me a cup with a letter "r" on the front. They said thank you for all my work with the loan program so that was nice of them. I have to pack for Chicago the truck is coming Monday at 12. It usually takes 2 days to pack. But after the meetings the past few days they want to cancel and change half the gowns. They are hoping to get get me the info by the timing isn't working out so great. Hopefully it all works out. The girls I work with are helping so that is nice. I'm ready for tomorrow to be over lol. 


Isaac made it to school today.  I was worried about him but he said he felt good enough.  He had a good day and was feeling better.  I walked a lot today.  I walked this morning, to the school to help in Isaac's class and then to the school again to pick them up.  I got 20,000 steps.  This morning we set up the master tracks and that was fun.  We haven't played with them in forever.  I ordered some pictures for the bulletin board at church and they came today.  So we went and hung up the picture for March.  The kids still wanted to play so we went to Del Taco for lunch so they could play.  After school we watched the movie Mom and Dad sent.  Thanks again.  We had leftovers for dinner which was nice.  I started watching the IT crowd again last night and it is so funny.  We watched another episode tonight.  Good luck with your Jeep Karen.  I love your rental, that would be hard to give up also.  It is pretty fancy.


I was throwing away old toys and Ruth blocked me so I couldn't


Yeah tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here. My cough is getting a little better so that is nice. They are still projecting that my jeep will be done tomorrow so wish me luck with that. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

nice day

Work is going so good.  One of the ladies in administration made soup and gave me a soup crock pot and gave me some of the soup.  I thought that was so nice of her.  Work is going better and I am not so far behind.  It is not so stressful for me.  I like that.  I was worried about Isaac being so sick and I thought maybe a movie would be nice and then I remember how Robin orders food for Jeramy's mom so I thought dinner and a movie.  Well the movie isn't coming until tomorrow but I did order his favorite and had it delivered.  I was hoping that would cheer him up. I hope he starts feeling better.  Dad's stomach has still been really touchy so we have been just coming home after work and taking it easy.  Tonight he had a hard night.  I am not sure what is going on.  We are going to help Robin on Saturday with her apartment so that will be nice.  Karen, I am glad that you went to the doctor.  Your cough has been so bad for so long.  I hope you got some rest this evening.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Wow Karen, good job.  I hope that it helps you.  Good for you.  Isaac was still sick today.  He was doing better than yesterday and came out of his room more.  He wasn't feeling good this morning so I skipped exercise class but I did walk.  It is kind of nice to go slower.  We are able to play with more toys.  We used Oliver's new building sets from Robin and Karen today and that was fun.  Thank you.  Ruth wrote her name on her bead bucket and I was impress with how good it looked.  I helped in Oliver class this afternoon and that went well.  The kids were good today.  Mom ordered us Sushi for dinner and everyone loved it, especially Isaac.  Thanks for much Mom and Dad.  That was fun.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  This week is going by so fast.


Middle of the week

Today was good. The day went by slow but I got a lot done. I'm still so far behind but at least I have some things done. Jenkins is scared of the front yard so I have to sit on the porch while he's outside lol hopefully he will get use to it all soon. I'm ready for the weekend that is for sure



My day was good. I took half day to go to the allergist. It went good and I am all set to get allergy shots. I start in 3 to 4 weeks. It takes that long to make and get the vials. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nice day

I forgot my phone today and that made it hard with no music but I got so much done.  It was amazing.  I was really excited.  I am getting caught up.  I don't really care what days we go to Moab.  We can even go over UEA in October.  I just thought that sounded fun.  Don't change plans for Jeramy's birthday. We can pick a better date.  I was just throwing out an idea to get us moving in a direction to do something.    I am sorry that Isaac is sick.  He has to be really sick to stay in bed all day.  That is sad.  Karen I am so glad you are going to see the allergist.  That cough is so bad all the time.  Not much else to report on my end.  We are making easter bunnies with flexible ears for Easter and they are so cute.  It is fun to have a project.  LOVE MOM


We are in for Moab also.  Thanks Mom.  It will be the weekend before Jeremy's birthday so hopefully that will work out ok.  I am glad that you commute isn't too bad Robin, that makes me happy.  Good job on your pictures Karen.  I love the one of Jenkins, we should frame it.  Isaac woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and didn't feel well.  I called him sick for school and he just laid in his bed all day which mean he didn't feel good.  Isaac never sits still.  We just hung around the house today and played.  The little kids had school and I picked up a egg mcmuffin for Isaac because they sounded good to him.  Oliver had a play date after school.  The little boy was so quiet at Oliver's birthday party but today he was the complete opposite.   It was funny.  They had a good time together and the time went really fast.  Casey had activity days but no one showed up so he came home.  Love you guys. 



My day has been good. It was meeting day so that took up all morning. I decided to ask the allergist about taking the shots so I called and got an appointment tomorrow. After work I finished my art class homework. I also got 40 pu of 40 on the photos Robin helped me take. Thanks again for your help Robin. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was ok. I made it to work. They have these square donuts that are down the block from my house. At work they are the favorite of everyone. So I told them I'm my first day back I would bring in some. They didn't open till 7 so I wasn't on the road till 5 after 7. So I am going to leave a bit earlier tomorrow so I can get ahead of traffic. Getting home wasn't bad. It was actually only about 5-10 minutes more since the freeways were clear. Usually I'm stuck in bangerter traffic and it slows me down. I made tacos tonight. It tasted good. About Moab I will have to check with Jeramy. His birthday is the 29th of May and usually he plans his hot springs trip that weekend. It sounds fun to go to Moab though. We might camp out a night... Just for fun.

Monday, February 24, 2020

did it

I made it to work early to do payroll and it went well.  I think I am getting use to doing it.  Work was quiet and I like that.  I am starting to keep up a little bit.  I stopped and got drugs on the way home and then we just vegged.  Rachel, that is so cute for Oliver.  That is neat they did that.  Isaac is so smart.  Robin, I hope you got some rest today.  Moving is emotional and hard work.  Karen I hope your cough gets better.  I have been pondering a thought.  I was wondering if the weekend after memorial day if we should rent a house in Moab and go hiking.  I thought it would still be cool and after the holiday it might be not so busy.  Do you guys want to do that.  I would rent the house.  I thought that might be a fun way to start summer.  We can make it a long weekend or what ever works for you.  Ponder that thought and let me know what you think.  We can really go any time.  LOVE MOM


Today was a good day.  I walked and went to exercise class this morning.  Oliver has been wanting to have a picnic outside so I made sandwiches and we ate them in the front yard.  Then we went on a walk.  It was fun.  I went grocery shopping while the kids were at school and sewed a bit.  I made some good progress on my programming which felt nice.  Isaac got a 98% on his math test which was awesome.  Oliver got a birthday train from his birthday at school.  All the kids wrote or drew a note for him and they tape them all together to make a train.  He loved it and was excited.  We made the Easter chains that Mom bought us at the book store.  They were cute.  Love you guys and enjoy your night.



It snowed here last night. It wasn't enough to shovel so that was nice. I made it thru work and then I came home and did school stuff. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Sunday, February 23, 2020

nice weekend

What a fun weekend.  Robin, I am glad everything went smoothly with the move.  Rachel you are fine.  Those moves were so good.  It was nice to have them.  We did go to Winco today for groceries.  They are nice.  We got some artichokes for dinner and they tasted really good.  I have payroll tomorrow so I am going in early.  Not super early but an hour or so.  Good luck on your day off Robin.  I can't believe that February is almost over.  This month went by so fast.  We did order some new filament to start making Easter Bunnies for the hospital.  They are really cute.  Dad tested on in black today and we liked them.  They will be fun for Easter baskets.  Have a nice Monday. LOVE MOM


I spent the night at mom and dad's last night. It was fun. Robin I am glad you are making progress unpacking. It takes forever to do. We went to WinCo and went grocery shopping today. Then I drove home. I made salmon for dinner. It tasted really good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


I am glad that you are getting settled Robin.  You have a pretty house and I am happy for you.  Sorry we made it down to late to help.  Today was good.  I had a meeting this morning and then we went to church which went well.  It is going better and it isn't so stressful.  Casey worked this afternoon and we went on a walk and a little bike ride.  It was a pretty day.  Good luck tomorrow.  Monday's are always hard.  Yesterday morning I got up early and put the binding on my alphabet quilt.  It turned out really nice. 



Thanks again for everyone's help. Love you.  Me and Jeramy slept in today. It was nice. The internet guy came by and we have internet now. We went to home Depot just to pick up small stuff for the house. The we just relaxed all night. Made some chicken for dinner. It was nice not to eat out. I took tomorrow off so I'm going to hopefully unpack some more Hope everyone had a good day


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...