Saturday, July 16, 2016


I had a good Saturday. Me, mom, and dad went to the glass blowing class and it was way fun. Then fabric store and dinner. Thanks for the fun time. I didn't take any pictures so you will have to rely on mom for photos. Have a great Sunday everyone.


I just worked today so nothing exciting. I'm glad everyone had a fun weekend. :) happy birthday rachel! I hope you have a great day



Thanks Mom for coming up, we had such a fun time.  The boys miss you, we all do.  The boys and Grandma slept out in the tent both night and had a fun time and even got a little sleep.  Yesterday we went out for doughnuts for breakfast and then went shopping for pictures frames.  We got three beautiful ones and I love them.  We also printed out pictures and I picked them up today.  I have everything together but the middle 8 X 10.  The one I printed out was the wrong orientation and went to print it the right way and it cuts people out of it.  I am thinking about what to do.  Yesterday in the afternoon we went swimming and had a blast.  It felt nice and Isaac was so excited about it it made it fun.  Today we had cake before Grandma left.  Oliver was watching a show and Ruthie was napping so me and Isaac went to Sam's club.  It was nice to just go with him, he wanted a pretzel so we stayed and had a snack.  Then we went to the movie Finding Dori.  We were all going to go but Oliver fell asleep in the car on the way over so Casey went home with the two little ones and me and Isaac watched it.  It was a cute movie and fun to go to.  Randy picked us up since Oliver was still asleep which was nice.  This evening we went on a walk around the block, me, Isaac and Ruth.  Oliver was having a hard day and stayed home.  For all you Josh Groban fans he is in a new broadway musical and released a new song for that yesterday, I love it.  Here is the link.  Josh Groban


I'm Back

What a wonderful time I have had.  Birthday fun up in Logan and then we went glass blowing today.  It was very interesting.  I made a candy bowl.  I will have to post pictures tomorrow.  They have to cool for 48 hours so we will have to go pick them up.  Karen decided to go home after dinner so we just vegged on the couch after that.  It was fun to sleep in the tent with the boys.  They are so dang cute.  Ruthie is such a happy baby.  She is a joy.  After glass blowing we went to JoAnns and spent my gift card (tell Walter Thanks) and bought tie die stuff to make T-shirts next weekend.  I did get black paint for Isaac to make a shirt with.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Friday, July 15, 2016

Made it

I made it through Friday. It.was busy. I didn't have to work at scheels so I took a nap. Walter went up to the va for the weekend since the fireworks have been bad. I am working tomorrow at scheels so my weekend will be chill.



Well my day has been good. Work only dragged a little but near the end of the day. I am so glad that the weekend is here. I really don't have anything exciting to report so I put minion jokes at the end to make my post seem longer. Have a great weekend everyone.

Image result for jokes
Image result for minion jokes
Image result for minion jokes
Image result for minion jokes

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The eagle has landed

Mom has made it safe to Logan and the boys and her are sleeping in the tent tonight.  I hope that it goes well.  We ate dinner at the Mongolian barbecue place and it tasted really good.  I saw that too Karen about the game console, you should buy it and I will play it.  It looks fun.  I only have one picture, Oliver didn't like the shirt I picked out this morning so he went shirtless for a while.


I might need this

Well today I saw that Nintendo is releasing a mini consule of the original nes system. Here is the story:

It looks like it will be fun. Thing were good here today. I made progress at work so that is always good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.

Baby step

I am glad tomorrow is friday and only 3 more days till rachel's b-day. Not alot to report on my side I am working at scheels tonight and maggie was busy as usual. I am ready for a nap. Have a great friday robin

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sounds good

That will work to do it next week. If you change your mind I can still come up. But I will plan for the 23rd. Today was good. Busy as always. Me and Walter met up and had cafe rio. It tasted good. I am glad it's almost friday but It's hard to believe next week is the 24th. And Rachel birthday is this weekend. This month is flying by. Well have a good one



Let's skip Sunday and just do something over the 24th when we are all together.  I don't think I can get down to SLC in time for dinner.  You guys are sweet.  We had a fun day today.  Isaac's friend Henry came over to play this morning and they had fun.  We had lunch and then headed over to the library water party.  Isaac's friend Collin was their and they had a fun time.  We were their for two hours.  The bounce houses were too big for Oliver so we just sat in the shade and played games on my phone.  We have been going on walks/bike rides every night and it has been really nice.  Isaac has been using his camera he got for Christmas lately.  Tonight him and Casey hooked it to his bike so he could video it.  I forgot to put the big memory card in so we didn't get much but I will fix that.  Thanks for coming up Mom, we are excited.


My bags are packed

My bags are packed and I am ready for an adventure.  It takes an hour for the train to make it Ogden from downtown.  I will call when I am ready to leave.  I talked with Rachel and she said that we could do her birthday at Karen's the next weekend but I am good with anything.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  I am leaving for Logan after work.  I am going to try and slip out a little early.  Wish me luck.  LOVE MOM


I am good with meeting on Sunday if everyone else is. My day has been good. Work is still moving along. I am glad that the week is half over though. I really done have anything exciting to report so I will sign off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Today was good. I got a lot done so that was nice. Then I came home and took a nap hopefully I can sleep tonight but it was nice to sleep. At work some one sent an email to all of our customers about changes happening. It was suppose to be released next month and has been on the down low. Needless to say people are not happy....Well not much else with me.... I have Sunday off do you want me to go to Logan for Rachel's b-day??



Today was warmer outside but their was a nice breeze which was nice.  Today was nice.  We went and got two new sprinklers since two of ours broke and then got some root beer milk.  Oh I also got a shoe rack.  We have shoes everywhere and Casey is going to make a nice one but I saw a cheap one today so I grabbed it just to get the shoes under control.  It is nice.  Ruthie and Oliver took a nap and Isaac wanted to watch the new lego movie so it was a nice break.  Casey made bread today and then mowed the lawn.  While he was mowing we went on a walk and Isaac rode his bike.  It was a nice walk.  Then we all went out for ice cream which was fun.  


Quiet day

We had a salad competition at work today and I made bumpy salad and a spaghetti salad.  I was worried no one would bring stuff.  I didn't win but it was fun and everyone seemed to have a good time.  We stopped and got some shots after work and then we just vegged the rest of the night.  I am going to take Front Runner to Ogden Thursday night and then Rachel is going to pick me up and I am going to spend some time in Logan.  I am looking forward to that.  On Saturday afternoon Karen bought us glass blowing classes for our birthday.  I am really interested to see how that works.  It is at Thanksgiving point.  Have a wonderful hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. The Lt. Governor did show up today with his entourage. The showed up around 10 had a tour and then left around 11. I only show them as they were walking in, but it seemed really random to have him out in Kamas. Other than that it was just the usual Tuesday stuff. I did run to Walmart after work and got my prescriptions. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, July 11, 2016

Is it Friday?

Robin, I did the same thing yesterday but it was so nice to take a nap.  It was worth not sleeping last night.  I loved it.  That is nice of them to give you 10 dollars.  Just to say you are doing a good job is really nice.  You have been under so much stress.  Karen, I am sorry about your lawn mower but that was a good excuse not to do it.  We are having a salad contest tomorrow for work.  I made bumpy salad and spaghetti salad.  I was worried there wouldn't be enough salads.  Not much else going on with me.  I am only working until Thursday and then going up to Logan to play with Rachel and the kids.  Rachel is looks like I am going to be taking front runner up there.  Seer got a sale for detectors and some money to work on Navi Seer.  Life has changed again for us.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM

Cool weather

Sorry about your lawn mower Karen, I hate them, they break so easy.  We had a pretty good day.  We went to Sam's club and got a couple of things and had lunch.  Oliver is the worst to shop with and had a couple of melt downs but we made it.  Ruth and Oliver took a nap this afternoon and me and Isaac watched a movie, it was nice.  This evening Casey and Isaac cleaned the jeep and me, Ruth and Oliver walked around the block.  It was really cool and nice today, I liked it.



Well i almost got my lawn all mowed today. I got the front mowed and then there was a dead bird, so I stopped the mowed to get rid of it. Then when i restarted it smoke started coming out of it. So dad suggested i clean the air filter. So i am going to pull that out and see if it helps. Other than that my day was good. I really enjoyed the cool weather today. I hope everyone had a great Monday.


I slept so much over the weekend I couldn't fall asleep so I am tired. Today went by really fast which was nice. My boss pull me to the side and gave me 10 dollars at 7-11 and said thanks for all the extra hard work lately. So that was nice. I had to work at scheels so I guess I will have to spend my mega bucks at a later time. It is free slurpee day though just fyi. Well have a good night


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Quiet day also

Robin, I love your pictures.  I am so glad you had a quiet weekend.  You really needed one of those.  I love your ceramics.  Karen, one day down 9 to go.  I hope you don't get called.  Rachel, I am glad you had a good weekend.  I am excited for your birthday.  I am planning on coming up on Thursday night and playing.  Everyone have a nice Monday.  It should be the perfect weather.  They said it could snow in Yellowstone tomorrow.  We met Grandma, Susan and Jani for lunch today.  That was nice to visit.  We went to Alice's.  We haven't been there for a long time.  LOVE MOM

Birthday countdown

We had a good weekend.  Saturday we went over to the farmers market.  They had a bunch of remote controller airplanes that were neat.  They were supposed to have drones but they weren't their and Isaac was disappointed.   Terry picked me up and we went to Pocatello for the baby shower.  Kimi's in laws threw it and they put a lot of work into it.  It was in a jungle themed room and they had cute jungle decorations.  Kimi is having everything really gender neutral.  Terry took us out for lunch and that was fun.  Randy came over and hung out with casey and the kids.  They were going to a concert at the tabernacle when we got back and Isaac wanted to go with them so he was gone all evening and had fun.  Casey fixed the leak in his car, it was a gas leak.  Today Casey didn't feel well so he stayed home with Oliver and the rest of us went to church.  Library Linda said hi Mom and Shirley had a stroke and is having a hard time.  We had a relaxing rest of the day and picked some raspberries.  It is one week till my birthday.  I am excited.



Today was chill. I had the day off. Its weird having free time. I sleep mostly, its not productive but its nice to feel rested. I picked up me and karen's ceramic pieces we painted last week. I also played more in photoshop with out tutorials to see if I could remember how to do things. Ruth's picture is blurry but I will have to work with it and see what I am doing wrong. Have a good monday robin


Well I called the number for jury duty tonight and the message said it was cancelled. So that it my exciting news for today. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...