Saturday, March 2, 2024


 What exercise classes have you gone to last week?  That fun.  I like yoga and it is harder than it seems.  I went to exercise class this morning and it was high.  I made some fabric carrots and they are so cute.  We went and got a present for Ruth's friend and then she went to her birthday party this afternoon.  We had a big thunderstorm come through and it was pretty impressive.  It hailed and snowed.  Isaac made some salsa and it tasted really good.We went and saw the second dune this evening.  It was pretty good.  We all liked it but it was long.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 Robin called and asked us to watch Luna while they helped teri take stuff to the dump. We left early to miss the storm. Luna still didnt feel great but she wasn't staying in the house. So we went to cabelas and Walmart and then came back home and she took a nap in karens arms. Robin bought panda for lunch and then we ran to Costco. We didn't make it home before the storm started but it wasnt bad. we got about 3 inches. me and Karen shoveled and it was just heavy slush. Rachel I hope you aren't buried in snow. However your kids do love the snow. Robin I am glad Luna is a little better. Her throat still hurts when she eats. Have a nice Sunday. If the weather isn't bad me and Karen are going to try yoga. Love mom

Friday, March 1, 2024


 I got up and we went to the store. I was worried about the storm coming. We came home and then had lunch and I fell sound asleep. I slept all afternoon. Crazy. I did go to the gym.with Karen so.i did move a little bit. Dad got two garden beds ready to plant. The wind was crazy last night. I am so sorry Luna is sick. I hope she gets better real fast. Rachel I hope you had a nice day off.  I hope you don't get buried in the snow.  The kids might love that. Love mom


 I am sorry Luna is sick.  I am glad you can work from home.  I hope you feel better Mom.  Today was really nice.  Isaac had school and Casey had work but me and the little kids had it off.  We went to parent teacher conference and they are doing really well.  I am proud of them.  Everything was really positive.  Ruth had a playdate with Emily and Oliver stayed with them.  They came home and had lunch and Ruth had another play date with another friend.  I sewed and made a towel for the kitchen.  Isaac had a tab meeting so we went with him and got new books from the library.  Isaac also had dungeons and dragons tonight and had a fun time.  We baked and Oliver cut up a pineapple which he was really excited about.

Love Rachel


Luna woke up with a fever. So I ran to work and grabbed my computer and worked from home. She was pretty miserable all day. She still had a fever going to night once her medicine wore off. So I think tonight we are going to be up every 4 hours . Luckily work was slower so that was nice. 


Thursday, February 29, 2024


 I had a rough night. I would cough and then take dayquil and it dried my eyes out. It was weird. I started airborne this morning also and it has helped. I mostly just have my cough left. We did take the weed Wacker out and edged the lawn for awhile. That was fun. I also got my diamond bead out and finished the face on Minnie mouse. That was fun. I just have her big bow left. I am going grocery shopping in the morning and stock up for the big storm. They have really hyped it up. I am curious if we will get as.much as they say. Logan might get pounded. Rachel that is fun you get a day off. Robin I hope you get feeling better. We did go to the gym tonight. I just went slow. I was worried I would start coughing. Love mom


 Today went better and I was on fire and got a lot done.  I cleaned the kitchen this morning before school.  We got out early and we went to the car wash and cleaned the van.  It really needed it.  We just played until Isaac got home.  Isaac had chamber music practice and the little kids had piano lessons.  I went to the class and Casey made dinner.  The little kids don't have school tomorrow which is nice.  Oliver lost a tooth right before piano lessons.  

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I did feel better this morning so that was nice. Work was good, nothing too wild and crazy. Then after work we had dinner and then went to the gym. So yeah for us. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


Today felt like time move backwards all day. It was the longest day. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. I am trying to stay off the cold before it gets too bad. I've been taking airborne and I heard that there was this flu bomb you mix essential oils and it's really supposed to get you over things quickly. So I thought I would try it out lol i hope the myth is true and tomorrow I'm all better Luna put my boots on this morning and walked around it was so funny


Wednesday, February 28, 2024


 I am sorry everyone is sick.  None of us have it right now.  Today was a rough day at school which some hard kids but it is fine.  Tomorrow will be better and it is a short day.  Oliver slipped in the ice at school and had a scratch on his face but he said it doesn't hurt.  After school me, Isaac and Ruth went grocery shopping and then we picked up Oliver.  Isaac made dinner tonight which was really nice of him.  For activity days the boys and girls went and toured a chocolate factory.  Ruth was extra excited and skipped tumbling so she could go.  Isaac did feel like going to young men's so he stayed home.  Casey had a online grotto meeting after activity days and I went to exercise class.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 I for sure have a cold. Dayquil is my friend. I am sorry you guys are sick. I am worried it is was me that gave it to you. I hope it isn't too bad of a cold. We met up with the gumm gang for lunch at black bear dinner. It was nice to visit and get out in the sunshine. I can't believe that tomorrow is leap day. I did change my eye appointment for tomorrow. I just couldn't take getting my eyes dilated. Have a nice last day of February. Love you all. Stay safe. Love mom


 I think I have a cold. Sorry if I gave it to anyone. My throat is sore, congestion, and just feeling crappy. I hope I get over it soon. Other than that things are going good for me. Work is good. They bought us Indian food for lunch today so that was fun. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 


Luna woke up at 2 and didn't go back down till 3 so I was tired all day. On of our vendors in SLC wanted to give us a tour of their presses. So a few of us drove up and they took us out for lunch. We went to the pub that is across from the spaghetti factory in trolley square. It was pricey but really good. The French onion soup was yummy. Then by the time we got home the day was almost over. So I just worked on what I could. Luna was grumpy tonight. I don't think she felt very good. I am starting to get congested so I'm taking everything under the moon to try and avoid it getting bad


Tuesday, February 27, 2024


 I hope everyone feels better.  I hate this time of year.  Casey had a early meeting this morning and I had a meeting before school so we all had to get ready fast.  I had two extra classes today because of the short school week and it made the day go really fast.  I also cleaned up a bulletin board.  It looks better to me.  We didn't have anything extra going on this afternoon which was nice.  I messed up dinner so Casey stopped at the store in the way home to get extra ingredients.  So dinner was late and I didn't make it to exercise class. 

Love Rachel 


 My eyes got really bad so I used dad's eye drops last night and went to instacare to get my own. Dad also went and he has a blocked salivia gland. He is suppose to eat really sour candy to break up the stone. I am sorry that you guys don't feel good Robin. I hope we didn't give you anything. We just took it easy all day. We got about 3 to 4 inches of snow. Have a nice Wednesday. We are meeting the gumm gang for lunch. Love mom


We had a windy storm come thru but we only had about an inch and it melted by lunch. Luna has a runny nose and Jeramy feels congested. The missionaries came over today there is a new set. Luna is wild and ran the whole time. She was grumpy tonight. 


Monday, February 26, 2024


 Thanks for having us Karen,Mom and Dad.  It was a lot of fun to spend the night and play games.  Oliver fell asleep on the way home and slept until dinner.  He was super tired.  Isaac had violin lessons and he needs to work on how to hold his bow.  We need to work on his hand strength.  I have a short week this week with a early out of Thursday and not school on Friday for the little kids.  Isaac still has to go.

Love Rachel


 Rachels gang spent the night and that was fun. We got up and played for awhile and then went to the jump zone. It wasn't amazing but they got some exercise. Boy can they flip around. We went to Fujis for lunch and I love to watch Isaac eat. I can't believe how one skinny kid can eat that much. He probably had a snack when he got home. I got dad's pink eye. I am sorry about that. I hope no one else gets it. I am going to be bad and just use dads drops. He woke up with a huge lump by his ear. I think it is his tooth but he doesn't think it is. I am not sure where to take him. I did call the doctor but she is booked up so I left a message. It always stresses me out to know what to do and where to take him. Thanks Rachel for coming down. I hope Luna doesn't get pink eye. Be careful in the storm tomorrow. Love you all mom


 I agree with Robin it did seem like a long day. Work went pretty good, nothing too wild and crazy. I am hoping that the storm isn't too bad tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


Sorry I forgot to blog all weekend. Saturday we drove down and helped clean Jeramys sisters house. We didn't get it all done. But we made a good dent. Then Sunday we went to the zoo. It was fun to be outside. Today was definitely a Monday. It felt like work took a thousand years to end. Then it was just a normal night. Hopefully it doesn't snow to much tonight


Sunday, February 25, 2024


 What a fun day I have had. We started with Luna at the zoo.  She keeps me young. She can run. I love that place. Hope she ate something when she got home. I put potatoes in the oven and then fell sound asleep. Rachel and the kids came and we had dinner and played games. Me and Ruth won Catan. I love being with the kids. Have a nice Monday. We are going to lunch and jump zone. Should be a fun day. Love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...