Saturday, January 19, 2019


Today was nice and I just relaxed. I met up with mom and dad and we walked around sugar house park. Jenkins needed it he was a bundle of energy. He slept the rest of the day. Lol I went to cafe rio for dinner and then sewed for a bit.

I was going to post pictures but for last last few days it wont let me :( when I figure it out I will post then :)



Thanks for having us this weekend.  I am not too worried about the snow.  We can see how it is Monday.  We had a good day.  We took it easy this morning which was nice.  I took the little kids to the bounce and slide.  Isaac didn't want to go so he stayed home with Casey.  The little kids had a fun time.  Ruthie can climb all the walls now.  She couldn't do that last time we came, it is crazy how big she is getting.  It is Kimi's birthday today so we went out to dinner with them and then went to Randy's house to visit for a while.   After dinner it was me and Isaac in the van and we were stopped at a red light.  It turned green and before I could go someone ran into the back of me.  He said that he was not paying attention and looked up and it was green so he went.  The van and his car didn't have any damage so we didn't exchange numbers.  It just shook me up a bit.  We will leave tomorrow about 1 so we should be their at 2:30.  Thanks again, we are excited to go.


Nice day

We had a quiet day also.  Karen soup sounds really good.  Good choice.  I got up and went and got my hair cut and picked up some treats from tomorrow.  We hooked up with Robin and walked Jenkins around Sugar House Park.  It was so nice to get out.  Thanks Robin.  We just vegged the rest of the time.  Dad has another Kidney Stone and it comes and goes.  He has been struggling for a couple of weeks with that.  Drive safe tomorrow Rachel.  It is suppose to snow on Monday.  I hope that is OK.  Robin said she would hook up for dinner tomorrow.  Karen let me know if you want to come down.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I slept in this morning. Then I drove to Heber and went grocery shopping . I got stuff to make chicken soup. So I have broth cooking right now. I also got my dishes done . I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, January 18, 2019


Today was good and it turned out busy.  I worked out this morning and Ruthie peed in her underwear.  I had an extra pair so it turned out ok.  Then she put fingernail polish on Eva's fingers.  I told her she couldn't and she lost it and was upset the rest of the time we were their.  She did poop when we got home so she got the paw patrol shows.  Oliver and Ruth were so excited.  My 401k check came and that was exciting.  After school we went to the library but Isaac had been playing in huge puddles and his socks were wet, everything he owed was wet.  I just wanted to go quick so we got a couple of books.  Then we noticed he didn't have his shoes so we went to the school and were able to pick them up.  Luckily it was unlocked.  He had taken someone else snow pants and they were going skiing this weekend so I got the boys address from Isaac's teacher while we were getting the shoes and we ran them over to them.  They live up the hill in a big house and that got Isaac thinking about his mansion again.  We even found a lot for it.  We went grocery shopping and then came home.  We called Mom and Dad and made plans for this weekend.  We are coming down Sunday afternoon.  I forgot to take pictures today.  Have a good Saturday and get some rest.


So glad

I had a hard time focusing today.  I was glad when work was over.  We went to REI to get Doug a gift card for next weekend's winter celebration party.  I am not super excited to go but I will.  Robin if Jenkins needs a walk tomorrow let me know and I will hook up and go for a walk with you.  I need to get outside.  Sunday Rachel is coming down.  If you want to hook up for dinner Karen and Robin, let me know.  We are going to the aquarium on Monday.  We haven't been there for a long time.  I don't think Ruth will remember going.  Dad is working on Monday also.  Jared's wife had her baby girl.  #4.  Everyone enjoy the quiet weekend and get some rest.


I didn't get any snow I woke up excited for a snow day and all I could see was grass. It was sad. So i went to work and made it out alive. I am glad it's the weekend. I need a few down days



Well we got about a foot of snow last night. I just want to say that I love my snowblower. It was really tempting to call in and have a snow day. There were a lot of people that did that today. It was really quiet today at work. It was a good day though. It also snowed off and on today, but it didn't stick to the walk after i shoveled. I am glad that the weekend is here .i hope everyone has a great one. Bye

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Today was so busy. I feel like I'm drowning a bit. But I guess its job security. They sent an email to confirm dates. I guess I am going to Chicago March 14-20th. I am hoping I wake up tomorrow and there is so much snow they cancel work. They said it could snow feet in the mountains. I told everyone I will bring I cookies if it happens. Lol I would love a snow day. Everyone be safe


Pinewood Derby

Isaac's car did really well and he won most of his races and he came in second in the other ones.  He was really happy about it.  It was a fun night, they had 26 boys racing and it took about an hour and a half.  Randy and Terry came which was fun to have them.  It was a good night.  This morning while Oliver was at school we got some prizes for going poop in the potty.  She picked out a makeup kit and a paw patrol movie.  She came home and pooped and got the makeup kit.  Her and Oliver really want the movie so she tried a lot but she was empty.  It was a good motivator for her.  It rained all day pretty hard and didn't start snowing until we were leaving the race.  I think scouts is going to be fun.  They are going to have a swim thing in March and the blue and gold banquet next month.  Love you guys and have a great Friday.


She painted her finger nails


My day was good. I wish I got to sleep in, but I had to get up and shovel and then go to work. It snowed most all day, but it didn't really stick until 4ish. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I hope everyone had a great Friday tomorrow.


I had to work late so I went in late.  It was nice to sleep in a little bit.  I was tired.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday and that I get Monday off.  I finished my diamond bead picture. I really had a fun time doing that.  I think it is fun.  I will have to buy us all one and have a craft night and do them.  Not much else to report on my end.  I did get Isaac's text that he won some of the races with his car.  That had to be a lot of fun.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Grocery Shopping

It was snowing here this morning so dad drove me to work.  He was going to work from home but he was brave and left work at 10 instead.  I drove trax to 21st and then we went to Winco.  We had no treats left in the house.  I bought some hamburger and I totally spaced out that I was cooking it and burned it.  Oh well, I am officially an airhead.  Work was good.  It is suppose to storm all day tomorrow and Friday. Karen and Rachel you might be shoveling for the next couple of days.  It is hard to poop in the toilet.  A little toy to play with might help.  I got a TV tray and put some toys on it to play with so you could do that on the toilet.  How is the binkie coming along?  Robin I am with you all I want to do it curl up in a blanket.  Kay has decided she doesn't want to go to Vegas. Julie doesn't want to go so now she doesn't want to go.  We might have to plan a trip by ourselves to go somewhere.  Have a good Thursday.  It has seemed like a long week to me.  LOVE MOM


It was snowing here this morning also and we got a couple of inches.  I shoveled while Oliver was at school but it went fast.  Ruthie is having a hard time pooping in the potty so I think that tomorrow I am going to get some little toys that she can have if she goes.  I worked out this morning and it was hard but it is good to do.  After Oliver was done we school we went visiting teaching.  It wasn't too bad today, I was dreading it but everyone was nice this time.  We walked to picked up Isaac since the storm cleared out.  Ruthie pooped on the way there and Oliver fell down and was all wet.  We pushed on and on the way home Isaac and Roxanna both fell and were pretend limping half of the way back.  It was traumatic but we made it.  It was pretty weather at least.   I had another visit after dinner and that went well also.  Love you guys, this week is going by so fast.



Well there was about an inch of snow on the ground when I got up this morning. So i had to shovel. It snowed most of the day but it didn't stick after that. Work was good. I got a lot done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I think January has hit me. I didn't want to work today and it was cold. I'm ready for summer lol. Work was ok. I came home and just relaxed. I hope everyone had a good day


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Better day

I had a better day today.  People are settling in to me being at my new place I think.  It just wasn't as busy today and I loved that.  I took one of those hemp gummies last night to help me sleep and I was wondering if that helped me be more calm.  I am moving along on my bead craft and it is fun.  I think I will finish it this week.  I am glad you are back on the dating site.  You will find someone awesome.  I just know it.  Jenkins is so dang cute.  Karen, I hope you don't get a lot of snow.  It isn't suppose to get really cold so that might help.  Rachel that quilt block is amazing.  There are some many tiny pieces.  Did that take forever to do?  I am sorry Ruth is having a hard time.  She loved her binki. It might be a long couple of weeks.  Have a nice hump day.  We are half way through January.  That is always a good thing.  LOVE MOM


Good job going on a date Robin.  It is hard but you will find someone awesome.  Jenkins is really cute.  Today was good and pretty normal.  Oliver had school and we went to story time which was fun.  We walked to pick up Isaac, it is cold but it feels so nice to get outside.  Casey and Isaac turned in the pinewood derby car tonight and then the race is on Thursday.  It should be fun, I have never been to one.  Ruthie is cranky, I think she is missing her binki.  I was vacuuming earlier and Oliver pinched Ruthies back with some pliers because she was doing something in his room.  He felt really bad and Ruthie wasn't able to walk for a while because she was being dramatic.  That was the dramatic part of the day.  Love you guys and I hope that you stay warm.



My day was busy today. But it went by fast. It was warmer today so that was nice. It did start snowing here around 7. I may have to shovel in the morning.  I hope the binki withdrawal is going good. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone .Bye

Dogs rule...boys drool

Today was so busy at work. And I woke up on the wrong side of the bed so that didn't help. I started the dating sites again. There was one guy that was texting me and arranged a meet up. So we walked around south Towne mall. It was terrible he was boring and just not my type. I came home and just hung out with Jenkins and it was fun. He kept trying to sit on me. I rolled to the side and he didn't think it was funny. So he just jumped up and looked at me until I made proper space for him.


Monday, January 14, 2019


Ruthie is having a hard time falling asleep without her binki but I think she will catch on soon.  I worked out this morning and it was arm day which was really hard.  Oliver had fun at school and we went grocery shopping while he was gone.  We walked to get Isaac and the girls walked home with us and it took forever.  They were all playing and going slow.  Oliver was laying down in his room eating chips and the next time I checked on his he was asleep.  He woke up when I was cooking dinner but just wanted to lay in his bed.  He hasn't been up since.  Isaac tested out his car and he was really cute.  He was happy about it.  Love you guys, good luck tomorrow.



I made it through my first payroll.  It took forever.  I think I will have to go in a little early to get it done in time next time.  Work was busy as well but I didn't get as many emails so that was really nice.  I made crock pot sweet and sour chicken tonight and it tasted good.  It was just a bottle of sweet and sour sauce and frozen chicken.  Two ingredient crock pot.  I am the worst cook.  I think that is funny that Jenkins likes his build a bear.  He is one strange dog.  You are never going to be able to finish your quilts.  You have too much help.  H=There use to be this book about a dog that was always in the middle of trouble.  Jenkins might fit that description.  Rachel, I love Isaac's car.  He is super excited about that one.  Karen, I hope it warms up soon.  That is just too cold.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy but nothing out of the ordinary.  Jenkins loves his build a bear. I'll grab it and give it a hug and say I love my bear and he will grab it from me and play with it. Its entertaining. I just relaxed tonight and didn't do much



It was cold here this morning .it was -3 when I left for work . Burr! Work was busy so it went by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, January 13, 2019


We went to Matt's baby blessing.  Dirk and Melody were there and it was nice to visit.  We then went to pick up our pictures from Annette.  We got home around dinner time and just vegged.  Thanks so much for the fun day yesterday.  It is hard to give up a binki.  I hope she does OK.  Tomorrow is my first day of solo payroll.  I hope it goes OK.  I am a little nervous.  I get next Monday off for Martin Luther King day.  I am pretty excited about that one.  Everyone enjoy the week.  I can't believe we are in the middle of January.  it is going Fast.  LOVE MOM


Thank you guys again for the fun time yesterday.  You guys are amazing.  I love our fabric for the quilt class and I am so excited that we are all taking it together.  Thank you, I am so excited for the class.  The kids were tired today but everyone survived.  We went to church and I love the two hours, it is so much less stress.  Casey couldn't find his key this morning so he couldn't go to work until he found them.  We found them when we got back from church.  He stayed and helped Isaac with his car and then worked for a while.  Isaac's car turned out really nice and he was really happy decorating it.  He was cute.  The kids love their build a bears and have played with them all day, thank you again.  Ruth was doing really good not having her binki today but at bedtime she had a harder time and was asking for it.  She had a hard time falling asleep but she didn't cry.  We just told her her binki is in the dog now and gave her that.  I hope that everyone has a good week, I hope it is calmer.  Love you guys.



My day has been good. I took a nap .it was nice. I cooked shredded beef peperchini for dinner. It tasted good. Then i did my laundry.  I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...