I am so glad the birthday party went well for Ruth. That is fun. Robin took her wood to be planed and we met them at gateway mall. We had a fun time. Luna is just the right age for the discovery zone. And she played and played. The winter market was there and that was fun also. We did go to Costco afterwards. We are going to Logan tomorrow. We will leave around lunch time. The storm is suppose to be over by then. Love mom
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Today was good and revolved around Ruth's party. Casey frosted the cake and we all cleaned the house. Ruth and Casey went and got some balloons also. Then all the kids came. They are all really cute kids and I hope everyone had a good time. Casey, Isaac and Oliver helped so much and it all went smoothly. Isaac had a birthday party for Roxanna at the ice skating rink this evening and he had a fun time. Tiffany painted an amazing picture of Oliver cat and we took it over to Andy and visited for a while. I really like him and he loved the painting. Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.
Love Rachel
Friday, January 5, 2024
I had a nice day. I slept in a little bit and then we ran errands and went walking at the mall. I enjoyed that. We came home and had lunch and I took a long nap. It felt so nice. It did snow a little bit but not much. We did play pin ball. Rachel you are one busy mom. You have kids going everywhere. I am glad the kids had fun. Well have a nice weekend. We are going to Logan on Sunday. Love mom
Today was good. It snowed a bit which made the kids happy. Work was good and Fridays are short which is fun. It was a busy evening. Isaac had a tab meeting after school. Me and the little kids went and got a present for her friends party. Isaac's friends are in this dungeon and dragons group st the library and wanted him to join so we had a half an hour to get a quick dinner and then drop him off. Then I took Oliver to his friends house. Ruth had a birthday party to go to. They all had a fun time at all their things and we made it to everything on time. I hope you enjoyed your first retired day Mom and got some rest.
Love Rachel
Thursday, January 4, 2024
I am glad that you party went well Mom. Enjoy tomorrow and relax. Today was good. The kids at school have been so good this week it has been nice. Ruth had a rash in her arm. She showed me at lunch and I out lotion in it. I thought it was just dry. Then the nurse got me and it was bothering Ruth. So she put ice on it and she went back to class. I am not sure what it was but it seemed a bit better this evening. I went grocery shopping and then picked up Oliver. Oliver's room was awful so I helped him clean it. The little kids had piano lessons and got a wrist band. I went to exercise class after dinner and their were a million people there. It felt good to go.
Love Rachel
My party was really nice. A lot of people came. It was nice to talk with everyone. We got home around 330. I was starving and tired. I had Lunch and fell sound asleep. I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. Love mom
I am glad your retirement party was fun. I am super jealous you don't have to wake up in the morning. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It has seemed like a long week. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
For the last time
I did good today. I felt really happy. I did cry a bit but I made it through. I am just going in for the party. Dad is going with me. I am glad that Ruth had a nice birthday. I can't believe she is 8. I am going to turn off my alarms. That will feel nice. Wish me luck. I really felt like I was doing the right thing. I hope I am right. I am going to wear one of shirts Rachel made for me for Christmas. I thought would make me brave. Love you all mom
Happy Birthday Ruth
Ruth had a fun birthday and was so happy. She brought sugar cookies to her class and everyone loved them. Her class wrote her birthday notes and they were so sweet. Mom and Dad sent Ruth some flowers and she loved those. They are really pretty. I took her to get a drink she wanted on the way to pick up Oliver. We meet Randy, Teri and Ivy at pizza pie cafe for dinner. It was fun. Then we came to our house to open presents. We got her another doll and a bunk bed. Teri made her more clothes for her dolls. She loved it all. After every one left I went to exercise class. It was high tonight and it was so much fun. Have a fun party tomorrow Mom, I am excited for you.
Love Rachel
happy birthday
Happy Birthday Ruth. My day was good. Work dragged a bit but I made it through. After work I took mom and dad out to dinner to celebrate mom's last day at work. Then we just hung out. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
I made it back to work also. It was my last Tuesday. I stayed busy all day. I am excited about my last day. Tomorrow is my last full day. It makes me have anxiety. I can't believe Ruth is 8. She is growing up so fast. Not much else is going on with us. I guess retirement is enough. It is hard to get back to the real world. Love mom
We made it back also. The kids were all tired this morning and took a while to get going. The classes at school did really well and it was a good day. I decided to have the little kids practice typing hopefully so they can start logging in better. Ruth's birthday is tomorrow so we went and got cookies to take to her class tomorrow. Today was the last day to watch the cat and he is going to be so happy to have Andy back. I went to exercise class but their was a big wreck and the road was closed so I ended up being late which is fine. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Monday, January 1, 2024
Happy new year
We stayed up until midnight and slept in. We went to get ruths baptism present from Karen and she wanted to go to Fujis for lunch. Robin's gang wad at the jump zone so we hooked up and went to lunch. They came to our house to see the drone. We just played games after they left and had warmed up pizza. That looks like a fancy dish Isaac made. Wow. I am nervous for my last week. Pray that all goes well. I can't believe it is here. I do feel good about my next steps. Love you all mom
Happy New Year's
We had a good new years. Yesterday we went to church and I played the piano. The called new music leaders and it made me emotional. I love those ladies. We went to the park and it was a pretty day. Casey worked on the floor downstairs and fixed a crack that was happening. We stayed up until midnight and it was fun. Today we slept in which was nice. We went grocery shopping and got stuff for Ruth's friends birthday party. The kids played really well together. We are headed back to school and work tomorrow. Good luck on your last week of work Mom. I am excited for you.
Love Rachel
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Happy new year
I had a nice day. We played with Karen's new drone this morning. There are buds on the trees. It is so warm. We went to taco bell for lunch and Karen got us pizza for dinner. It was really good. We have lots for left overs. Have a happy new year. I love you all mom
happy new year
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...