Friday, September 21, 2012
I can see the quilting
WOW that is beautiful Rachel. You are getting really good at that one your tiny machine. It is amazing. I am excited to come up tomorrow also. I am going to go pick Karen up in Heber and then we are driving the scenic route to Logan. SHould be fun. I am sorry you misplaced your phone that is awful. You do rely on your phone. I guess we all do. I had a good day and was glad it was Friday. We went and bought a dolly tonight at Lowes so we can start moving when ready. It is a nice one. Kind of high tech but that is what we are. It folds all sorts of ways. LOVE MOM
I am excited for you guy to come up tomorrow, it will be fun. Casey is going to work tomorrow and take Sunday off. He was going to work one day and I thought tomorrow would be best so then I wouldn't have to be alone on any day, I was being selfish. I was thinking of eating at Paradise Bakery tomorrow for lunch. The just opened and Karen likes that. Today was good. We picked up the next part of the mystery quilt, it is cute. I finished quilting a quilt yesterday and I put the binding on. I think that it turned out really nice. You can't see the quilting too much from the pictures but I did a lot of it. Well drive up safety tomorrow and I hope that you have a good day at work Robin.
Robin I am sorry that you temporally lost your phone. I hate it when stuff like that happens. My day was good. It was payday, so that was nice. Well I really don't have anything exciting to report, so I will go. Have a great one. BYE
Thursday, September 20, 2012
lost and no contact
today was interesting. I lost my phone to start out. I swore I had it with me and the only thing I could think of was I left it in the kitchen. So my lunch break I went home and It was not there :( so i panicked a little and figured check the car again. it was under the passenger seat.... weird so I can now contact the world. its strange how much I rely on my phone. Then for dinner I stoped at firehouse subs and I very much enjoyed the sandwich. I will by one for everyone when I move for food :) other the that work was work. I ordered a halloween door banner an finished it today, so that will be fun for the new apartment. NOt to much else have a great night
I want a four hour nap
I think that is so unfair that Isaac got a long nap and none of us didn't. I am glad he is feeling better. He needs a lot of sleep to get feeling better. Me and Karen are for sure coming up on Saturday. That will be fun. I had a nice day. I even got a flu shot. I thought there was no reason to prolong the inevitable. I had to have one so I just did it. I have never had a shot so high up before it felt like she went into the socket. Oh well it is over with. I did some ironing tonight and it feels like I have new clothes again. I was way behind on my ironing. I still am but I did make a small dent. We are still watching once upon a time and it still is really good. Well have a great friday. I love fridays. LOVE MOM
An Afternoon Off
Today was a lot better. He woke up acting a lot better. He didn't want to go on a walk but we still meet Casey for lunch and that was nice. He took a four hour nap this afternoon and it was so nice. It was an afternoon off. I finished quilting a quilt and I started cutting out a new one. We went to the airport this evening and watched the airplanes. It was fun. Isaac still isn't 100% but he is a lot better. It is nice to see him acting better. I hope that everyone had a good day and thanks for everything.
Close to the weekend
Well it seemed smokier today than yesterday. I hoped the wind would blow the smoke away not toward Heber. Work is still moving along. Rachel I hope that Isaac is feeling better today. It is rough being sick. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
well today i was really tired but it was a slower day so that was nice. I am excited that its thursday tomorrow ;) sorry isaac is sick that is no fun. I am glad that you got your permit karen that is fun well i am going to head for bed
Bang Bang
Karen now all you need is a gun I guess. That is neat if finally came. I am sorry that Isaac is sick. Poor little guy. I wish he could tell you where it hurts. It is so nice when they can point to the place it hurts. I hope he gets well really fast. I had a nice day. The baby shower was today at lunch and it was really nice. She got some really cute things. I was happy for her. We watched once upon a time again tonight and it is a good series. It is still going. I thought that was neat that they are just starting the second season and you can already watch the first season. Robin I am sorry you are solo again. That makes for a busy day. I guess overtime is in your future for sure. Only one and 1/2 more weeks and Pioneer Theatre is done. That will be good for you. Well have a nice Thursday. I need to get some ambition in my life. LOVE MOM
Now you need a gun
Karen, congratulations. Now you can buy a gun. You should wait until Saturday and then Casey can go with you. That is exciting. Robin, that sucks about that guy quitting although with his attitude you will probably get someone better to work with. He sounds like a idiot. Today was a rough day. Isaac wasn't feeling good but he wasn't sick enough to want to lay down. He didn't want to do anything really and I did everything the wrong way. He has been eating and has drinking good so that has been good. Casey pick up some pedia lite but he didn't drink much of that. After lunch was the worst, he cried and cried. I finally got him to take a nap around 4. He was a lot happier when Casey came home and it was a nice break for them to play together. I think that we may have more one rough day and then he should be feeling better. He isn't fevering, he just doesn't feel great. I hope that everyone had a good Pirates Day. Arh.
Licesned to Carry
Well I got my concealed weapons license today. Yeah! Things are going good here. The smoke is clearing out a little so it is almost nice outside. Rachel I am sorry that Isaac isn't feeling well. I hate it when I am sick. I am three weeks into my 6 week time for my ear piercing. Yeah just 3 more weeks of clearing my ears 3 times a day. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
all done bye bye
well today was very interesting. the kid that we just hired decided around 10 to quit. so whatever. he was young and I think the standing and not being able to party all day got to him, tough life. They gave him an exit interview and asked what they could change about the work area and he said add more girls. so I guess i don't count as a girl :/ lol. so work was beyond insane plus alittle crazy. it was just me and my boss finally had some guys help me after lunch. ugh. well that is all my news. sorry if I got isaac sick. hope everyone has a great wensday
Karen I hope I talked like a pirate. You are going to have a fun day tomorrow at work. They will make that really fun. Do you have an eye patch? Rachel I am sorry Isaac is sick. I hope he is OK. Poor little guy. I hope it isn't anything to serious. If you need me to come up and help just give me a call. I am so glad you have a doctor in Logan. I had a busy day. Dad took me to Bombay house for dinner. It tasted really good. We haven't eaten there in a long time. We watched Once upon a time. It has been interesting. Give Isaac a kiss for me LOVE MOM
Under the weather
Isaac isn't feeling great. He seemed like he didn't feel great but he was acting alright so we still went to story time and he did really good. There were a ton of kids there so it was really busy. I sewed with Jenn and I finished my block really fast so I made another bag for Isaac's cars. I forgot to square the bottom corners but I still think it will be fine. It turned out cute. I attached a picture of the bag and the mystery quilt block. Isaac took a long nap and woke up really hot and upset. I gave him some medicine and we just laid in my bed and watched shows. Casey came home and by that time he was feeling better and got up and ran around and acted fine. He ate really good today and has been pretty active. After his nap was the worse. He got upset before bed time, his medicine ran out. We gave him some more and he wanted to cuddle with Casey so that is what they are doing. I hope that tomorrow he starts to feel better. In other news I bought a table runner kit from connecting threads. It was only $15 and was really cute, it is a Halloween one. It was impulsive, I couldn't help myself. I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.
Well I really have nothing to report. Work is still moving along. I can't believe that there is only a week and a half left in September. Tomorrow is National Talk like a Pirate day. Just in case you were wondering. Well have a great rest of the week everyone. BYE
Monday, September 17, 2012
I hate smoke
It seems to have been smoky a lot this year. I hope it rains soon and the fires go away. I had a good day. It was just a normal day. Those are always good. We started watching a news series on netflixs. Once upon a time. It is good. It is going to be a quiet week for us. I think those are nice. I am going to clean my stove out this week and start getting it cleaned up for the move. It is really a mess right now. That is going to be my goal for the week. I may or may not accomplish this goal. I did look into the oven tonight, does that count as starting? Have a nice week. I love you guys MOM
It is smoky here also
It is smoky here also. The guy on the weather said that it is from all the Idaho fires. The wind is blowing it down and it isn't clearing out soon. We had a good day. I ran out of thread so this evening we went and got some. We walked around Joanns block after and Casey saw a old friend. It was fun to talk to her for a while. I had a nice weekend with everyone, thanks.
Well it is smokey here today. When i was driving home yesterday there was a fire by the Kamas, Park City exit. They even had the road blocked to one lane. Work was good. Just same old same old there. Thanks for the fun time this weekend. Well I don't have much else to add so I will sign off. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Love the Pictures
I had such a nice weekend. Thanks everyone. Karen you did pick a nice place for your birthday. It was beautiful. I liked the falls the best. Thanks Rachel for the pictures. They are so cute. It was quiet here tonight with everyone gone. We finished watching Dr. Martin and it ended really good. I am glad it ended in a good way. Well have a good week. Not too much going on with me. Just work and then trying clean. We are trying the putting fruit in the oven and seeing if the fruit flies will go in there and then I will cook them in the morning. I can't figure out where they are coming from. LOVE MOM
Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. Good choice Karen. Here are some pictures, everyone have a good Monday.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...