Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Now you need a gun

Karen, congratulations.  Now you can buy a gun.  You should wait until Saturday and then Casey can go with you.  That is exciting.  Robin, that sucks about that guy quitting  although with his attitude you will probably get someone better to work with.  He sounds like a idiot.  Today was a rough day.  Isaac wasn't feeling good but he wasn't sick enough to want to lay down.  He didn't want to do anything really and I did everything the wrong way.  He has been eating and has drinking good so that has been good.  Casey pick up some pedia lite but he didn't drink much of that.  After lunch was the worst, he cried and cried.  I finally got him to take a nap around 4.  He was a lot happier when Casey came home and it was a nice break for them to play together.  I think that we may have more one rough day and then he should be feeling better.  He isn't fevering, he just doesn't feel great.  I hope that everyone had a good Pirates Day.  Arh.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...