Friday, October 12, 2012
I can't read
Well Camille's shower really isn't in Centerville it is in Centerfield. That is by Gunnison so I am not going to that shower. I will call them in the morning to let them know. So I will be able to go to lunch with everyone. I am sorry about your stove Robin. That sucks. I hope they fix it soon. Karen came down tonight and we went to see Grandma Bodily. She looked so tired. I hope she makes all the parties. Deena leaves in the morning. I was thinking we now have the evening to goof around also. We should think of something fun to do. Have a nice morning and I will see you soon. LOVE MOM
Sorry about your oven Robin, that sucks. I hope that they can fix it soon. Thanks for getting the fireman outfit for Isaac. I think that will be fun. I thought he could carry a firetruck with him. Today was good. I finished quilting the lemon pepper quilt and just need to bind it now. We rode our bikes this evening and got pizza for dinner. It was kind of rainy but not too bad. Then we came home and got the car and went and visited Randy. They are doing respite care next week so we are going to go out to dinner for Casey's birthday. Isaac did really well over there and was really cute which was nice. Casey has to work at 5 tomorrow so I thought we could go and get lunch for his birthday. If that works for everyone. Maybe we could stop at the quilt store in Bountiful if we had some extra time just to look around. Well we will see everyone tomorrow. Have a good night.
well i tried
I worked today and then the play stuff. I decided to make almond twist bread. I went to warm up the oven to raise the bread and my oven doesn't turn on. wha wha so no bread :( sorry I had the first part done. o well well not to much else I am going into work at 7 when ever you need me to be done I will be. I figured 10-12 I will meet up for lunch if we are going out for lunch, well have a good night
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Almost the weekend.
I am sorry I missed your call Rachel. I was all the way to Target before I realized I left my phone home. We did make it to Target and I have gotten all the baby items for Saturday. I looked on the tracking for Sharon and Lisa's presents and they should have them by Saturday. One is being delivered on Thursday (Sharon's) and one on Friday (Lisa's) so I think they will be able to open them on Saturday. I put all our names on the gifts so you don't have to get anything. Yeah. I went and got Camille's gift tonight. Camille's shower is at 12:30 but I am the only one invited to that one. The shower at Grandma Bodily's starts at 1:00 but goes until 3:00 it is an open house so you don't have to be there the whole time. They are sykping at 2:00. So I thought I would leave around 1:30 from the first shower and join up with you three at Margarets. AFter that I thought we would celebrate Casey's birthday. Robin you could work all morning if you wanted to. Sunday Erica's farewell is at 9:30 in Provo. I have no details on that one. I am hoping to get more when we visit on Friday. Angela is blessing her baby at 5:45 on Sunday at the Avalon Nursing Home. Kyle is blessing the baby. Robin would you mind bringing back the airmattress for the weekend. I haven't had a chance to get something to replace it yet. I went and got my haircut today. It sure feels nice to have it done. It was really long. I tried someone new and she didn't cut it very short but it looks really nice. Have a great Friday. I am excited for us to get together. Robin I am glad you got some rest. You needed it. LOVE MOM
Great Weather
Tonight went a lot better. He started to cry when we said it was time for a bath but when we were brushing our teeth his mood changed and he got really silly. It was a really nice change. Mom I tried to call you when we got back but it just went to voice mail, sorry. We went on a bike ride this evening. Isaac's helmet didn't fit him any more so we went to Al's and got him a new one. Last year the bike helmet he grew out of would hang in his eyes because it was too big. He has grown a lot. The weather was really nice today. We went on a long walk this morning and played in the backyard this afternoon. We have started eaten the carrots since the apples are gone and he loves them. I love them too, they have been fun to eat. I sewed with Jenn and I finished the mystery quilt. I forgot to take a picture so I will do that tomorrow. I am excited for this weekend, it will be a lot of fun.
sorry i went to blog last night and the internet went down :( so I thought I would get to it early incase its a night thing lol. yesterday was nice I decided to have lazy day and got in my pjs set up my netflix and watched movies (till the internet went down) it was really nice. I didn't unpack one box. today was good work was busy I might have to work saturday but I am going to try to go in early what time does the festivities start? well have a great night I will be sleeping lol. Just remember nanny 911 kids don't sleep its a fact.
Too bad
That sucks that Isaac doesn't like bed time anymore. I am always excited when it is my bed time. Sorry I forgot to blog last night. I had a fun time hanging out with mom. I did get a really cute coat. Today was good. I am working on getting a project I have been working on ready for production release. So that has been keeping me busy. Yesterday was my 6 weeks since I got my ears pierced. So now I can change my ear rings as long as they are post ones. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Bedtime can be so hard. Maybe try a night light. It is so hard to know what to do. They don't make it easy that is for sure. Teething doesn't help that is for sure. We didn't get to go see the house but we met in Park City and tried a new place to eat. I don't think we will go there again. It was just OK. Then we went to the outlet mall and I got some baby clothes for Camille's babyshower and Karen bought a coat. It was so dang cute. She looked beautiful in it. IT was nice to just goof around. I came home and did baking soda again and then moved all the furniture back in place. It looks so nice to have organization. I am going to go get my hair cut after work tomorrow. I am looking forward to that. My hair is so long. Karen said it is suppose to rain on Friday and get cold. I am not looking forward to that one. I am glad you are getting settled in Robin. I really like your apartment. Have a nice day. I am looking forward to this weekend. LOVE MOM
Bed Time Woes
This week Isaac hasn't wanted to go to sleep at all. Tonight went a little better but there was still a lot of crying. I just mention that it is time for a bath and he starts crying and wants to read every book we own. I think it has to do with teething but I am not sure. Today was good. We went on a walk this morning and that was nice. The lunch I made was gross we we went out to eat and Casey took a long lunch. I needed thread to quilt my lemon pepper quilt so we ran to Joanns and got that. Isaac was a lot taller than a 18 month little boy so that was neat to see. We just spend the evening at home and it was nice and relaxing. I hope that house hunting went well. I hope you find something awesome. Good luck with unpacking Robin, that is the worst part of moving I think. I am glad that your apartment is feeling better Mom, that is such a mess.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
num num num
today was good. I just wanted to sleep all day though but alas i couldn't. i went to work then went and helped out with the play doing spray tattoos they say I can leave once the tattoos are done, so I do. today I went grocery shopping its nice to have more then water and cereal. spice up the pallet. lol then I came home and basically re arranged boxes. I am down to the hide things under beds and corners mode. well I am going to head for bed have to go to work early tomorrow.
I did it
I got both presents ordered from Babies or Us from all of us. I got some stuff they wanted. Sharon wanted a sleeping rocker and Lisa wanted one of those nursing pillows and then I added a little small gift. I will go pick up something for Mark's wife this week and have it for Saturday. I feel a lot better. YEAH
Looking better
I got home tonight and it was just a mess and I thought everything is dry now I am going to start putting it back together. I went and got baking soda and sprinkled it around Robin's room and then vacuumed and it was so nice. Everything looked so nice and clean. I put away all the boxes back in the closet and moved the recliner from our bedroom in there so we have a place to read books for Isaac. It looks so nice in there. I am going to set his bed up tomorrow night and then it will look even better. I kind of ran out of steam but it is looking better in the living room also. I am making progress. I also did the hallway with baking soda and then vacuumed and it looks a lot better also. I think I am just going to do everything that way. I am going to go try and order gifts on line right now. Wish me luck. I got all my laundry done also. I will sleep good tonight. I am excited for this weekend. Should be a wild one. I think I am most excited to give Casey' his presents. Have a nice hump day. LOVE MOM
Open Shut Them
Today was good. Isaac teeth are still bothering him so he was kind of grumpy. We had a really nice afternoon though he felt a lot better after his nap. This morning was story time and he didn't make it the whole time. He did all the actions to open shut them and it was really cute. We went out for dinner and then went to the red balloon and got a couple of things for Isaac for Christmas/Birthday. It was fun. We had them wrap them so we wouldn't be tempted to give it to him early. He loved playing in the store. I pinned the lemon pepper quilt today. I think that it will be quick to quilt. I hope that your apartment is drying out Mom. They really should of payed for a hotel room for you guys, that is so dumb to have you there with those huge fans. I am glad that you are moving soon. I am sorry about your crock pot Robin.
Well my day has been good. I am glad that you are getting unpacked Robin. That will be super nice when it is all done. Work was good. Had a to make a bunch of print for a product release. So that kept me busy most of the day. I am glad that the week is almost half over. I like your quilt Rachel. You did an awesome job. Well have a great one everyone.
Monday, October 8, 2012
i'm alive
sorry I've been a slacker, saturday was the move (thanks again everyone!!) and then sunday I unpacked and went and saw the shows at frightmares. it was fun. today I went to work early and there is a play that needed spray tattoos so I am helping with that. its only 6-7ish at night so it won't be uber bad. well not to much else sorry about your apartment mom :( But i love your truck quilt rachel. :) Hi karen, thanks again for hauling all my lovely things up the lovely stairs lol. have a great night
I'm tired
WE got Robin her microwave and dad set up her wireless. Her place is looking really good. WE unpacked her crock pot and it was cracked in little pieces. I will get you a new one. It was fun to go see her apartment getting into shape. The apartment still is all tore apart but I will have it back together before Saturday. I just want to make sure it is all dry and ready. By the weekend is should be good. I couldn't sleep last night. Hopefully I will zonk out tonight. Have a nice Tuesday. I love the quilt Rachel. You are amazing. Isaac will wear that one out. He is going to love it. LOVE MOM
Finishing them up
Today was alright. Isaac woke up at 5:30 this morning and I didn't get him back to sleep until 7:30. He is having a hard time going to sleep again tonight. I think that it is his teeth but I am not sure. We mostly just hung around the house today. It was a pretty day. Casey mowed the lawn tonight probably for the the last time. It looks nice. The raspberries are still hanging on which is good. I finished binding the truck quilt last night and I love it. It is going to be really nice. I finished the pumpkin table runner also today. I have attached pictures. I forgot to ask how you party went Karen. I hope that it was fun. Erica farewell is at 9:30 AM on Sunday.
Mom I am sorry about your place that suck. If you need any help just let me know and I can come down and help. I got more air put in my tires, so now they are not low. Then I went shopping. So now I have food in the house. Work was good. Things are moving right along. I hope that things are going good for everyone. BYE
Sunday, October 7, 2012
That sucks
Mom, that sounds awful. I am sorry. Do you need any help? We are here if you need anything. Thanks for the pictures, you did really good. That is so horrible about the flooding. Well Isaac took a long nap yesterday, sorry we weren't able to help more. Today he only took an hour and half nap. It is just bad timing, it drives me crazy. I think that we are all starting to feel better. Isaac was crying this morning and I looked in his mouth and his bottom two molars have broken through. He has been sticking his fingers back there so they have been bugging him. His top ones are going to come in next. Today has been good. Casey went to work until 4. Me and Isaac tried to watch the morning conference but he is too busy and I didn't see much. We didn't even try the second session. The downstairs is all put together. Our TV didn't fit in the entertainment center so Casey took off the top part and it looks really nice. I like it. Isaac has played with his cell phone Robin got him non stop today. We went on a walk after dinner and that was nice. We saw horses and ducks. I am glad that you got everything moved ok, sorry we didn't help more. Good luck with the flooding Mom and Dad. That is a big mess.
When it rain it pours
We got Robin all moved and the move went really well. Karen stayed until lunch and then went home. Gary went to lay down and I was just resting and going to read for awhile and I heard this water dripping and I thought I don't sit much in that corner it must be a noise I haven't heard before. Well I was right I hadn't heard it before. It wasn't more than a minute later water was flooding down through the ceiling in the hallway. One of the guys above us had plugged his toilet with food and kept flushing it. It was just cushing down our ceiling. I called emergency maintenance and they came and dad went and bought some buckets and then they came and cleaned the carpets. It has been a long afternoon. There are those big fans like Karen had in our living room. It is a mess. Well at least the hallway got cleaned. It even got into Robins room. I am so glad her stuff wasn't in there. I took pictures and hopefully they will download. Wish me luck. I did it. My first time adding pictures. I am so excited. Now I can add pictures. :) Rachel, I hope you are feeling OK. If you need me to come up and help I can take time off. Please call if you need any help. I have the best kids. You guys are amazing. LOVE MOM
Well I made it back to Heber safe and sound. We got Robin all moved in. Well at least all the boxes are at her place. Unpcking them may take her a little while. Ti was fun to see everyone this weekend. I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...