Sunday, October 7, 2012

That sucks

Mom, that sounds awful.  I am sorry.  Do you need any help?  We are here if you need anything.  Thanks for the pictures, you did really good.  That is so horrible about the flooding.  Well Isaac took a long nap yesterday, sorry we weren't able to help more.  Today he only took an hour and half nap.  It is just bad timing, it drives me crazy.  I think that we are all starting to feel better.  Isaac was crying this morning and I looked in his mouth and his bottom two molars have broken through.  He has been sticking his fingers back there so they have been bugging him.  His top ones are going to come in next.  Today has been good.  Casey went to work until 4.  Me and Isaac tried to watch the morning conference but he is too busy and I didn't see much.  We didn't even try the second session.  The downstairs is all put together.  Our TV didn't fit in the entertainment center so Casey took off the top part and it looks really nice.  I like it.  Isaac has played with his cell phone Robin got him non stop today.  We went on a walk after dinner and that was nice.  We saw horses and ducks.  I am glad that you got everything moved ok, sorry we didn't help more.  Good luck with the flooding Mom and Dad.  That is a big mess.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...