Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bed Time Woes

This week Isaac hasn't wanted to go to sleep at all.  Tonight went a little better but there was still a lot of crying.  I just mention that it is time for a bath and he starts crying and wants to read every book we own.  I think it has to do with teething but I am not sure.  Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning and that was nice.  The lunch I made was gross we we went out to eat and Casey took a long lunch.  I needed thread to quilt my lemon pepper quilt so we ran to Joanns and got that.  Isaac was a lot taller than a 18 month little boy so that was neat to see.  We just spend the evening at home and it was nice and relaxing.  I hope that house hunting went well.  I hope you find something awesome.  Good luck with unpacking Robin, that is the worst part of moving I think.  I am glad that your apartment is feeling better Mom, that is such a mess.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...