Kay and Julie came over this morning and we spent some time with Grandma before they took her to the nursing home. She was excited to go. She was nervous and was ready to go about 2 hours before they came. We took her over and it was hard. She has been so anxious and she wanted us to hold her. Jeff met us over there. It was like leaving your new born baby with a sitter for the first time. I am struggling with it. I know it will get easier especially after I get some sleep. We took Josh out to dinner tonight. He is a nice guy. I was glad we got to meet him. Thanks Robin. Good luck Karen with your lesson. I hope your stew turns out. We are having chicken. Not sure what kind yet but I am to tired to go grocery shopping we will eat what I have. I do have a lot in the freezer. I straighten up grandma's room tonight also it was full of everything. Robin was even able to put an airmattress in there. I am going to go try and sleep.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Well I had a pretty good day. I got my shopping done. I have even pre cut all my stuff to make beef stew tomorrow. I hope that I have a long enough lesson tomorrow. I think I do, but you never know. I hope that every thing went good for you today mom. it was nice here today. Very sunny and warm. Well i hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE
Friday, June 3, 2011
The Honda of lawn mowers
Today we went to SLC and I meet Vickie for lunch, thank you Mom for watching him. It was nice to go to lunch and not have to worry about Isaac. It was fun. We came home when Casey got done with work and we were able to mow most the lawn. It is a really nice lawn mower and it looks so much better being mowed.
They are coming to take Grandma to the nursing home tomorrow at 2 or 3. They said they are giving her a different room. I hope it is OK. She was not as upset today. Slept most of the night and morning. It was nice. I got some sleep. Thanks Rachel for letting me tend Isaac. It was so nice to hold and hug him. I am not sure how it is all going to work out tomorrow but we will take an hour at a time. I am tired so I am hoping to have a nap tomorrow night. Good luck with your primary lesson Karen. If you need help let me know.
Well I made it thru Friday. It was payday today so it was worth going into work for that. I got all but one thing cleared off my desk so it was a pretty productive day. I hope that things went well for you today mom. Did you get everything you needed to done? It was so pretty outside here today. I still have to plan my primary lesson but I will work on that tonight. Well I hope that everyone had a good day. BYE
Thursday, June 2, 2011
missed it
sorry I forgot to blogg I get running and when I finally sit I fall asleep. lagoon is insane this week I am so glad it is almost the weekend!!!!!!!! That will be fun for your new class karen if you need any supplies let me know. Rachel isaac is so cute hopefully I see you guys tomorrow before I leave. Mom if you need any help let me know. I have saturday off so I can help with whatever. well I am off to bed have a great friday
No Title
Mom, I am glad that you found Grandma a place to go. I feel bad she isn't feeling good. We are coming down tomorrow and should be there around 9. We aren't going to spend the night, we are just going to come home so I can mow the lawn. Then if Casey has to work we are coming back down on Saturday or Sunday. I have a lunch date with Vickie at 12:00 but I am free other than that to help you Mom. I would like to go with you guys when you take Grandma. I plan on coming down a lot to see Grandma next week but we can talk about that tomorrow. Today also we bought a new lawn mower. It is a Honda and it is supposed to be a really nice one. It is a lot nicer than the last one so hopefully it will last longer.
Maybe Tomorrow
We picked a home for grandma and she is probably going tomorrow. Julie came over tonight and she did better. I think I am figuring out what is making her sore. She isn't doing very well. I think she knows when I leave the room because she woke up everytime I left. I am really tired tonight. She is asleep right now so I hope she sleeps for awhile. I need some sleep. LOVE MOM
Well when I got home from work today there was a van in the parking lot and it had a sign in the window that said rent-a-geek with a number. Apparently they are computer specialist that you can hire for 25 dollars an hour. Sounds like a good gig. Well work was good. I did have a long meeting this afternoon but I made it thru. I am glad that you found a nursing home for grandma, mom. I am also glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. Well i hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Hanging in there
Grandma has been struggling and it is becoming 24 hour care. I had the social worker, doctor, nurse, and message therapist come yesterday. I have a couple of names of good care facilities and I am going to go look at them today and then hopefully tomorrow we will put her there. She can't tolerate the bed so we put a chair in her room last night and that helped a lot. I am tired and sore from lifting but I am hanging in there. I missed emailing you too Karen. Rachel, can I just say you make the cutest babies. He is a doll. Well have a good day. I will try to keep you posted.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I signed up for a beginning drawing class. I thought it would be fun. It is an Internet course though the college. It is an 8 week course I will have to see how it goes. My day was good today. I did miss emailing you at work today mom. I hope that your day went well. I still could use a nap though. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. I love ya.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Well today I worked. I am really tired I am surprised I made it through the day. It was fun to have everyone up this weekend. What class are you taking karen?? well not to much else happening here just going to get some shut eye have a great night
I had a good day, it felt good to be home. I just did house work and I worked on the cross stitching that we got Monday. Me and Isaac walked to Lees and that was fun to get out. I think that the lawn mower is really broken. I pulled it out since it was nice and Casey said just to let it run until the smoke stopped. It never stopped and it got worse, it also looked like oil was shooting out. I am sorry Grandma hurts. I feel so bad for her. Karen what class did Mom refer too? I am nosy. :)
My Friday
I asked for the rest of the week off so I could get everything ready for Grandma to go to a care facility. I just can't take care of her. I don't have a lot of news other than that. It was a pretty day today. Nice to see the sun. I went to the store today and bought food. I know I lead an exciting life. Grandma has been really hurting tonight. I gave her some meds. I cut Gary's hair tonight and I think I am going to go get mine done this week. Karen I am excited for your class. I think that is neat. Well have a great Wednesday. LOVE MOM
Well I made it thru work. It is hard going after having time off but I made it. I hope that everyone had a good day back to the return after the holiday. I hope that you got everything done that you needed too at work mom. If you need help with anything let me know and i will help the best I can. I went shopping after work. I need some bread because my bread was moldy when I went to make a sandwich at lunch. But at least my shopping is done now. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, May 30, 2011
Made it
Well i made it back to St. George. My flight was delayed about 25 minutes but I made it safe and sound. I had a fun weekend thanks for the fun time everyone. I don't have much to report since I saw you all this morning just wanted to report that I made it safe and sound. I hope that everyone has a great Tuesday. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...