Saturday, June 4, 2011

Life Changing day

Kay and Julie came over this morning and we spent some time with Grandma before they took her to the nursing home. She was excited to go. She was nervous and was ready to go about 2 hours before they came. We took her over and it was hard. She has been so anxious and she wanted us to hold her. Jeff met us over there. It was like leaving your new born baby with a sitter for the first time. I am struggling with it. I know it will get easier especially after I get some sleep. We took Josh out to dinner tonight. He is a nice guy. I was glad we got to meet him. Thanks Robin. Good luck Karen with your lesson. I hope your stew turns out. We are having chicken. Not sure what kind yet but I am to tired to go grocery shopping we will eat what I have. I do have a lot in the freezer. I straighten up grandma's room tonight also it was full of everything. Robin was even able to put an airmattress in there. I am going to go try and sleep.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...