Saturday, October 21, 2017

I miss the good old days

We had a really good time in Logan.  We went to go down the red neck slide and they didn't have one this year.  Isaac got this sad look on his face and looked at me and said "I miss the good old days".  I have to admit that made my day.  It was nice to get some sunshine.  Me and Rachel got a little sunburned.  Robin that elephant is amazing.  I just love it.  You are so gifted.  Karen, I am glad you had a quiet day.  Did you go see that scary movie?  We can go on Monday if you want to.  Well have a nice Sunday.  Just think Robin only one more weekend and then you made it through Frightmares.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


I worry about you Robin, I hope that you are doing ok.  We had a really fun day.  Mom and Dad were up bright and early and came up.  Dad went and helped Casey on his tree cutting job.  Casey really needed the help and they worked hard all day and had fun.  Me, Mom and the kids went to Sam's and got some snack, it was fun.  We met Dad and Casey at Panda for lunch which was good.  Oliver spilled his soda and Ruthie spill her rice so we were a mess.  Mom helped me clean out the hall closet and we made a pantry which is awesome.  It is so nice to have a place to put all the food we have.  Thanks Mom.  We went to the Heritage Farm and it was a lot of fun.  They had a steam tractor the kids really liked.  The train was fun and the kids loved it.  We did the corn maze and we were worried about not having Dad to read the map but Isaac did a good job and we never really got lost.  It was a lot of fun.  We had a late dinner and then Mom and Dad had to go.  Thanks for the fun day and for all the support.  Love you guys.



Wow, Robin I am impressed. That elephant is amazing.  My day has been good. It was a relaxing day. I called in to get more of that nasty mouth wash for my tooth last night. Then when I went grocery shopping at Walmart i forgot to pick it up. I will have to go back and get it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog last night I feel asleep early I was really tired. Today I had work at lagoon. Then I finished my elephant burning. I'm going to try the stain out and see how it goes. I like your pumpkins good job.


Friday, October 20, 2017


Well my Friday was busy. I did getvall the sruff that was critical done though so that was good. It was super windy here all day. It also snowed for a while, but it didn't stick at least. My kindle didn't show up today. I misread the shipping email. So I got my kindle case today, but I don't get the kindle until Monday or Tuesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Those are some fancy pumpkins.  I love them.  That is fun.  Dad stayed home today and rested his foot.  It is still pretty tender on the heel.  He has been wearing his brace again.  I think that will help.  We just vegged this evening.  I did boil some eggs.  I bought a dozen eggs and only hard boiled 6 of them.  We are taking them to Logan and have Isaac pick out which is which.  I thought that would be a fun science fair project.  It rained here most of the afternoon.  Karen that is weird you got snow.  I am not sure I am ready for that.  We are going to Logan in the morning.  LOVE MOM


Ruthie didn't sleep last night so we were tired today.  Isaac said he didn't sleep well with the noise the wind was making.  So we just took it easy this morning.  I took the kids to Costa Vida for lunch.  It tasted good, Oliver was really grumpy and had a melt down but after he ate he was a little better.  We went to the jump zone afterwards and the kids had fun.  It was really busy but they had a fun time.  Oliver was sad to leave.  Tonight after dinner we carved the pumpkins.  It was fun and the kids really had a fun time.  Isaac drew a picture of what he wanted and it turned out really good, he was really excited about it.  We put the lights in and the looked good on our porch.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom, it will be fun.  Everyone have a good weekend.


Thursday, October 19, 2017


Well my day was busy, but i made progress. I did tighten my belts on my car last night and I finally got the squealing to stop. My new kindle should be here tomorrow, so I am excited about that. I hope everyone had a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good. It's been petty chill at work so it's been nice. It was uea this week so the opened lagoon today. Then scheels wants me to embroider shirts so i drive down to Sandy after lagoon. It was a long night. I'm so glad Friday


Nice Day

Today was a good day.  I am actually getting caught back up again and it feels so nice.  I was getting way behind.  My boss and me and another girl from work went to a co workers mom's graveside.  I thought 1/2 hour no 1 and 1/2 hours later standing in the sun.  I even got a little burnt.  It was nice but if they go that long it should be inside and be called a funeral.  We just vegged tonight.  I made ramon casserole and that tasted good.  Dad's heel hurts and he just rested it.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  WE are going to Logan on Saturday.  Everyone have a nice end of the week.  LOVE MOM


Casey had a good birthday yesterday.  In the morning I volunteered at Isaac's school and we stayed and had lunch with him.  It was fun.  Casey worked half a day so we took him out to lunch at Romon's and then we went and got him a new hand saw.  When Isaac was done with school we headed up to Pocatello to see Casey's grandma.  We went to KFC for dinner and then went to her place to visit.  The kids were really cute with her and she was happy to see us.  It was a late night and the two little kids slept in, me and Isaac just relaxed.  The kids played in the backyard all morning and then we had a picnic for lunch.  I put Ruthie down for a nap and we made some paper dragons Isaac wanted to make.  Ruthie never fell asleep but she was in there for a while.  We went up to the pumpkin walk and the kids really liked that and it was fun to walk around.  Afterwards they didn't want to go to the van so we walked over to the park and they had fun.  Casey walked over and met up with us which was nice.  I am glad that everyone is well and I hope that you have a good Friday.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Butter beer

Today was good we made wands at work and they made us butter beer. I worked some more on my elephant finally. It was fun to work on. I might do another one after it's been a relaxing project. They are opening lagoon tomorrow so I have to go in and do makeup.


Hump day

Well the rest of the week is downhill.  YEAH  It was a quite day at work and I got a lot done.  That felt nice.  I am getting caught back up.  We went grocery shopping after work and then I did laundry.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice trip to Pocatello.  Karen that is cool you got a kindle.  Way to go.  Robin, I hope all is going well with you.  LOVE MOM


Well I got an email today from amazon sayong I got a 32 dollar credit from some lawsuit. I also had 85 dollars in amazon points, so I decided to buy a new kindle. I got a kindle voyage. It should be here next week. Work was good today. It was busy, but I got stuff done so that was good. I made progress at least.  I am glad that the week is half over.  I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Today was good. I was sorted into ravenclaw for Harry potter at work. Mom I have to wear it till end of October basically on Halloween I return it. I was really lazy today and ended up just taking a nap tonight. It was nice for me but nothing got accomplished.


Quiet day

I got a lot of work done today.  It felt really nice.  I am hoping that continues into tomorrow as well.    I looked on the computer and my promotion wasn't listed so it might take until next timecard to take effect.  I will continue checking.  It is still pretty exciting.  We came home and just vegged.  I should have done laundry but I will do it tomorrow night.  I was tired or just not motivated.  I love Ruth's hair that way.  It looks so long.  Robin how much longer do you have to wear that monitor.  Is a month here yet?  I couldn't remember.  Karen good luck with the cold.  I think cold mornings are here to stay.  Everyone had ice on their windows this morning here.  We will come up on Saturday so dad can help Casey with the trees.  Everyone have a good hump day.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations again Mom, that is awesome.  Today was pretty good.  It is cold in the mornings so I drove Isaac to school and then I dropped his bike off when I picked Oliver up so we could ride bikes home, it worked out good.  I did Ruthie's hair in pigtails on the top of her head and they turned out pretty cute.  I need to do different things more often.  We walked into the kitchen this morning and a deer was staring into the kitchen, I have never seen them do that before.  It was crazy.  Oliver wanted to climb the tree like Casey, that is the picture below.  Oliver had school this afternoon and he loves it.  Ruthie wont nap but I laid her down for hour and got the bunk bed quilts pinned so they are ready to be quilted.  After everyone came home from school they played outside, it was a nice day.  Casey had scout and I had young women.  We carved pumpkins, they had a lot of fun and it was a good activity.  It was a lot of work to clean up though, it wore me out.  I can't believe it is Tuesday already.  Tomorrow is Casey's birthday and we are going to Pocatello to see his Grandma so we may not be back until late.



Well it is cold here, at least in the mornings. My day was good. I am still busy at work so it goes fast. I really don't have anything exciting to report. Congrats again on your promotion, mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 16, 2017

Mega bucks

I got a promotion to Exec Administrative Assistant.  I got a huge raise and I am pretty excited.  Black Friday is looking better.  Dad had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Strong.  6 month check in and we met Karen for dinner and walked around for awhile.  It was fun.  Thanks for meeting us Karen.  It was a pretty day out there for sure.  Robin, I am glad that everyone liked your Harry Potter stuff.  That was a lot of work.  Well not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM


Congrats on your promotion mom. That is exciting. My day was good it was the first day of Harry potter week. It's kinda nice my part is over. I also embroidered shirts for scheels over the weekend so I went down and gave them the shirts back. Tomorrow I'm 90 percent sure i don't have projects to worry about so I'm hopefully going to work some more on my elephant. Glad everyone is doing good!



Today was pretty good.  The little girl I babysit was sick so she canceled, we went grocery shopping instead which was good.  It was a warm day in the afternoon which was nice.  It was cold this morning so I drove Isaac to school.  So I walked my bike and Isaac's bike to school so we could ride bikes home.  The little kids walked with me or rode in the trailer when they were tired.  Casey got a call to estimate a tree pruning so we went after work and the guy hired him and he is going to do it Saturday.  He is excited.  So he practiced climbing and cutting until it was dark.  He needed a couple of things for the job so he took Isaac and Ruth to Cal Ranch to get them.  Oliver didn't want to go so I stayed with him.  Love you guys. 


I made ranch

Casey up in the tree


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...