Monday, October 16, 2017


Today was pretty good.  The little girl I babysit was sick so she canceled, we went grocery shopping instead which was good.  It was a warm day in the afternoon which was nice.  It was cold this morning so I drove Isaac to school.  So I walked my bike and Isaac's bike to school so we could ride bikes home.  The little kids walked with me or rode in the trailer when they were tired.  Casey got a call to estimate a tree pruning so we went after work and the guy hired him and he is going to do it Saturday.  He is excited.  So he practiced climbing and cutting until it was dark.  He needed a couple of things for the job so he took Isaac and Ruth to Cal Ranch to get them.  Oliver didn't want to go so I stayed with him.  Love you guys. 


I made ranch

Casey up in the tree

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