Thursday, March 28, 2013

Home again Home again

I waited to blog to let you know that dad made it home safe and sound.  He is tired but made it home.  That is a good thing.  I went to the store and got Easter dinner so we are all good to eat this weekend.  Not much else going on.  I am going to work until 4:30 and I think dad said he would come and get me so we should be able to leave around 6 or 6:30.  I need to pack up dad but other than that I am ready to go.  LOVE MOM

absent mind

Sorry I didn't blog. I read everyones and then I had to do something and forgot to come back and blog. But things are going well I was really tired today to. It must just be a thursday. I feel like I have been really lazy I need to get some motivation. I'm glad everyone is hanging in there see everyone tomorrow Robin

Grumpy Day

Isaac sleep schedule was all messed up yesterday so this morning he was tired and grumpy.  He took a nap at 10:30 and was a lot better after that.  We walked to the park and that was fun.  That took most of the afternoon.  Casey changed the oil in the car this evening and we went on a bike ride.  It was nice.  I got a library book at on Tuesday and it was so good I finished it today.  It was called Defending Jacob.  It was really good but heartbreaking also.  It really made me think.  I would recommend it.  I was talking with Casey on when to leave tomorrow and he is only going to work until 3:30 or 4 so we should be down there around 7 or 7:30.  That's the plan so far.  Thanks for cleaning the park up Karen, that was really nice of you.  I am glad that Dad is on his way home.  That will be nice to have him back.



Well it is windy here right now. Things are going good here. Work was good. I went over to where they are having the egg hunt and helped pick up the yard a bit. Isaac should have fun there. There is a stream and a bridge. They also have really cute baskets for the kids to hunt eggs with. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited for everyone to come down. Also thanks for coming down. I bought some floor polish stuff and I tried it on my floor in the "theater room". i am just waiting for it to dry to see how it looks. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday BYE.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Messed up naps

Karen, I am glad that you were visited that sounds fun to talk to people all night.  I am also glad that Dad is coming home.  I hope that he makes it without too many delays.  Robin I hope that you had a better day today.  I am super excited about your insurance, that is amazing.  We had a good day. We had playgroup this morning and that was fun to go to.  Isaac didn't want to take a nap so we went and played at the park all afternoon.  When we got back he was tired and fell asleep about 4:30.  He woke up at 6 so we went and visited with Randy.  It was nice to go over there.  Terry gave me some fabric to make some english paper piecing table runners.  It will be fun to make.  I made another pencil holder book, they were fun to make and I couldn't help myself.  I don't have much else going on.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.


Might be flying home

Dad thinks he is leaving China tomorrow or today from his perspective.  I hope he gets to come home.  It was a nice day today.  I was kind of dizzy but nothing bad just something that gets me once in awhile.  I am going to take some meds tonight and that should make it go away.  It was so pretty outside today.  It stayed light clear until 8.  I really do love that.  There was an ice cream truck in the parking lot selling ice cream when I got home.  I thought that was neat.  I haven't seen one of those in a long time.  I am excited for this weekend.  Have a great Thursday and I will see you on Friday.  LOVE MOM

Getting closer

Well the week is half over, Yea! I decided to walk this morning. So I got all the way to the corner and realized that I had left my work keycard in my car. So I walked back home and got my card. I was really tempted to drive after that, but I was good and walked. Work is keeping busy so that is nice. I went to Walmart after work to get some groceries. It is nice to have food in my house. I also got my car washed. Yesterday my bishop showed up at my place to visit and then about an hour after he left the ward missionaries showed up. I was very visited last night. Well I am excited to play this weekend. I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

wrong side

Today was ok. I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was not into this morning at all. But a new kid started today to grommet. He is starting school in may so will only be there for a month. SO that will be interesting for sure. but not to much else with me. I should be able to come down on friday. I can leave after work and meet everyone up there. well have a great wensday. hopefully the down hill of the hump makes the week go faster :) Robin

Love the plan

I love the plan.  I will try and come up on Friday also.  I think that will be a lot of fun.  I am excited for Easter.  Rachel I am so glad you have a partner with the Bears. I thought you were all alone.  It will be a lot of fun to have someone your age.  That is good.  I had a nice day.  Work has settled down and it is nice not to be so busy.  I keep busy but I am not drowning anymore.  I am going to take the 5th off and go with you to baby animal days also.  It will be nice to be outside walking around.  Dad called today and he got some clothes laundered and I think that has to help.  He was off to meetings.  I guess that will decide when he is coming home.  I am not sure when that will be yet.  Not much else to report.  Have a wonderful Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


Karen, we are going to go to Kamas on Friday night then.  Thank you.  Casey can see your house and it will be fun.  He can also go to the easter egg hunt before he goes to work, thanks for letting us stay.  We had a good day.  We had story time and I found good books that Isaac likes.  I sewed with Jenn today and that was fun. For some reason Isaac didn't nap very long but he has warmed up to Jenn and likes her now.  He had to show her his sand box, it was cute.  I had my first Bear meeting today and it was fun.  I like the lady I am partners with, she is my age is is pregnant with her first baby. I think it will be a good calling.  Casey watched Isaac and they pruned trees and had a fun time.  I am excited for Easter, it will be fun.


Seemed like Monday

Well today seemed like another Monday. I think it was because I went to SLC and hung out with mom last night. Well I kept hoping it would rain today but it never did. Work was good and it went pretty fast. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, March 25, 2013


Well the orignal blinds I got were not wide enough. So I went down to SLC tonight and me and mom exchanged them. We found a differnet kind that I liked better so we got those. And even better they were on sale. Wow I know. I have attached a picture. Shocking I know that I actually remembered to do that. Rachel I like the pen holders they are way cute. Well other than that it was just the same old same old today. Work went by fast so that was nice at least. Rachel for the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, are you planning on coming down Saturday morning or Friday night. It starts at 10 so I didn't know if you wanted to spend the night or not. I think mom is planing to spend Friday night so if you come too we could party. Maybe Robin would come also and we could have a rematch of Telestrations. Well have a good one. BYE

One more thing

I was just reading in the paper about baby animal days and was wondering when they are having baby animal days at Jensen's farm.  I would love to take a day off work and come up and go with Isaac.  Let me know when it is and that would be a really fun day.



today was good, My company has an HRA program with our insurance and if you hit your deductible they will give you 1,000.00 for medical costs. Just to lower out of pocket expenses. so I qualified. it will be really nice to have. We also went out to fuji's for lunch. they guy put like a pound of butter on it. My stomach did NOT like that at all. But I didn't die, it just was angry and grumbled alot. Then I had to work late, and almost missed class but I was able to speed demon down and make it on time. so that was nice. not to much else with me.

Almost home

What a cute wagon Rachel.  He will love that.  He can put his cars in it and go forever.  I am glad you had a nice day.  Thanks for trimming all the trees.  Casey does such a perfect job.  I would be mad also about the add ons.  You pay for something and then they get you with all the extras.  I agree it should have been in the kit.  Dad is for sure coming home.  His plane leaves at 5:50 China time and arrives tomorrow night around midnight.  Karen came down and exchanged the blinds.  We found some on sale that were like the ones that she had in her bedroom when she lived in Logan and they were cheaper so she got those.  I hope they look good.  Maybe we will get a blog picture.  I am glad you had money in your health account Robin.  That is so nice.  It made my whole day.  Well have a great day.  I can't believe the March is almost over with.  It was so pretty outside tonight.  It was nice to walk around. 


New Wagon

Today was good.  I picked up my next mystery quilt part and they were selling buttons to add as establishments for extra and it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.  I didn't get them, I just thought that it should be part of the kits.  I am over it now I don't know why I blogged it, sorry.  We met Casey for lunch and we ran over to walmart after to get a easter basket for Isaac.  I think that I have everything set for him now which feels nice.  While we were there they had a cute little wagon so I got it for him and he loves it.  We walked around the block and he dragged it the whole way.  It is cute.  We also worked in the yard, I got all the weeds out of the side bed and started moving some plants over there from the front bed.  I think that it is going to work out good.  When Casey came home we helped him trim the trees.  He only has half an apple tree left and the apricot tree.  It is looking good.  I hope that everyone had a good day and have a good night.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Be Quiet

We had a pretty good weekend.  Before Case went to SLC yesterday we went to the dump and they have fun trucks there so Isaac liked it.  After Isaac's nap we went to Joann's  I had a bunch of good coupons and I wanted to use them.  At play group the had some gossy fabric, I can't think of the name, and the kids used it as butterfly wings and Isaac really liked it.  So I got a 1/4 yard of three colors and we have had fun with them.  It is just something different to do.  Nursery went well today but I didn't try to leave again.  I also had an enrichment meeting and Casey wasn't back yet so I had to take Isaac with me.  He did really really good. I just put a movie on really softly on the kindle and he sat and watch it the whole time.  He did learn to say be quiet today but he says it really loud.  It is funny.  Today I made a crayon holder book for Isaac.  It was so fun to make I made a pencil one for me.  I can make you guys one if you would like.  They are fast to make.  I attached a ton of pictures, sorry.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good Monday tomorrow.


Nice weekend

I had a nice weekend.  I hope it does start warming up however.  It is cold out there.  I started watching the walking dead but I just couldn't get into it.  I guess I will have to give it another try.  I hope Casey made it home safe and sound.  Tell him thanks for helping get the lab all set up.  Dad is in meeting today and hopefully will come home today or tomorrow.  His pills did make it to China in the nick of time.  Now if he can be brave and give himself a shot it will all work out fine.  Not much else to report.  I am looking forward to Easter weekend.  It should be a wild one.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...