Saturday, December 29, 2018


I am glad that you guys had a fun day.  I am sorry that you are sick Robin, that sucks.  Good luck with Jenkins.  Today was pretty good.  Ruthie ended up sleeping with me and the boys slept in the tent.  We just took it easy today.  I did go and get Isaac's scriptures for a present when he gets baptized.  I didn't know how long it would take to put his name on them but it only takes a hour.  We had some Kohls cash also so I got some new forks.  The kids were getting restless so we thought get some ice cream and got to a movie.  Isaac didn't want to see a movie and Oliver didn't want to get ice cream.  So me, Ruth and Isaac went and got ice cream.  Casey and Oliver met up with us to pick up Isaac and they ended up getting ice cream.  Then me and Ruthie went to see Mary Poppins Returns.  It was a lot of fun and we had a good time together.  She was sitting on my lap after a while and fell asleep.  It was really nice to hold her and watch the movie.  The movie wasn't great but it was fun to go.  She stayed asleep so I just put her to bed.  Tomorrow is the last day of three hour church.  Hopefully I will get the baptism details tomorrow also.  Love you guys.


Nice day

It was a nice day.  We slept in and then took Jenkins for a walk and went to lunch with Karen and Robin.  Robin has Kohls cash and we went there and spent it.  It was a lot of fun.  We came home and I scrubbed my bathroom.  I got new bathroom rugs and I really like them.  We just vegged the rest of the night.  It is nice to have a quiet weekend.  It is suppose to snow tomorrow.  Be safe out there.  LOVE MOM


Today was nice I met up with mom dad and Karen for lunch and shopping. It was fun. Jenkins finally used his pee pad so that was good. Baby steps. I think I caught a bit of Oliver's stomach bug. It's not too bad if I dont eat lol. It said it will snow tomorrow. Stay safe and warm

Friday, December 28, 2018

I'm going to win

Today was nice It was friday and payday. We interviewed a new girl for our seamstress position and I really like her. So hopefully she can start soon. I took Jenkins out when I got home but I decided that was the last time today so he will start using the potty pads. It's been a battle of wits. He refuses to use them. It's been 3 hours of running back and forth . I read online it's better to put them on a leash and restrict their movement so they get use to the right areas. Hes been crying on a leash for 30 minutes. It feels dumb but we are going to learn pee pads are awesome and my carpet is not. It's going to be a long night.



I left early today.  I took an hour PTO and left at 3.  It was my last day working for CI so I figured most of the time you leave early when you leave a job.  I just needed to be done. Monday, I start my new job.  I am not sure it will be any different than what I am doing now but I feel good about my decision to try something else.   I came home a took a nap.  It felt so nice.  We just vegged.  Rachel, I am so glad you got to go to Panda.  Did they give you the free two entrĂ©e meal?  I was hoping that they did.  I am going to hook up with Robin for lunch and go to Kohls and help her spend her Kohls cash.  Karen is going to come down and help.  I hope the kids have a fun time in the tent.  That is fun.  LOVE MOM


Yeah for Friday. I am was so glad that today was Friday. It was super cold this morning. I kept hoping that it would warm up but it never really did. Work was good. I hope everyone had a great day .Bye


I was wondering if you could bring Mamma Mia 2 down on Ruthie's birthday, I wanted to watch it again.  I missed some when we were sewing.  Thanks.  Today was good.  The kids had wellness checks this morning and they did really well.  Ruthie is in the 75% for height and 85% for weight.  Isaac was 61% for both height and weight.  She is referring him to a PT to help with his toe walking.  We cleaned the house and it is looking better.  I am always surprised how much cleaning their is after Christmas.  We built more Christmas presents and that is fun.  Oliver wrote Ruthie name and put it in a egg and gave it to her as a present which was really sweet.  We went to the jump zone this afternoon and they had a fun time.  It wasn't even overwhelmingly busy.  We got panda for dinner with the gift card and that was fun.  Thanks again Mom and Dad.  The kids and Casey are sleeping in the tent so I am blogging early so they can watch a show on my computer.  Love you guys and have a good Saturday.


Thursday, December 27, 2018

Snowy day

It snowed most of the day here but it wasn't a lot.  It is cold.  Work was good.  More people showed up today.  I am trying to get caught up so I can start not having so much to do when I start my new job next week.  I am nervous  We just vegged tonight. I am super excited that it is Friday tomorrow.  I hope Ruth gets feeling better.  LOVE MOM


Jenkins is a cute dog.  It is cold here also and it snowed a little bit today.  Ruthie threw up last night so she ended up sleeping with us.  This morning we built more of the Christmas presents and cleaned up the living room.  They put their new toys in their rooms.  The living room is looking good.  It was fun to play with all their toys.  We went to Sam's for lunch and got some things.  Then they wanted to go to the fun park.  The kids had a really fun time and it was a fun afternoon.  They played games and got some prizes.  Isaac got a whoppie cushion and they loved that.  They did it to Casey when he got home.  Casey helped the neighbors move some stuff around after work.  Their house flooded in November and they are fixing it up.  Isaac sent you a email Mom to your gmail account.  Love you guys and everyone have a good Friday.



Well I made it back to work. It was super cold today. I also had to shovel when I got off work. Work went good. I had 20 emails when i got there. But I got thru them . My bedroom was chilly last night so i put the space heater Robin got me there. It is super nice and it kept me warm all night. I slept really good also. I hope everyone had a great day .Bye


Today was cold and wintery. I'm already ready for summer lol. Work went well except century link went down nation wide and we had bad internet service all day. Julie came over after work she wanted some pants hemmed. Then Jenkins wanted to go out after she left. On our way up the stairs he was limping and waving his paw like it hurt. So I carried him up and put him on the couch to rest. I went to the kitchen to get a snack and he jumped down and danced around. He was fine but he gets an oscar for best performance. Hope everyone is staying warm and safe :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Jenkins -2 me -0

Thanks for the fun birthday and Christmas . It was really hard to work today but I made it out alive. Last night I started operation pee pad and laid out pee pads on every square inch of my place. I didn't do my room because while I'm at work I shut the door... well last night I heard him run around like he had to pee and I ignored it. I looked out and he ran I'm the hall way with his tail down. So I looked around and finally found he had peed on his bed the only place with out a pad :/. Then at work he didn't pee at all. So round 2 tonight and pee pads are around the bed I will see what he comes up with tonight lol.  Oliver is cute to want Jenkins on his bday cake.


Back to the real world

I went to work today and it was quiet.  I got a lot done and that felt nice.  I am hoping to get caught back up in the next few days.  I sure had a wonderful time.  Thanks again for all you guys did.  I came home and watched U tube on how to do the diamond beads. I think I am going to try it tomorrow night.  Not much else going on with us.  It is always too quiet after we are together.  LOVE MOM


I had a lazy day. It was nice. I slept in and took a nap. I only took one picture this weekend . Thanks everyone for the fun time .Bye


You guys are so amazing, we had such a fun holiday.  Thank you so much.  We love you.  Here are my pictures.  I hope that everyone had a good day.  We cleaned up Christmas and played with toys.  The calendars were done so we ran one up to Randy.  Oliver was telling me that he wants Jenkins on his birthday cake, I thought it was cute.  Love you guys and thank you again.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...