Friday, September 25, 2015

Our bags are packed

I am ready to go also.  I agree with Isaac the best part about today was knowing we were going to play tomorrow.  Work was good.  I am getting caught back up.  It feels really nice.  Everyone drive safe.  See ya soon  LOVE MOM

Is it Saturday yet?

Isaac is super excited for tomorrow.  He said his favorite part about today was talking about tomorrow.  We did have a good day.  It was pay day which was nice.  I wanted to get some material for the sashing on my sampler quilt so we went to bernina's and got some.  Then we went grocery shopping and the boys did really good.  We got some more of those glitter stickers so we did that while Oliver was napping and played games.  This evening we went to best buy to look for birthday presents for Casey but he didn't see what he wanted.  Everyone drive safe and we will see you tomorrow.



I am glad that it is the weekend. Work was good. They brought doughnuts into work today, so that was fun. I am excited to make a haunted house tomorrow. Have a great one. Bye

Image result for haunted house jokes

Image result for halloween jokes

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fun times

I am excited for this weekend.  That is fun that Walter is coming up.  We haven't seen him in a long time.  That will be good.  Today was just a normal day.  Work has slowed down a ton and I am so excited about that one.  It is nice not to have to run all the time.  Tomorrow I am watching administration all afternoon.  That should make the day go fast.  I went to get my hair cut and then went grocery shopping.  He didn't cut much off but it is nice to have it off on the back.  Everyone have a great Friday and we will be making a haunted house soon.  LOVE YA MOM


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday also.  I got home late from the class and was tired.  The class was good and their is one more next week.  It has been good to go to.  Casey took the boys up the canyon  and got icecream while I was gone and they had a fun time.  Yesterday I walked Isaac to school and walked to pick him up and it was too much, it gets too hot in the afternoon, so we just drove today.  I think that if we just walk one time and build up to two times it would be better.  Isaac wanted to get doughnuts after school so we all went to Schaffers and got some.  It was fun to get a after school treat.  Isaac has been wanting to build his lego white camper again so we did that while Oliver was sleeping, it took forever.  He ended up smashing it in a half an hour but I fixed it again so it is together for now, it won't last long.  A bar on the swing set broke so after dinner we went to Lowes but didn't find anything to fix it and then we got icecream.  When we got home Casey got the telescope out and was looking at the moon, it was a nice evening.  Thanks for coming up this weekend.  Isaac is excited to make his house a haunted house.


They took their chairs out to watch a firetruck drive by


Well I don't have much to report. Work is going good. Nothing too wild and crazy happening. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am planning to be up to Rachel's place about lunch time on Saturday also. It will be fun. Have a good Friday everyone. Bye

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Image result for friday jokes

So close

Sorry I didn't blog last night I feel asleep.  Work was good I still feel tired. Everyone is sick at work. I think my body is just fighting off the bugs that are going around. I am working scheels tonight so it's slow. I am all set for saturday. I am going to try to be up there by lunch time. Walter said he could come. I guess at maggie I have alot of pto so I'm taking off moving in November and my birthday with christmad eve. So that will be nice. The next few months are going to fly by. Hope you have a good friday


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

So glad

I am so glad that we are halfway done with the week.  I can't believe that next week is October.  Time goes really fast for me.  Work was Ok and then tonight I finished a whole map on Frozen.  I know I spend way to much of my life playing those stupid games.  I did do a batch of clothes.  I hope you class went well Rachel.  Karen are they done with the parking or are you walking again.  I figured they might have to paint now.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM


Yea the week is half over. They fixed the cracks and sealed the parking lot at work today. I walked so I wouldn't have to worry about parking. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day.

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Image result for midweek jokes

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I am balanced

I had the cupcake and no pants mood today.  I agree with Robin I bet it was cold last night camping.  I am so glad that Isaac loves the outdoors. Work was work.  I am glad you gave your 30 day notice Robin.  That is so exciting.  That will be fun to have a big place.  I think that is funny that Oliver lost his binky in the canal.  He is so dang cute.  I remember when Isaac was that age and you never made it all the way through story time.  He will learn how to do it.  It was a pretty day today.  I rode trax home and it was nice to have the sunshine.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I am excited for this weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work was work. I gave my 30 day notice at my apartment . They said moving out nov. 8th would be fine. Then I went and got my hair cut. It was nice to get a cut. I went to Walmart after. Tomorrow we are having a chili contest so I had to go buy chili stuff. I also got some scary house decorations. I also decided to dye my hair with a box dye. So I made chili and dyed  my hair the rest of the night. I am now tired. Have a good wednesday :)


Their back

Everyone had a fun time camping and made it home around 2:30.  They didn't catch any fish yesterday or today but had fun.  Isaac wants to go camping again next week so we will see how that goes.  My day was good.  Me and Oliver walked to story time and he dropped his binki in the canal so it was lost and it made him sad.  This is a hard age for story time because he is so busy but I am glad that we went.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon.  I put a binding on the baby quilt that is pink and grey so that was fun.  The boys played outside the rest of the day, Casey had scouts this evening.  Tomorrow I have my last birth class next door.  It has been good to go and learn new things.  I hope that everyone has a good night.



I hope that Isaac had a fun time camping. Personally I think it is getting too chilly to camp, but I may just be a wimp. My day has been good. I did finish the project I have been working on, so I am going to have to find a new project to work on tomorrow.

Image result for camping joke pictures

Monday, September 21, 2015

New Home

Isaac was super super excited to go camping today.  When he woke up he gathered all his things to get ready to go.  He had school today and that went good for him and he had fun.  I had a doctors appointment while he was at school and Casey and Oliver came with to meet the new doctor, he seems nice and I think he will be good.  I had messed up on my snowflakes and needed more fabric so we had enough time to run to Joanns and get it before we picked up Isaac.  Then we went to Sam's and grocery shopping for camping.  We got home and had lunch and then they left.  Randy went with them and took the boat so they went fishing, they didn't catch anything.  I gave Oliver a nap and sewed a bit.  He didn't wake up until 5, so I feed him and then we headed up to spend the evening camping.  It was really pretty at the Oneida narrows and it was fun.  Isaac had a list of things he wanted to do and was insistent we do his list.  It was really pretty up their and it was nice to be outside.  Isaac said that it the camp site was his new home and he was never coming back so we may have to go to the mountains to see him. :)  Well I am off to bed, I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Robin, you have the best job.


Quiet day

Robin that is fun that you got to play all day.  You sure found a sweet job.  I am so happy for you.  I just worked today and then drove trax home.  Not much else going on.  I love your OHD.  I am excited to decorate on Saturday.  That will be fun.  The weather is so pretty right now.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Mini golf

Thanks karen for looking into the cotton candy machine I will send an email of I can about the event if anyone is interested in going. Today was good it was miniature golfing day. So they took fat cats.anf bought us pizza and miniature golfing. So I didn't work all day. I'm working scheels.tonight so nothing exciting have a good night



Well things are going good here in Kamas. Work seemed to go by fast today. Nothing too wild and crazy going on. I did fix my toilet that a was running. It is nice having that fixed. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lazy weekend

Robin, I like that onsie.  That is really cute.  I love your Zombie also.  Rachel you have been busy.  Monday should be a good day to go camping.  Isaac loves to camp.  We had a lazy weekend.  I am sorry I didn't blog yesterday.  I fell asleep on the couch and never woke back up.  I slept 15 hours.  I was tired.  I feel much better today.  We took Grandma out to lunch and then Walmart I love the Centerville Walmart.  they have the cutest clothes there.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I had to work at scheels. After I went over to Walters folks to give back the clown onsie. They like it. Then I came home and relaxed. Rachel Walters neighbor was working on a cute girl onsie. She cut it in half and added a skirt to the bottom. Then with the bottom half she put elastic in the waist and ruffles on the butt for the diaper cover it was really cute I will attempt one. :) I also bought the embroidery train tracks the lady had a 50% off so I thought it was a good deal. Karen I finished my zombie. Thanks it was fun. I didn't add cloths to the zombie guy I just left him plain. Have a good monday


The weekend

We had a pretty good weekend.  Yesterday we walked to the farmers market and saw Calleen which was fun.  I think we just played the rest of the day.  We were walking down the street waiting for Casey to come home and he picked us up and we went rally car driving up in the mountains.  Isaac really likes doing that.  The car hit a couple of rocks so I don't think we will take it again but it was fun, the leaves are changing.  Today we were lazy all day.  We made it to church and Isaac had to give the prayer in primary so I stayed to help him, it was a disaster.  He said the whole thing in his arm and I asked him what he was doing afterward he said he was trying to get everyone to laugh.  I also gave the lesson in my class and that went well.  Oliver is doing good in nursery but not ready to do it on his own.  Tomorrow we have a busy day.  Isaac has school and while he is gone I have a doctors appointment.  Casey, Isaac and Randy and going camping and I think that me and Oliver will go up for a while but not sleep.  They should have fun.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...