Sunday, September 20, 2015

The weekend

We had a pretty good weekend.  Yesterday we walked to the farmers market and saw Calleen which was fun.  I think we just played the rest of the day.  We were walking down the street waiting for Casey to come home and he picked us up and we went rally car driving up in the mountains.  Isaac really likes doing that.  The car hit a couple of rocks so I don't think we will take it again but it was fun, the leaves are changing.  Today we were lazy all day.  We made it to church and Isaac had to give the prayer in primary so I stayed to help him, it was a disaster.  He said the whole thing in his arm and I asked him what he was doing afterward he said he was trying to get everyone to laugh.  I also gave the lesson in my class and that went well.  Oliver is doing good in nursery but not ready to do it on his own.  Tomorrow we have a busy day.  Isaac has school and while he is gone I have a doctors appointment.  Casey, Isaac and Randy and going camping and I think that me and Oliver will go up for a while but not sleep.  They should have fun.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.


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