Thursday, September 24, 2015


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday also.  I got home late from the class and was tired.  The class was good and their is one more next week.  It has been good to go to.  Casey took the boys up the canyon  and got icecream while I was gone and they had a fun time.  Yesterday I walked Isaac to school and walked to pick him up and it was too much, it gets too hot in the afternoon, so we just drove today.  I think that if we just walk one time and build up to two times it would be better.  Isaac wanted to get doughnuts after school so we all went to Schaffers and got some.  It was fun to get a after school treat.  Isaac has been wanting to build his lego white camper again so we did that while Oliver was sleeping, it took forever.  He ended up smashing it in a half an hour but I fixed it again so it is together for now, it won't last long.  A bar on the swing set broke so after dinner we went to Lowes but didn't find anything to fix it and then we got icecream.  When we got home Casey got the telescope out and was looking at the moon, it was a nice evening.  Thanks for coming up this weekend.  Isaac is excited to make his house a haunted house.


They took their chairs out to watch a firetruck drive by

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