Saturday, February 20, 2021


 We had a fun day and it was nice to have MoMA and Dad here.  I walked this morning.  Isaac had a basketball game.  They lost by 2 and it was an exciting game.  Mom and Dad made it for lunch and Oliver wanted tomato soup so we went to great harvest.  The kids wanted to show their rock climbing skills but it was really busy so we got on a waiting list and went to the fun park which was crazy busy.  We went and bought a link for Oliver's birthday cake.  We made it to the climbing gym and it was fun.  The kids loved showing grandma and grandpa what they can do.  Oliver wanted egg drop soup so we ordered in Thia and chinese food.  Oliver is excited for his birthday.  He doesn't want balloon because they make him too nervous that they will pop or float away.  He is a gumm for sure.




 My day was good. I slept in a little bit. Then I cooked the steaks me and mom got at Costco. It tasted good. I started my laundry and did my physics lab. It was on ohms law so it wasn't too hard. I finished my lab and even wrote my lab report. Then I finished my laundry and had dinner. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, February 19, 2021


 Work was good.  Nothing to exciting.  We did go to the gym after work and that felt nice.  We hadn't gone all week so it was go to move.  We just vegged after that.  We are going to leave to go to Logan tomorrow for Oliver's birthday.  We are coming home on Sunday.  That is neat about the climbing rocks.  They are awesome.  That is fun.  Karen it was nice to talk with you tonight.  I am glad dad helped you with your question.  Have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM 


 Rachel, I am impressed with your guys climbing skills. That looks fun. My day was good. I made it thru work and that always feels like a major accomplishment on Fridays. Then I cam home and watched my physics lectures. Thanks dads for your help. Tomorrow I am going to work on my next lab for physics class. I hope that everyone had a great Friday. Bye


 Today was good.  Casey didn't sleep well last night.  It was hard but I got up and walked.  We went shopping and got the rest of the presents for Oliver.  Ruth had a playdate this morning and I wrapped his presents.  I programed and finished blocks for my postage stamp quilt.  I payed them out.  We walked to pick up the boys.  Isaac had a playdate with Graham at our house.  They had a fun time.  They played outside a lot and Tony loved that.  After dinner we went rock climbing.  I remembered to take some pictures.  Ruth climbed to the top for the first time tonight.  They do better than I do.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad. 



Thursday, February 18, 2021


 Today was busy.  It was freezing cold this morning on our walk.  We helped in Isaac's class and then worked at preschool.  It was fun and the kids are cute.  The kids had dentist appointments after school.  There wasn't a lot of time between school and the appointment so I have been telling the kids all week to hurry and get to the car after school.  Isaac claims he forgot and was in the library with Graham for a while.  We were looking for him when he came out.  So we were a little late but the dentist was late too.  Ruth has a 7 year old dental age.  She has 3 out of 4 of here 6 year molars.  Here too two teeth and two bottom teeth are loose.  They said it is fine.  She looks like she has enough room for all her adult teeth.  Oliver got two more 6 year molars so we are going to put sealants one all their new teeth and cut their lip tie thing, I don't remember the name.  Isaac has a loose molar that needs to come out fast because the new molar is coming so he needs to wiggle it a lot.  Oliver adult teeth are looking good and straight on the bottom so we are going to wait for the orthodontist and see how his teeth come in.  Isaac has a cavity on a baby tooth but it is about to fall out so we aren't going to worry about it.  We picked up crumble cookies on the way home since everyone did so well.  Isaac had basketball practice tonight.  While he was there we took Oliver to the party supply store and got him some stuff.  He wants a zelda party but they didn't have it so we made it up.  Sorry to ramble about teeth.  Love you guys.




 I went into work today and it was nice to get out.  I did get a lot done so that was nice.  We had a meeting today and everyone was complaining I was helping too many people.  It will be interesting if anything changes.  I came home and made pizza.  We are enjoying homemade pizzas.  They have all the toppings pre packaged at Winco and they taste so good.  Karen congratulations on your school.  You rock.  Rachel, I hope the kids got to climb rocks again.  That is fun.  Robin, I hope you had a nice day also and got to stay home.  I hope Luna is doing well.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work was work. Jeramy wanted papnla murphy's for dinner. I bought a mini murphy that is like a personal size. But it was really a pizza kit. So I had to put my pizza together. It made me laugh. It was weird. They did a landing on mars today. So maybe aliens will pop around for 2021 lol 


 It was nice having one day with out a bunch of snow. It was still cold here though. Work was good nothing too wild and crazy going on. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. After work I got my lean manufacturing lecture watched and did my assignment. I just have to watch my physics lecture now. Those are pretty quick to watch though so it shouldn't be bad. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 It snowed about three inches over night and this morning.  It was rough walking in all the new snow but pretty. We shoveled when I got back.  After exercise class the sun was out and it was a pretty day the rest of the day.  I programed while Ruth was at school.  Ruth was bored so we went to the hobby lobby and got her a little craft.  Ruth found some tinker bell fabric. I made Luna a I spy quilt so I am going to put that on the border and I think it will be cute.  We walked to get the boys.  Isaac walked with his friends.  The kids really wanted to go climbing again so we met Casey at the rock gym.  He left work at 5 which is early for him.  He had to deliver the lighting McQueen bed at 7 so we stayed until then.  He delivered the bed and we did homework.  It was a fun night.  Love you guys and I am so glad we aren't in Texas right now.



Hump day

 For me having Monday off it has seemed like a long week for me.  It really snowed here and I wimped out and stayed home.  I don't think they were happy with me but I didn't really care.  I am going to go in tomorrow. We just vegged after work and watched TURN.  It is a good series.  I am glad you stayed home Robin also.  I would work from home as much as you can.  I love your helicopter story.  That made me laugh.  Karen, I can't believe you only got an inch.  Crazy weather.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day.  Rock climbing looks like a lot of fun.  LOVE MOM 


 I had to shovel about an inch off my walks this morning. Then it didn't really snow until about 2 in the afternoon. It didn't stick to my walks so that was nice. I got free lunch to day because they had a years of service meeting. It was good. It was just a box lunch with a sandwich, cookies, and chips. Work was good though. After work I watched my economics lecture. I have have damaged my hand taking notes but I did it. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


It was so snowy today. We had like 3 inches of snow but by the end of the day half of it was melted. So I had it pretty easy on my end. I'm thinking by tomorrow all the snow will be melted. We took jenkins on a walk then went to jcw for dinner.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 Well it felt like Monday to me.  I was suppose to go into work today but I looked outside and said no way.  So I just worked from home.  The snow was so pretty today.  It snowed a lot.  After work we went to Sprouts to get pro biotics and then went to the mall.  We got Oliver a couple of small things.  It was fun to look around.  Rachel you can tell him that I have presents for him.  We put up the book case after we got home.  I haven't taken a picture yet but I will.  I like it there.  It gives us more room.  Robin.  That nursery is amazing.  WOW.  It looks so cute.  I am so glad the kids loved rock climbing.  That is going to be so much fun for you.  I hope the shoes worked out.  Karen, I hope you don't get snowed in.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM 


 It snowed a lot here today.  On our walk this morning we we soaking from the snow.  We were out of bread for sandwiches this morning so Casey was sweet and ran to the store.  Then he made it to work and forgot his computer so he came home.  Then on the way to work someone backed into him and broke his bumper.  They guys pulled into the maverick and Casey followed him and pulled up next to him.  The guy look at him and then drove away.  Casey went to the police and they are going to look at the videos and find the guy.  Me and Ruth did a lot of crafts this afternoon and that was fun.  Casey came home from work an hour early and we went to the climbing gym.  The kids loved it and we had so much fun.  Me and Casey took the certification class so we can belay.  I learned a lot and it was fun to belay the kids.  We had a really fun time and stayed way too late.  I love your nursery Robin.  Those stars are fun.




 My day was good. We got about 6 inches of snow here. It only snowed here a little bit this afternoon. Work was good. The ceo of graco announced he is retiring in June, so that was news at work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good. We had about 2 inches of snow but it all melted by the end of the day and tonight after dinner it started snowing again.. I bought a little rug for the nursery and it came today.i also 3d printed some stars and hung those up while I was in the room decorating. Hope everyone is safe in the snow 


Monday, February 15, 2021

Day off

 It was nice to have a long weekend.  Thanks everyone for hooking up on Saturday.  It was nice just to visit.  We had a really nice weekend with the kids.  They are so cute.  After they left we just watched TV.  It was too quiet.  I have to go into work tomorrow so that should be interesting.  I hope it doesn't snow too much.  Robin, I am glad you are doing good.  Everyone have a nice week.  LOVE MOM 


Today was good I got alot done. Nothing to wild on our end just work and life.



 Thanks Mom and Dad for the fun weekend.  It was so nice.  Me and Casey drove down this morning.  We went out to lunch and it was so hard to find somewhere that you could fine inside.  We finally found a really nice mexican place.  It tasted good.   We wanted to get some climbing shoes so we went to REI.  They were so expensive there but I found a clearance bin with really really cheap shoes and luckily they fit us.  Then we went to a jump park by Mom and Dad.  The kids loved it.  Traffic was bad going home but the weather wasn't too bad which is nice.  Isaac was starving and had to pee so we stopped and got a sandwich on the way home.  I am not ready to go back to normal.  We need more long weekends.




 I made it through work today. I was jealous that some people had the day off though. It was pretty quiet at work but I had a project to work on so it wasn't boring at least. It is cold and snowing here now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, February 14, 2021


 We had a nice Sunday.  We slept in a little bit and got up and was going to Karens but she figured out how to do the pantry.  Which I love.  You are going to just love that.  Then we decided to go the Valley Fair Mall because Ruth only brought on outfit and everything was closed.  We did make it to Children's Place because they opened early.  We drove out to Jordan's landing and had lunch and then did the jump zone.  It was fun.  Isaac wanted a crumb cookie but they were closed so we decided to go to McDonalds and have a milk shake.  This McDonalds had no icecream or happy meals.  Go figure that one out.  We went to maverick and made a milk shake there.  I really like those milk shakes.  I don't have to work tomorrow so I am excited about that one.  It is suppose to snow so be careful out there.  I love Isaac's new bedroom.  That has turned out nice  I am glad you had a nice day.  Robin, I hope you had a nice valentines day.  LOVE MOM 


 Your pantry looks amazing Karen.  Thanks for the pictures.  I am excited for you,good job.  I was impulsive and went home with Casey last night and the kids stayed with Mom and Dad.  We had a really fun day together.  We went and sign up for the climbing gym and climbed for a bit.  It will be fun.  Love you guys and it was really good to see everyone yesterday.  Oliver's birthday party is next Sunday at 12.  





This is the photographic progression of my pantry 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...