Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weird DAy

Grandma ate got dressed and went to dinner. It is weird. The Lortab is making a huge difference in her life. She is asking for it every 3 hours. I think she was in so much pain and didn't know how to tell us. We had a lazy day. We went to this is the place and walked around. We had a really good idea for Monday morning. We want to go to Gardner village and get some craft stuff. Her plane leaves at 3 so we can have lunch and then take her to the airport. Rachel what ever works for you is fine with me. We are just hanging. Robin is working all day tomorrow so we are just going to put a puzzle together. I am making tacos. LOVE MOM

I love it

Mom, I love the quilt, it turned out really good. I am excited for you. We had a good day. Casey got to sleep in and that was nice. We went to lunch at Village Inn and then went up to Clifton. We put flowers on Casey's grandpa's grave and they looked nice. Then we went to the house and got some of our stuff. The we went to Preston and got a snack because we were still hungry, we also cleaned the car. Then we went home and just hung out. Casey went to bed early and I am on my way. I will call Mom tomorrow when we know what is going on.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Finished the quilt

I put a picture of the quilt I finished on facebook. Karen helped me post it. I am going to have to learn how to do it on the blog. I had a really nice day today. It was so fun at the zoo. Julie and the kids came up tonight. I think we will have a lot of visitors this weekend. Have a great saturday. It is nice to have Karen home.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love the Plan

Rachel that is a great plan. Karen's doctor's appointment is at 9:00 in the morning so we will be back here around 11 or earlier. I am excited to see you. Grandma had some chicken broth and some ice cream tonight. I gave her some lortab when I got home and that seemed to help her a lot. She still hasn't gotten out of bed but it was nice to see her eat. Hospice came today and she qualifies. We are going to have a CNA 5 times a week and and nurse 3 times a week and a social worker 1 time a week. I am looking for people to come and stay with her during the week. I can hire a company but I know she would prefer family. She sleeps most of the time and the CNA will take care of bathing. Should be really easy. Lots of movie time. Well I don't work now until TUesday. YEAH LOVE MOM


OK, so we are going to come down tomorrow morning. Casey doesn't have to work on Saturday we we are going to come home Friday night and spend Saturday in Logan. Then he has to work Sunday and Monday so I was thinking of coming back down and hanging out with Karen. How does that sound? I finished the top of a quilt last night. The picture is below. I worked on my Sea Urchin quilt today. I had a lot of problems with my lawn mower yesterday so I only got the front and a little of the back done. I think that the grass was wet and that caused the problem. I was able to start the lawn mower today but the grass was wet so I think that I will do it Saturday if the weather is good. I hope that Grandma is doing better today and is feeling better.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

weird night

Well Grandma did get any better. She just slept all night. No food or liquid all day. I did manage to get a lortab down her right now. She was hurting. She is ready to go to heaven she said. I don't think it will be too much longer. I guess we will just take an hour at a time right now. Kay is going to come stay with her in the morning and Austin said he would stay in the afternoon. I am going to try to go to work and get things all organized so I can be off for a while. Have a great night. I am excited to see you tomorrow Karen.



WELL today was good about the same as the other days. I worked and then I worked. I got out of lagoon early so that was nice to be home before midnight. anyway Have safe travels karen. Also Rachel to. :)

love you

All set

Well I am all set to come up. I even got a sub for my primary class. One of the people I left a message for called me back and said they could do it. Yeah! Work was good today. I had a really long meeting this afternoon. It started at 130 and went until 510. It was good though. It wasn't one of those meetings where you just feel like your wasting time. We were doing a preliminary design review. So there was just a lot of stuff to go over. Mom i am sorry that Grandma isn't doing well. If there is anything i can do to help let me know. Well I will see you tomorrow. BYE

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ready for bed

WEll today was good. I worked at zions and then i fleeted off to lagoon. I worked till about 11. then I came home and crashed. Thanks for the beef jerky mom it was delicious. well my life is pretty plain. I did make a dummy at lagoon for a prop. I will have to post a picture tomorrow. Its super creepy, it makes me laugh. anyway I hope isaac feels better soon. and everyone have a good wensday



I got my federal taxes today. Just need my state ones now. That is good. We took Grandma to Famous Daves for dinner and then target. Gary thought we were closing on the house today so I took a couple of hours off and it really wasn't that so now I have to do it sometime on Friday. I did however get to go and get some new sheets and a mattress pad. Ours is shredded. I had to order the mattress pad. I am excited to try them out. I am sorry Isaac had a bad day. Watch for his teeth. It really could be anytime now. Usually by 6 months they have a couple on the bottom. Robin I hope you are surviving. If you need anything just let me know. Just think Karen two more day and you are are here. YEAH



I had a good day. Isaac had a hard time, he was having kind of a rough day and I am not sure why. He may just be worn out. I just did some house work today and went grocery shopping. It was nice in the evening so we went on a walk and then watched glee. I hope that everyone has a good night and sleep well.


The week moves on

Well my work week is officially half over. Robin I will be there for part of Monday. My flight leaves at about 3 so we can play until then. My day was good. I thought I would be bored but I was actually pretty busy. I am jealous that mom got to leave work early though. It rained just enough to spot my car windows. It was a nice day though. It was cool and sunny for most of the day. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, May 23, 2011


well today went well I worked and then ran down to lagoon. We finally got costumes and tomorrow is dress rehearsal so, the next few days are going to be crazy. well karen for gossip we have gone out a few times. He's cute its fun to hang out with him. I think we might go out again this week but it depends on work, and when you guys want to hang out. BUT I have monday off are you staying till monday karen?? well I know its not to much gossip but I do what I can :) anyway. have a great night



Well it was rainy here tonight. I took grandma to Village Inn for Dinner and then we went to Stein Mart by Dan's. She got a really cute outfit for 16 dollars. Pants and a jacket. I gave her a bath tonight and it made me cry. She has gotten so thin. There isn't anything left. I was so upset I weighed her. She is down to 94lbs. She was 108 in March when I took her to the doctor. I can't get her to eat. I am so worried. She goes to the doctor tomorrow. I hope they have a magic pill. Well not much else to report. I didn't get to work on my quilt. Maybe tomorrow.



Today was good. Me and Isaac went and got some cheese at Gosners, it was fun. Around 4 Casey's dad called me and they were going to visit his grandma but I had just put Isaac down for a nap so when he woke up we went up there and he was really cute. He was good to let everyone hold him, he smiled and was fun. I was glad and it was fun. Then we went up to his Dad's and had a barbecue. We played that Telephone pictonary game and it was really fun. Karen you should bring it up when you come this weekend so we can play it. It is a fun game. Casey didn't get up here until 8. So around 9 Isaac was getting fussy since it is his bed time, so we came home and Casey stayed to talk. It was a fun day and good to spend some time with Lauri and Tiffany. I am glad that Isaac was so good.


Well work was good today. I am glad that Monday is over though. So Robin, how are you liking Josh, that was like your 3 date right? Just got to get the gossip you know. I am excited to come up on Thursday. I got a really good strawberry off on plant today. It was a big one and it tasted yummie. i would have put a photo on but I ate it before I got a picture. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, May 22, 2011


today went well =, I worked at zions in the morning and then I went over to josh's house and watched a movie. I am so tired now. I hope I make it this week. i am beat. well not to much else I'm glad everyone had a great sunday


Nice Sunday Also

WOW I had two really nice days in a row. I slept in and took a nap and dad made his potatoes from his spice cook book for lunch. They were really good. Then I made chicken and bread pudding for dinner and strawberry shortcake for dessert. We went for a really long walk after dinner and grandma came with us and collected rocks. It was a lot of fun. Just as we were getting back the clouds came and it started to rain. It was nice to be outside two days in a row. I love that. I got my quilt out and got it all ready to finish up the binding and started to sew it on. I am hoping to finish it up tomorrow night. YEAH. It is so pretty. I am excited to have it done and then I am going to make something new.


Sunday also

We had a good day. I went to church but I left during Sunday school. Isaac was happy and squealing and I didn't want to distract the class. We just wanted a quiet day home and it was nice. Casey's sisters tiffany and lauri are here on there way to wyoming so tiffany stoped by to see Isaac. He was really good for here. They are going to have a barbue tomorrow and I think I am going to spend some time with them in the day so they can see the baby. I made thai peanut chicken for dinner and it was pretty good and Casey was able to eat it with his sore teeth. Not much is going on, we just rested today and it was a good day. Also I used the high chair and feed Isaac rice cereal and it went a lot better, it was a lot funner to do it that way. I am going to start to do that every night, it will be fun.


Well I found out that the other teacher I switch with can't teach primary any more. so I am going to teach every Sunday now. My lesson went well today though. It was nice here today. Very sunny, it is suppose to rain tomorrow though. I am sorry that I didn't texted you back Rachel. I love the picture you sent to was way cute. I am glad that he likes the toy. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...