Friday, July 6, 2018

Thursday, July 5, 2018


The kids were able to sleep in today and they were a lot happier today.  We ate and then headed off to the pool and got their about when it opened.  It wasn't very crowed today and we had a lot of fun.  We were going to stay until it was time for Casey to come home but someone pooped in the pool so we left around 3:45 and it worked out well.  After dinner we worked on the deck, I mostly just watched Casey work on the deck.  It is nice to work on it in the evening when it is cooler.  Thanks for coming up this weekend.  The kids are really excited for the cruise in.  We saw some old cars at the pool today which is exciting.


Baby step

I felt really productive today I got a lot done. I am glad tomorrow is friday. Everyone liked their bags. I was going to work on another project for tonight but I was lazy and just relaxed. Have a good one


Felt like Monday

It felt like Monday today.  It was weird.  Work was quiet but I was super busy.  The day went by fast.  We came home and found out we were out of trash bags so we went to Walmart and walked around.  We now have trash bags.  The trash was very ripe smelling when we got home.  I am so excited it is Friday tomorrow.  I am excited to go look at the car Karen.  We will just meet at my house and then go to Tooele.  Rachel, I am planning on coming up on Saturday for the cruise in and deck work.  Everyone be careful in this hot weather.  Robin did everyone love their purses.  They were so cute.  Karen good luck with that smoke.  I hope you are doing OK with no allergy meds.  LOVE MOM


Well I made it back to work. It was really smokey here today. The fire by strawberry is still getting bigger. Work went good. Nothing new or exciting to report there. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


We had a good day.  I didn't get much sleep though, we were up late and then I had to get up early to put flags in everyone's yard.  Ron was cooking for a neighborhood breakfast so we woke up all the kids and went to that.  They slept in the tent last night.  Ruth started in the tent but ended up inside.  We all wore our matching shirts and we looked really cute, thanks Mom.  The breakfast was fun and it was good to see people we hadn't seen in a while.  When we got home we built the legos the boys bought yesterday with their money and Casey went to Lowes to get more parts for the deck.  We had a late lunch at the black pearl and the kids ate so much food.  It was pretty cheap too.  I want a table for the deck for my birthday so we went and looked at a couple of places for those.  We picked up Leona and I cooked mush and eggs for dinner.  She used to make that when Casey was growing up.  The kids even ate it.  She stayed and watched the fireworks works with us and had a fun time.  The neighbors came over and we did fireworks together which was a lot of fun.  The kids had a blast.  I was remembering the video Robin made when Casey lite all the fireworks at one time.  I found and watched it and it is so funny.  Good times.


Ruth did her own hair

Lazy day

We had a really lazy day here.  We got up around noon and then just cleaned up a little bit and rested.  I did scrub my bathroom which really needed it.  I am excited to go look at your jeep on Friday Karen.  It is suppose to get really hot the rest of the week.  Everyone have a nice day getting back into the groove of work.  It was so nice to have a day off.  LOVE MOM


Today was chill and nice. I enjoy not working. I slept in and then finished off all the bags. My back hurts from huddling over my machine. I did laundry and it was nice to have clean sheets and towels. I went to spaghetti factory because I was starving and nothing in my house was hitting the spot. The fireworks just started so I think it will be a long night. Hope everyone had a good 4th



My day off was good. I went to ace and got weed killer this morning and sprayed the weeds around my place. I hope that they die soon. I made zuppa soup for lunch it tasted really good and then for dinner I grilled a steak. I now have a bunch of leftovers. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


I tried to leave work at 12 but it didn't happen I finally left around 3. Then I just took q nap and worked on more bags. I hope everyone has a safe 4th of july


Those are cute purses Robin, good job.  Ruthie didn't sleep last night.  I knew we were having a late night tonight so I let her sleep in, she slept until 1.  The boys were playing really cute this morning so I finished up some house work and then I was able to finish cutting some blocks that have been out forever.  I haven't been sewing a lot lately so it felt nice.  We just played around the house the rest of the day.  We did run to walmart so the boys could buy a lego with their money.  When Casey came home we rode our bikes up to Randy's and they made hot dog and hamburger.  We also roasted marshmallows.  Then we went up above their house and watched the fireworks which was fun.  We rode our bikes home and it was a lot of fun.  Isaac did great on his bike.  Ruthie wanted to ride with Randy so he drove her home which was nice.  Everyone have a great day off tomorrow.  I hope it is a good one.


Oliver spent most of the day in his underwear


Robin those purses are cute good job. My day was good. It was meeting day so it went by pretty quick. Then after work I ran to Heber to pick up a prescription. There was a lot of traffic but I made it thru. I hope everyone has a good 4th tomorrow. Bye


Well I am pretty excited for a holiday.  Work was crazy busy and I worked hard all day.  I am stiff now.  I did get about 10 boxes out of the hallway by my office so that felt really nice.  It was getting really bad.  We did walk the zoo after work.  I love watching the elephants.  They were very active.  A lot of the animals weren't but it was so nice and peaceful there.  It really calmed me down.  Everyone have a great 4th of July.  LOVE MOM

Monday, July 2, 2018


Today was good. I'm glad we get a mini break this week. I might take a half day tomorrow just because. I finished 2 bags so I need to finish the rest. I was tired today so I didn't work on them. I figured if I work a half day tomorrow I will have plenty of time . Have a good one



We got our new tree this morning and it is really pretty.  It looks really nice and I hope will be a great tree.  They delivered it at 8 so Casey went into work late so he could help if we needed with the tree.  Since he went in late they slept in the tent again and had a fun time.  Ruth lasted until 11 and then she came inside.  The kids just wanted to stay home today and they were playing really cute.  Ruthie played doctor a lot.  I asked if she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up and she said No, just a princess.  After dinner we rode bikes to visit Leona.  We stopped along the way and bought some fireworks.  We were kind of late going to her house so we didn't stay long.  Good luck this week Karen, I am glad that you are going to an allergist. 



Work was good.  It went by really fast and that is always nice.  We did go grocery shopping after work.  It is always nice to have food in the house.  Dad didn't have anything good for his lunch.  I really like your new tree Rachel.  That will be nice to have shade on that side.  Robin,  the Ford Escorts have good ratings on Edmund.  I thought you would like to hear that one.  Karen you might be in for a long week.  I hope grasses calm down soon.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. It was busy in the morning but not as insane as it has been so that was nice. I am excited to have Wednesday off. It will be a nice break in the week. Today is the last day I can have allergy medication so I can get an allergy test next week.  Wish me luck with that one. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Fun times

Sure had a nice weekend.  Thanks everyone.  I loved the movie on Friday and helping with the deck on Saturday.  It is looking really nice.  Good work finishing up the posts.  It is starting to look finished.  Love the stairs.  Robin, I hope you got your purses done today.  Karen way to go on the lawn.  We went down and saw grandma.  Her foot has 2 stress fractures in it.  I guess just walking different on it broke her bones.  She has oesterioporsis.  I talked with Annette and she is going through with the divorce.  Jani came down for a while and we talked and then we left so she could have some time with grandma.  Everyone have a great week.  Thanks so much for everything.  LOVE MOM


Karen good job getting things done, that is nice.  I hope that your elbow starts feeling better soon.  Thank you guys so much for all your hard work on the deck, it is really coming together nice.  We had church at 8 this morning.  The kids slept in the tent and we asleep so we let them sleep in and I only went to young women's.  When I got home me and Casey finished putting up the rest of the posts on the deck.  Casey went to work after we got done.  I took the kids hiking up the canyon and we had a really fun time.  It was nice and cool.  The kids all brought their bags and we stopped a lot and had snacks.  It was really a fun time.  Tomorrow the tree is being delivered so that will be fun.  Thanks again and have a great Monday.  This will be a fun week.



Things are going good here. I did get my lawn mowed yesterday. It looks really nice. Today I got my laundry done. It was so pretty outside this weekend. It was nice and cool. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...