Thursday, July 6, 2017

thought this was fuuny

Ar 15 Becomes An Assault Rifle Black T-Shirt Back


We had the funnest time with Mom and Dad, thank you so much.  It was the perfect two days.  I still need to pack and get organized but I will get that done tomorrow.  We will be down tomorrow night also.  I am excited for our vacation, it is going to be fun to spend some time together.  You guys are the best.



I still need to pack. This week went by so fast. Lol no complaints. I'm ready for some no working time. Karen it's still totally fine if you stay over. It's just going to be more car swapping. I will go over to mom and dad's after work tomorrow to pick you up :). I might go into work early tomorrow to get caught up a bit so I'm not leaving Everyone with lots of work. I had to work scheels tonight but it was nice to walk out and be done for a week. See you all tomorrow

We are ready to Rumble

I went to Smiths tonight and got the rest of my stuff as well.  I am so ready to play.  We had a really fun time with Rachel and the kids.  They loved the bunk beds and it was fun to watch them play.  I was hoping they would like them but they just loved them.  We went to build a bear today and they each got their bears.  Man was it hot.  Robin you can leave your car at our place.  It is the safest thing to do.  I love your hydro flask. That is pretty cool.  You are so gifted.  Everyone be safe in the heat.  I will see you all tomorrow.  Drive safe  LOVE MOM

One day more

Well I jyst have to work one more day and then it is vacation time. I went to Walmart after work and got the rest of the stuff I needed for my food stuff. I also have my bag packed up and ready to go. Robin there are no worries. If it is too much of a hassle I can just do something else. I am excited to play. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


So we have a bump in the plans. They are redoing the asphalt at my apartment starting I have an idea...karen how about.on Friday you drive to mom and dad's and I will come.pick you up. Then on Saturday I will drive up to mom and dad's and leave my car at their place..... will that work ok?? Sorry I just found out tonight.

Anyway today was good at work. Nothing too exciting. I went and bought be a hydro flask too. I thought it would be nice to have. I used then glitter vinyl mom bought be for the side. I liked how it turned out. I wasn't sure if Rachel wanted something on hers. But I can add something if you want. Have a good night



Well today seemed like Monday to me today. At least that will make the week go by fast. Work was good. Tomorrow at work we are getting puzza for lunch so that should be fun. It will also be time to pack up for our trip. Fun. I hope you got your mattresses mom. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone.  Bye

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July

Well my day has been good. I go cookies made and more stuff for our trip. I have done more dishes this weekend than I usual do all month. I also got my laundry done.  I am glad that i only have to work 3 days this week and then it is vacation time.  Have a great one. Bye

Happy 4th

Sorry I didn't blog last night it got so late so fast.  Thanks for the bunk beds Mom, I love them.  I was so confused what day it was today.  Casey was home and I turned on the water and it wasn't watering day and I didn't notice until 3 this afternoon.  We had a good day yesterday.  I babysat in the morning and we did water balloons and played downstairs.  We went to Sam's for lunch and got some batteries, we use so many.  Randy invited us up for dinner so we went up and he grilled hot dog and hamburgers.  It was fun to talk with everyone.  We decided to not watch the fireworks with them since it takes so long to drive home afterwards so we came home and walked to the church on 8th east and watched them.  Some neighbors were there and they had kids that know Isaac so they played.  Oliver fell asleep while we were watching them.  Isaac was so excited when we got home we set off all the fireworks that Mom and Dad bought us.  It was fun.  We were invited to a breakfast this morning but we didn't make it.  Casey worked on fixing the trailer all day so his Mom could take it to Washington.  It was so hot me and kids stayed in the basement.  We got pizza for dinner and got Oliver a new car seat like Isaac's and Ruthie some hiking shoes.  We also got some more fireworks for tonight that we are going to set off in a bit.  We took Stanley outside and he loves it.  Isaac was sitting inside and he started to crawl on Isaac.  It kind of freaked Isaac out but it was really good for him.  I think they will get used to each other.  I tried so hard to get a good picture yesterday of the kids but it didn't happen.  Isaac wouldn't wear his matching shirt but he wore it today.  Oliver slept in his and just wore it both days.  I am excited to come down tomorrow, thanks for having us.


 Ruth keeps drawing all over her legs


Hope everyone had a good 4th. I just worked at scheels so it was borning. I bought some jumbo otter pops and they are like crack I've had 4 today. I'm pretty sure my sugar levels are extremely high. I am going to pretend tomorrow is Monday then when it's Friday it's a pleasant surprise. Have a good one


4th of July

Well, we have bunk beds.  The was my exciting day.  Kay, Julie, Angela, Alyssa, Johnny, Hayden and Maddex all came and helped get the bunkbeds.  I ordered the mattresses and they will be here tomorrow.  IKEA has some sheet sets for $10.00.  I  bought 3 of them.  They will get us started for sure.  We just rested after putting everything together.  Dave is having surgery to take out his stents in his kidneys so dad is going to help him with that.  I am going to work early and RAchel is coming to get me.  If that gets to be too much Rachel just let me know.  Have a wonderful 4th of July.  LOVE MOM

Monday, July 3, 2017


Well my day has been good. I got my shredded pork all cooked. So thst is nice to have done. I also my teriyaki chicken for dinner. I am going to do laundry and make cookies tomorrow.  I also got my guns cleaned tonight. The other exciting news is I got my new drivers license in the mail, so yeah I am all renewed. Well have a great 4th every. Mom if you need help with the beds I can come down and help. Just give me a call. Bye

4 more days

Well I am getting super excited is all I have to say.  4 more days and we have a vacation.   I got laundry done tonight and Kay and Julie are taking me to IKEA tomorrow to get my bunk bed.  WE are meeting at noon at Kay's house.  Work was really quiet and I am getting all caught up.  It is wonderful.  I am loving it.  I don't know if the beds will be ready to sleep on by Wednesday but I am babystepping.  I think for sure by Friday.  Everyone have a wonderful 4th of July.  Be safe out there it is hot and fireworks everywhere.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, July 2, 2017


Thanks for taking time off Mom, we should have a fun week.  Today was good.  I had a early church meeting, everyone was still asleep when I left which is good.  When I got back Oliver wanted to pet Stanley so we took him outside for a while.  Our church is at 12 now so it is later.  Isaac gave a talk and did really good, he is cute.  Casey took Oliver and Ruth home after sacrament.  I had another meeting after church so Isaac stayed with me for that one.  It was hot today so we watched a show downstairs and then after dinner we played outside.  The kids were ridding their bikes on the basketball court and we brought Stanley outside again.  I am jealous that you have tomorrow off Karen, I have to babysit.  Good luck.



Robin I think that is funny.  I was wondering if you went because the one in Provo had a huge chemical leak and it is closed.  I didn't even know they had one in West Valley.  We went and got Grandma for lunch and Walmart.  They are taking all her carpet out.  She has wood floors under the carpet.  So much for selling as is.  It was upsetting.  Her bedroom was all tore apart and she had no headboard.  No remotes.  I texted Robin and that made me feel better.  They wanted to know if she wanted a couch.  It was a hot day today.  Karen you are such a sweet heart to make all that beef jerky.  We are going to eat well for sure.  I have to say I am pretty excited.  I am working tomorrow as well and then going to take some time off when Rachel comes down for her class.  I am only taking Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off next week.  Not much else going on with us.  LOVE MOM

Not so raging

Today was good. A few girls at work wanted to get the pass of all passes and go to 7 peaks. We went to the one in west valley. They had a total of 4 slides open. I think they want to try the Provo one to see if it has more slides. The map in the West valley one Still said raging waters and all the slides had different names. It was kinda funny and ghetto all in one. I got a bit burned. Then I came home and did dishes and relaxed. I am working tomorrow :( But I took all of next week off so that will make up for it.


Well my day has been good. I got more beef jerky made. Tomorrow I am going to make cookies. I took the day off because I thought it would be nice to have a 4 day weekend. I also renewed my concealed carry permit online tonight. So I am still legal to carry concealed. Well have a great Monday tomorrow everyone.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...