Saturday, August 14, 2010
I had a good day, we slept in. We went and got Casey some new bike tires and they are really nice and he likes them. Then we went to lunch and I droped him off at work. I spent the rest of day sewing the rag quilt, it turned out really cute. I like it. I think that it looks like a boys quilt. When Casey got home we went to a movie at the Gateway. It was fun. I am glad that you had a fun day at the fair, I love the Logan fair and I am sad that I missed it. I am excited for your cruise Karen and I hope that the prom was fun for Robin.

We worked on the deck today but we went to the fair and had lunch. We bought grandma a hat and she looked so cute. She loved the fair. They were doing Henna tatooes and she wanted one but the lady was gone so Robin will have to give her one. It was fun to see her having such a good time. We took the wheelchair with us. The deck is coming along. I think I have scrapped all the paint off of it. Dad wanted to try a primer on it so the parts that weren't done so we got some primer and hopefully we will see a difference. I have done a lot already so most of it won't have primer. It was a pretty day. Karen next week at this time you will be ready to fly the friendly skies. I am so excited for you. Robin I hope your Zombie Prom was good.
Robin cool movies, you did good. My day has been good here. I went and got cash at the bank, then I put gas in my car, and then I went to Walmart because I couldn't find my lipstick and if I am going to wear a fancy dress I figured I should probably go get some. Yeah me. Well it is hot here today. I think that the high was 107. All I can say about that is at least it cools off to below 80 at night now. I tried to take a nap today but the people above me played music so it didn't work so well. So I gave up that idea and they stopped. I just can't win sometimes. Well I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. BYE
Friday, August 13, 2010
same place
Well today I worked at lagoon then a girl at work wanted to hang out. So we went to gateway also, its weird we didn't see each other rachel. :) We had fun though, I bought a ring for 5 dollars. its pretty crazy but I like it. Well tomorrow I work in the morning and then I am doing the zombie prom. I hope it goes well, I think that it will be fun though they said last year 300 people showed up, yikes. well. have a great night ttyl
and the paint goes on
I painted again tonight and the kid helped me. He painted four whole bars and three of them I had already painted. I don't think he is going to be painting for much anymore. I am just going to do it myself. I am tired of paying kids who don't help. I guess I am tired but I just can't keep doing it. I am going with professionals from now on. The end. I had a good day We had a luncheon at work for Shaun's birthday and that was nice. I am hopefully going to the fair tomorrow. It is the last day and I like to walk around. Grandma is going to take the wheelchair if she goes. Have a great weekend. I am going to paint tomorrow for a while and then play for a few hours I hope.
Friday the 13th
Well i hope that everyone had a good Friday the 13th. My day was good at work until the last 2 hours and then it was boring. It seems like that happens most Fridays. It makes the end of Friday take forever. Well I hope all my trip stuff printed out to take. I also went grocery shopping after work. I even payed my rent. Wow I was productive. I am glad that you got to see Robin's shows, Rachel. I bet that they were awesome. Did you get a curro and icee while you were there? Well hope that everyone has a great weekend. Don't work too hard Mom. I love ya all bye
I am having troubles loading a video, it keeps failing. Mabye they are too big. I will figue it out and post it later. I was a fun time at Lagoon and it was good to see everything Robin works on. There is another family for Frighmares and I want to go again. We had a good night tonight too, we went to the Gateway for dinner and then I got two new shirts and a bod pillow. I think that we are going to go to bed early since we are tired.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
and the paint goes on
I painted again tonight. The kids didn't show up so I finished the garage and painted the front door and then worked on the deck for a little while. Baby came over and visited for awhile. That was nice. Then when it got dark me and Grandma went to Walmart. I called the doctor about her medicine not working right and he said to add another pill at night and boy what a difference that has made. She is in less pain and is still up and moving. In the mornings she isn't so hammered also. I think this is a good thing. I am tired and sore so I am going to go play farmville and then go finish up my laundry and then go to bed.
I'm sorry about grandma's fish. I forgot to say something last time. I think it served its purpose though, Now she is out and about more. I'm glad that your house is moving along mom. You won't know what to do when everything is done. :) Well today I worked at lagoon and then I meet up with rachel and we watched the shows. It was fun, they put in a new act in the cirque show. I will try to find out when the frightmare family times are then maybe we can plan a weekend show. Well tomorrow I work in the morning so it should go pretty smooth. If you forget something karen you can buy stuff in the bahamas. :) ah the tough life, you better come back though. There is no staying on vacation forever we need you back in utah. ha ha ha I hope you have tons of fun though. have a great night
Well I am trying to make alist of things that I need to get or do for my trip. I am hoping that I can get organized. I hate packing. I always feel like I am forgetting something. Work was good today, although I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am glad that your garage got painted. I bet that it looks nice. Well I hope that everone has a great night.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
baby back ribs
Well today I worked at lagoon, same ole there. Then we went to spaghetti factory for dads birthday. Tomorrow I work at lagoon as well, then rachel and casey are going to come to lagoon to see the shows. I'm excited for your cruise karen I can't believe how time is flying. yikes. summer is almost over.
love you
Back to the real world
Well I had to work all day. It was a dead day so I had a bunch of help and we archived old files. There is still a little bit to do but it is amazing how much you can do when you have help. I got home and painted some on the deck and Monte's boy painted the garage door. Things are moving along. Prince (grandma's fish) died. I went to change his water tonight and he was one dead fish. I think we will wait until we move to get a new one. I love your fabric Rachel. That is really nice. I am going to go to Walmart one day and get some ric rac to finish up the receiving blanket we made on Sunday. It is so cute. I am doing laundry because I have no clean garments.
Fabric Crazy
I have an amazon.com credit card and you get rewards points and I haven't redeemed them in a while so I went on the other day and I had Fifty dollars in free money on Amazon.com. So I got some fabric and it came. It is really soft and pretty. I don't know what to make with it yet. I am going to work on the green and red quilt first. I have been thinking alot about it and I know what I want to do now I just need to draw it up and make it. I am excited. Here is a picture.
Happy Birthday Dad also. We took him out to dinner and it was fun. I am getting excited for your cruise Karen, I can't believe it is only in 11 days. I am excited for you.

Happy Birthday Dad also. We took him out to dinner and it was fun. I am getting excited for your cruise Karen, I can't believe it is only in 11 days. I am excited for you.
11 days
Well there is 11 days until my flight leaves. Cute pictures Rachel. I am glad that everyone had a great day yesterday. It was windy here today. My allergies are bad today. But I have sour patch kids so I am good there. My day was good work has been staying pretty steady so it has been nice there. I need to go grocery shopping but I think that I will procrastinate that until tomorrow or Friday...or maybe even Saturday. Well have a great day. BYE
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
shakin and bak'n
Today went well I had to work at x-pose photography for a few hours then I met up with everyone. I went to the hospital with rachel but stayed in the waiting room. I think that was a better place for me. I like the pictures but everything in the middle isn't my kind of stuff. He's a cute kid. I think he will be most handsome baby!!! well I'm excited for your cruise karen, I can't believe its coming so fast. anyway have a great night I will see you all later
I saw a miracle
I had such a good day today. The ultrasound was amazing. He is one beautiful baby that is for sure. We went to lunch with Kay and Jen and Rylee and then had dinner with Julie and Kyle. Then when I got home my garage was all painted. It was such a good day. Thanks Rachel for letting me be there. Well I am jazzed on coke so I am going to go play farmville for awhile.
The baby
You can't catch me
Well my day was busy. So it just flew by. I hope that everyone had a good time at Rachel's doctor appointment. Have they said anything about dad's x-ray? I spill hot sauce on my carpet so I had to clean it up. I got it good enough that it didn't even stain, which is nice. I hate it when I spill things. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sorry about lagoon, I forgot their day off was tuesday. opps. but we can re plan tomorrow. Also today x-pose asked me to work tomorrow from 10-1 so hopefully it doesn't dent the plans to much. Today I worked at lagoon, it was nice because the day show was off so it was quite and no drama. love it.
Another round on the deck
We went and got Grandma's hair cut tonight and wet to chinese food (formosa) it was good then Monte was here when we got home so we worked outside. I got the rail nailed down (I knew Rachel would love that) and worked on more loose boards. Fixed the gate and then me and dad started by the bleeding hearts and all the wood just crumbled. So we had to put new wood up on the flower beds and then we took the rail down on that side. Boy it was an adventure. Casey guessed right on the wood because we only have about a 1/4 of one left. Tell him good job. I am excited to come to SLC tomorrow. I will keep you posted on what goes on. Not too much else to report. Monte is going to paint tomorrow while we are away. Maybe he will be like a magic elf and get it all done. One can always dream.
Free Stuff
I had a good day, work is fun and I like it. I picked Casey up after work and we went to Subway, I had enough points that we got everything for free. I love that. Then Casey rode his bike back up to work and I worked on the deign for the quilt. I have about got it but I still haven't gotten everthing to add up yet. I am bumbed about Lagoon but we will just go someother time this week. It will be fun. Well I guess I will see everyone, but Karen :(, tomorrow. :)
Well I made it thru Monday. I am kind of tired but not too bad. Work was pretty good. I stayed busy most of the day so it went by pretty fast. I hope that dad's doctor stuff went well today. Well there really hasn't been any thing exciting since I saw everyone so I will sign off. Have a great one. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...