Saturday, January 23, 2010


I'm sorry about the incence in your room karen. that sucks. We are in slc and we are just chilling so I thought I would blog. Tomorrow me and rachel are leaving in the morning. and mom will leave later at night. I got done with all my meetings. I'm glad that its over. well I think we are going to start making beds. love you


Incense Stinks

Well apparently my neighbors down stair are burning incense. It is traveling up to the vent in my laundry room. I thought I had a gas leak lat night because I could smell something that smelled like it was burning and The more I smelled it the worse my headache got. But nope just incense. I am keep the door closed to my laundry room and that is helping, but I have have to get an air purifier for my living room to get rid of all of it. The good news is that it is in the font of my place away from my bedroom. I went and saw the Lovely Bones today and it is a very strange show, I wouldn't recommend it. It was cold here today, but the clouds are breaking up and you could see the sun. I passed Mario now I just have to go and get all the star coins. i hope that everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Safe and Sound in SLC

We made it safe and sound to SLC. The roads weren't too bad. Robin drove however so she might have a different opinion. It was nice of her to drive. I ended up working long hours and we left late. We ate dinner at spagetti factory and that tasted good. It will be nice to sleep in tomorrow. I haven't done that for a long time. Rachel is coming down tomorrow so it should be a fun day. I am excited for Karen to come on the 8th



Well it is finally Friday. With it raining and being Friday I decided to order pizza. It tasted really good and it was nice not to have to cook dinner. Work was pretty good. I am glad that it the weekend though. Good luck with your movie interview thing Robin. I am sure that you will do great. Have fun in SLC mom. I hope that everyone has a great weekend BYE

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spoon Me

We got to go to spoon me tonight. I ate a small dinner to I would be hungry and it tasted so good. I got three blocks done tonight. Slow but sure. I sure am enjoying sewing this quilt. It is foggy here again. The minute it stops snowing the fog rolls on in. I am going to SLC right after work. Robin is coming with me. That will be nice to have company. I am going to come home on Sunday night or monday morning. I will see how it goes. My first official weeking living in SLC. I am a little nervous. It is a big step. I think it is in the right direction. We will see if Dad can handle it. Have a great weekend.


some money honey

Today I made some cookies finally. It was fun to cook again. I also bought some plaster online and some foam so I can cast my dude that I have been making. I will post pictures when i start making more projects. I am going to go down to slc tomorrow with mom and come home with rachel. so I will be good. I'm excited for karen to come up it will be fun to play. anyway tonight is sewing night So i am just blogging instead :) but mom and rachel are doing something productive. anywho have a great night


Wind and rain

Well it is cold and rainy here today. We have flush flood watches here until tomorrow morning. Work was still pretty slow today, but tomorrow should pick up. Mom, I am glad that got a hair cut. I hope that Robin can get the hole fixed your bathroom. I hope that mom and Rachel have a good time sewing. Have a great night. BYE

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Safe and Sound

Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. I think he was glad to get back to work. He is still healing but I think he is on the mend. That is good. Work was really slow and I should have done a lot but I just kind of took it easy. I needed that. I got my hair cut so I could spike it again. I thought with Robin home she could teach me how to do that right. We went and looked at tiles for the bathroom so while Robin is bored she can help me fix the hole in the tub wall. It has been there forever. It was really foggy here tonight. I wish we had some wind.



Well today was good. I just listened to pandora most of the day. I love music. anyway. me and mom went out for dinner and shopped around. Mom got her hair cut. its really cute. well other then that i'm pretty boring. I think I might go into slc on friday but not quite sure yet. i will have to see. anyway have a great night


Good day

I had a good day. I finished all the projects that I wanted to at work and that felt good. They have to send out 4,000 fix it kits for a pulse bar issue so we had some temps come in and make them. I had to help carry out boxes. I am not meant for physical labor. The goats are doing good, they are happy. I am sewing more tonight and it is fun. Good job on cooking Karen, that is fun.

It's coming

Well I checked the weather and the green mass of rain is moving toward St. George. It is just a matter of time until the rain starts. Works was good today. I cleared off my desk again. I made egg drop soup tonight so I had to go to Walmart after work and get some rolls to go with it. It turned out pretty good. I still need to work on getting the eggs to turn out like they do in the restaurant when the drop them in. But I will get it in the end I hope. Mom I will start trying to lean that way just for you. Well I hope that everyone had a good Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another day

We went to see the doctor today and dad passed his tests. He is doing OK. He is going to SLC tomorrow to work. I am going down on Friday and spending the weekend. See if that can work out so he doesn't have to travel so much. That was so nice of someone to do your driveway Rachel. They really are nice people out there. I am glad they are looking out for you. Your quilt is amazing. I love it. Karen why don't you lean towards flying home. More time with us and less tiredness. Just a hint. Work is going good. I am getting caught up and that feels nice. I have a ton of braces that need to be sent off but other than that I am hanging in there. I was so nice this afternoon. The sun actually came out. That has been awhile. Have a great hump day.


more papers

So i had to fill out more paperwork today. It was employment papers, like w4's and stuff like that. So I am pretty sure that I got the job. They haven't come out and said "you have the job" but I'm going on the assumption that I have it. Other then that the weather was really nice today. I'm sorry that clifton got alot of snow. Most of it melted here. but its suppose to be bad this week. I'm not going into slc tomorrow. I am just going to go later. soooo thats me for the day.

love you


Well it snowed a lot today. The roads were bad in Idaho. I had to shovel my driveway a little this morning to get out and when I came home someone had shoveled my whole driveway, it was a miracle. Here is a picture of it shoveled.

It was a beautiful day in the afternoon though, it was so nice to see the sky and see the mountain. It made me happy. I got a new Keepsake quilting catalogue and their was four quilts that I really want. So I need to buckle down and get sewing on my projects I have. Here is a picture of what I am working on now. I have all the larger pieces int he picture done and I am working on the little ones. It is going really good.

I hope that Karen comes up, that will be really nice to see you. I hope that everyone is having a good day. I hope that you are surveing all the paper work Robin and I hope that work is going good for you Mom.


Sounds good

Mom, I think that sounds like a good plan to me. I am going to plan on going to the birthday surprise on the 6th. That will be fun. I will let you know whether I am going to drive or fly. Either sounds good so far. The rain is moving back in tonight. It was really pretty here this morning you could actually see the sun, but the the clouds started moving over. I am doing good nothing too exciting. i hope that everyone has a good Wednesday tomorrow. BYE

Monday, January 18, 2010

ho hum and a bottle of rum

well today I woke up and went to dillards. I had to fill out a paper so that they could do a background check on me. They called me later and said I passed and now I am privileged to come in for more paper work. sheesh you think I was selling my soul. oh wait...... :) just kidding. So tomorrow i will go down and do more paper work. I'm sorry about your straightener Rachel that is scary. It always has to happen in the morning when you still are sleepy. darnest things. I'm jealous of your rain karen I'm kinda ready for the winter to be over. We should plan a mini get away this summer over a weekened we should go rent ski do's or a boat and play on the beach for a day or two. nothing to excessive. just to get a mini get away. well I better stop day dreaming and get to real dreaming. Have a great tuesday.


Nice Day

I am glad you found your hair straigtener. That would have been a long week. You would have to come and borrow Robins. Dad went and got his blood test this afternoon so he is already for the doctor visit tomorrow. I think on Wednesday if he checks out he will go to SLC. I am going to go down on Friday night and spend the weekend with him so he doesn't have to come back and forth for a couple of weeks. Thought that might help him rest. We will see how it works out. I am going to call the Bishop and ask him to release me and dad so we can try out the weekends in SLC. That will save dad a lot of time in a car. It hardly snowed at all here. The fog is still here in fact. Not much else to report.

Ode to my Hair Straightener

This morning I couldn't find my Hair Straightener and I had though that I left it in SLC. I panicked. I hadn't realized how dependent I was on it. I decided to just put my hair in a ponytail but it didn't look good. Luckely I found it under my coat on my way out so I went back and fixed my hair. It was funny. I had a good day. It was busy and went fast. I finished my book at lunch, it was alright. It was the Lacuna. I am excited to start a new one. Well have a good Monday. :)


Well it has rained here pretty much all day. It is suppose to be rainy all week here. I hope that is doesn't flood. Work was kind of slow today, but I think that it will pick up tomorrow. I am glad that things are going good up north. I hope that you guys didn't get snowed in up there. Have you heard wither or not you got your job yet Robin? Or they still checking your background? Well have a good one.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I am not looking forward to this week. It is hard to get back into life. We had a quiet day. Me and dad went and saw Jay at the nursing home. She isn't doing very well. She looked really bad and wasn't tracking at all. Our home teachers didn't show up. I wasn't too sad about that one. I am glad that Mario Brothers is going well. I am off to bed


i am the princess.

Well I figured I was a princess soooooo who needs mario. :) anyway I went to church today, I think I will go to that one from now on. I got my pink paper to fill out. yippe. Nothing much else to exciting going on just the usual. I'm glad that your certified karen. that is cool. you will have to make a badge holder. :) well have a great martin luther king day, and have good dreams.


I saved the princess

I have saved the princess but after all the credit is comes up with a new world, world 9. Now I am going to go through that. I need to go back and get all the coins. I missed some a long my way. Well I am glad that you are a official EMT Karen, that is exciting. I am glad that Robin has gotten her job. It is exciting. Have a good Sunday.


Robin, a background check what fun. i got my EMT badge in the mail yesterday. Yeah I am official. I am glad that everyone had a good time in SLC yesterday. I went and saw Avatar again last night. Kenna called me about quarter to 8 and asked if I wanted to go with her. So I did. It was fun. The line was long though. I didn't expect so many people there. I have made it to the big end castle in Mario (the one right after the normal end castle on a normal level). I thought I made it to the end guy and I beat him but then he comes back alive and chases thru a level. I haven't made it past that one yet. Well have a great Sunday. I wish I had Martin Luther King day off, but I don't. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...