Monday, January 18, 2010

ho hum and a bottle of rum

well today I woke up and went to dillards. I had to fill out a paper so that they could do a background check on me. They called me later and said I passed and now I am privileged to come in for more paper work. sheesh you think I was selling my soul. oh wait...... :) just kidding. So tomorrow i will go down and do more paper work. I'm sorry about your straightener Rachel that is scary. It always has to happen in the morning when you still are sleepy. darnest things. I'm jealous of your rain karen I'm kinda ready for the winter to be over. We should plan a mini get away this summer over a weekened we should go rent ski do's or a boat and play on the beach for a day or two. nothing to excessive. just to get a mini get away. well I better stop day dreaming and get to real dreaming. Have a great tuesday.


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