Saturday, January 23, 2010

Incense Stinks

Well apparently my neighbors down stair are burning incense. It is traveling up to the vent in my laundry room. I thought I had a gas leak lat night because I could smell something that smelled like it was burning and The more I smelled it the worse my headache got. But nope just incense. I am keep the door closed to my laundry room and that is helping, but I have have to get an air purifier for my living room to get rid of all of it. The good news is that it is in the font of my place away from my bedroom. I went and saw the Lovely Bones today and it is a very strange show, I wouldn't recommend it. It was cold here today, but the clouds are breaking up and you could see the sun. I passed Mario now I just have to go and get all the star coins. i hope that everyone had a great Saturday.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...