Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Nothing to wild today. Luna was a rollercoaster of emotion all night..so we took it slow. Tomorrow is my Friday so that makes for a good day


Monday, July 1, 2024


 I am so glad everyone had a good day. Those ponchos are so cute. Robin I am glad everyone talked to you. I had a good day. I weeded this morning and then took a nap. The weather was so nice. I can't believe it is July. Time goes too fast. Love mom


 We are having a fun time.  I got up early and weeded the garden.  It is looking really good.  Isaac watered the flowers and we picked up bagels.  Tiffany made it this morning.  She brought a ton of free samples from her work.  Charlotte cut all our hair and we look amazing.  We went and bought some creamies and then went to Randy's.  We had hamburgers for dinner and then went to the park and played games.  We have all been wearing our ponchos and it is fun.  Teri made Ivy and Lily some ponchos so they have some also.  Everyone is sleeping at Randy's tonight and are having the sleep over of the century.

Love Rachel 


 Good work Robin. I hope that they audit your job and give you a big raise. My day was a quiet one. I just worked on making an internal audit SOP. Exciting time I know. Then after work I met mom and dad for dinner and Cafe Rio. Then After I went to the eye doctor. My eyes look good. I did get a new pair of glasses also. They should be here on the 15th. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. The hr guy had a meeting with me and my boss. They are going to get together next week since this week is a short week. Then they will work on my title and pay. It felt positive but we will see how it all plays out. After work it was cloudy and cool so we played out side it was nice to have a cooler evening. I love summer and not having it too hot. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024


 We had been working on the stuffed animals and we finished Oliver's elephant and are half way done with Ruth's horse.  The minky is crazy.  I really like the patterns and would make them with flannel next time.  Isaac went to water the ladies flowers and the hose was broken.  So Casey and Isaac worked on fixing it all morning.  We went to church and I played the piano.  Mandy and Charlotte came up early and made it this evening.  Tiffany will be here tomorrow.  It is Collins birthday today also so we had cake.  We went to the park and played for a while.  It was fun.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. We worked on a puzzle and then went to Costco. I worked on the elephant that I got at the quilt show. I still have a bit to sew but you can tell what it is a least. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a quiet day. We finished the puzzle so karen had another one we haven't done and worked on that. We went to Costco to get a few things and then came back and Karen sewed her elephant and I did my diamond dots. I am making great progress on it. I enjoy doing that. Good luck robin I hope they do a job audit. Rachel I am glad caseys sisters made it safe and sound. Have a really good time. Love mom


Yesterday we met up with the gang and went to South Town mall. Then I had a work party with my team. It was good we just had a BBQ and played a game. But I'm glad it was over. I'm requesting a job audit to review my current title and pay. After the party I sent the email to get it off my brain.

Then we ran to Jeramys mom to try and fix her chair. Today Luna was wild and I was so tired. But we made it out alive. We made more squishy toys. It was fun. Then we went to the park but it was so hot we went to a car wash and cleaned my car. Then we picked up little ceasers. Luna didn't take a nap so she went down early.



Nothing to wild today. Luna was a rollercoaster of emotion all night..so we took it slow. Tomorrow is my Friday so that makes for a good day...