Saturday, February 14, 2015

Spring Cleaning

I started my day with the intention of cleaning my house.  I got sheets washed and bathroom scrubs and then Karen called and kidnapped us to a movie.  YEAH.  It sure was nice.  Grandma came with us and it was a good day.  I did come home and finish up my laundry.  Robin, I am so glad your car is all better.  That was good.  Rachel, I am planning on coming up tomorrow as soon as I get up I will drive up and we can go to church and play.  Thanks for letting me come up.  Dad has to work on Monday so it will just be me.  It was such a pretty day.  I think that is so cute Isaac is dressing up as Thomas.  I remember you guys in dress up clothes all the time.  Robin got a super girl costume when she was that age and wore it out.  I love their imagination at this age.  LOVE MOM

Be my Valentine

Oliver did not sleep well last night and both boys woke up early this morning so we were all tired but we preserved.  We went to Walmart this morning and got some Valentine balloons and a new Thomas the train movie.    While Oliver napped we watched the new movie and that was nice.  We got a heart shaped pizza for a candle light dinner.  It was fun.  We put the boys to bed early since they were tired.  I am glad that your car is fixed Robin and I am glad that you had a fun day Mom and Karen.


Isaac is Thomas so he has been wearing a #1


Robin I hope that your car is easy to fix. I hate having car trouble. My day has been good. I got my blood test done this morning and then I went grocery shopping. I then decided that a matinee would be fun so I called mom and she said that sounded fun also. So we got dad and grandma to come also. We saw Kingsman it was an okay show. Not the best ever, but not too bad. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Good bye till tomorrow

Today was good my car was fixed it was the starter. Walter told me if they gave me price to tell him and he would see if they were ripping me off. So they quoted me price and I told them I just had to call Walter and see if that was ok and before I hung up they knocked off 60 bucks, so I had Walter call just to make sure they were not adding extra fees. It kinda made me mad that they were going to charge me 60 bucks because they could..grrr. Anyway it started great and it is safely home. The Walter bought KFC and we went to a park to have a picnic and walked around. It was fun. I am now watching the last five years for the second time, it's such a good musical, some parts are eh but they stick close to the orginal. I have a photoshoot tomorrow so hopefully that goes well. Have a good night


Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday the 13th

Robin, I am sorry about your car.  I hope it isn't anything really bad.  You can borrow my car if you need it.  Work was good today and dad took me to Toys R Us and we got Oliver a water table for his birthday.  You now will have two tables for the boys to get wet in.  He took me to Kentucky Fried and we got some chicken and took it home and watched VanHensing.  It was our scary movie.  Everyone have a nice Valentines day.  LOVE MOM

Poor Car

I am sorry about your car Robin, that sucks.  I am glad that you were able to work everything out.  If you need help you can always call me also.  Karen, I am glad that you have been busy at work, that makes the time go faster.  Thanks again for the trains Mom, that is so fun.  We lost Thomas for a while this evening and it wasn't pretty.  Luckily we found him.   The weather was really nice again today.  Isaac didn't feel great so we took it easy for a little while and then we went on a walk, then grocery shopping.  After Oliver's nap we played with bubbles and the sand and water table.  They both got soaked with bubbles and water.  I got them dried off and then we just played inside until Casey got home.  I hope that everyone has a good Valentines day.


Unlucky 13

So last night my car had trouble starting and Walter called me to say hi so I was telling him about it. So after work today we were going to drop my car off at the mechanics. But this morning it wouldn't start at all. So I called work and told them I was going to be late and then I called walter to see if he knew a good way to start it. But he had an appointment at 9 so he came and picked me up and drove me to work and then dropped by after work to pick me up. My insurance covers towing so he waited with me till the tow truck arrived and bought me dinner. He had a gaming thing tonight so he went off to that. I thought it was nice of him to help me all day. Then tomorrow they should look at my car and see if they can fix it, then its valentines day so walter is going to drive everywhere until it's fixed.

So that was crazy. But at work me and this one girl have been waiting for the last five years to come out. I guess it's only being opened in 6 theaters in the usa. When we researched it we noticed you can already buy it on iTunes. So I am going to watch it tonight on my laptop and relax. Hope everyone has a great valentines day



Well I thought today should be a doughnut day so I went and picked up some before work. It was good. Then at work I had to assemble some beta units of a project I am working on. They had to ship today and I had to wait until they finished machining a part I needed. But I got it all done before lunch so it was good. It made the day go by fast at least. I am going to get my blood test done tomorrow morning. It should be exciting. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I met Kay and Julie for dinner tonight and I found Rosie the train for Isaac.  I was way excited about that one.  I am sorry you are so slow Robin that does make for a long day.  You will have to find a project that you wanted to do when you were really busy and get that done.  Revamping always makes the day go fast.  Good luck Karen with your peas.  It does seem like pea weather doesn't it.  I am glad you got yours planted Rachel.  Not much else going on with me.  I was nice to get out.  We ate at the sweet tomato and the salad tasted so good.  Have a nice Friday the 13th. Robin I love your rose.  That is beautiful.  Way to go.  LOVE MOM


Karen we must be on the same wave length because we planted peas today.  It just seems like the right weather for it.  Isaac was so good to help and he planted all the seed.  I made the hole and he put them in.  Robin, I am sorry that things are so slow, that is the worst.  Thanks Mom for Rosie, that is really sweet of you.  We are elbow deep in Thomas so it will be fun to have her.  Today was good.  Me and Casey have been trading sleeping time with Oliver not sleeping great so I slept in and then when I got up he took a nap.  It was nice.  So I took the boys to the mall to get out of the house and play for a while.  It was fun we spent all morning their.  Calleen called and wanted to go to Sam's again.  I stayed and put Oliver down for a nap and Isaac and Casey went with her shopping.  After they got back and she left we just spent the rest of the day outside.  Casey fixed the fence post and worked on his car.  We played soccer, thanks for the nets they were fun.  We also had to go to Isaac's school and pick up his Valentine's.  He had a lot of fun going through them, it was fun.  After dinner we went on a bike ride.  Isaac liked the trailer but Oliver did not and cried the whole time.  I think he will start getting use to it, I hope.  Well thanks for everything and everyone have a good night.



Today was long I was tired and now the factories are in Chinese new year we are slow. Next week will be super slow. I am working scheels so I'm bored , it's slow. so to sum up today has been slow. I am so glad tomorrow is friday! Also tomorrow the last 5 years opens in theaters. I am so excited. 50 shades of Grey also comes out so I'm hoping everyone goes to that so the awesome movie (last 5 years) won't be booked. have a good night



Well things are good here in Kamas. The weather has been beautiful here recently. I am glad that the nice weather is suppose to last thru the weekend. I might plant my peas in my garden this weekend. Work is going good. I have been staying busy. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Although it is Friday the 13th. So the unlucky beware. Have a good one. Bye

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It's starting

So we have sent off our final emails for Chinese new year. So for 2 weeks we are having down time. so it will be interesting. Tonight walter came over he got guardians of the galaxy from red box and we had steaks. It was fun. I started to cut out my bag I finished the rose. I work at scheels tomorrow so nothing to exciting. Have a good night


Good day

I had a good day.  Karen I am glad you got to sign up for stocks.  That is fun.  Rachel, I am sorry the bike didn't turn out.  I bet you he will be riding his own bike before you know it.  I hope he had fun taking his valentines to school today.  That is always fun.  I was worried that Oliver's bruise might not be gone by Monday.  Do you think pictures will work out?  Work was busy and that was good.  I didn't sleep very good last night so I am going to try and go to bed a little early tonight.  It is so pretty outside.  I am glad that you got to play outside.  Tomorrow night I am meeting Kay and Julie for dinner.  LOVE MOM

I sent it back

Isaac would not ride on the new bike.  He thought he was going to fall over and it scared him so Casey took it back today.  I figure we can try again next year when he is a little older and I hope that it goes better.  It wasn't worth stressing him out over it.  It was a pretty day this afternoon.  After Isaac got back from school we spent the rest of the day playing outside.  It was really nice.  We went to Panda for dinner and it tasted good.  I hope that everyone has a good night.  Thanks for everything.  I like your pillow Robin, good job.  Your sewing machine has endless possibilities.



Well my day has been good. I am still staying busy so that is nice. We got the forms for the stock buying at work. So I got it all filled out and turned in. That about sums up the excitement of my day. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I am glad that you got the right antibiotic Mom and I am glad that you got the W2's.  That is awesome.  Good job on the kids food Karen, that sounds fun.  Today seemed busy.  Isaac wanted to make valentine cookies for his class so we did that today.  We the dough in the morning and cooked and decorated them in the evening.  It was fun.  I sewed with Jenn today and she made me a cute Valentines pillow, it was really nice of her.  Calleen came and wanted to go to Sam's so Casey and Isaac went with her.  Oliver took a long nap, he is growing.  He also crawled on his hand and knees a bit today.  Well everyone have a good night and I hope that everyone sleeps well.


Isaac helped make the Valentine's by putting stickers on them.

The finished product.


Today was good nothing to crazy. Next week is Chinese new year so work is going to be slow. In the next couple of days. A girl at work wanted me to emboider a pillow for her girlfriend so I worked on that tonight. I also bought fabric to work on a bag. I want to sell this one so I hope it turns out cute. I'm embroidering it now so I don't have pictures yet. Have a good wednesday.


Long day

It was a long day today.  We went to the doctor's this morning and he was so slow.  Dad did have the wrong type of antibiotic so we are working on getting him a different type.  I am glad we waited to start them until we met with the doctor.  We both got blood tests afterwards.  I figured we better not try for another Saturday.  I worked late to make up some of the time and we did end the night better with a trip to Arby's and Walmart.  I had to get treats for the boys tomorrow.  Dad did get his W2 forms  (YEAH).  So I am going to start working on taxes.  I am hoping to get them all done this weekend so we can get them turned in.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well for some reason I kept thinking today was Wednesday. I hate thinking that I am a day ahead. Oh well. What can you do. Other than that my day has been good. Work is staying busy so it is going by fast. I was channeling my inner child today for dinner. For some reason mac and cheese sounded good. So in had that and chicken nuggets. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, February 9, 2015

Super Star

Oliver woke up early this morning and Casey was sweet and got up with him.  I got up when Isaac did and then Casey took a nap.  Isaac got to be the super star at school today and bring the sharing bag.  It was pretty exciting and he had a good time.  We want to ride bikes a lot this summer and Isaac doesn't like sitting in the trailer with Oliver so we got a bike for Isaac that connects to Casey's bike so we can pull him.  We tried it out and Isaac felt like he was going to fall and got upset.  We are going to keep trying it and I am hoping he will have fun on it so we can bike this summer.  We went over to Randy's tonight for dinner and Kimi and Max were their.  It was a fun night.  Oliver was super tired we came home and put him to bed.  Good luck tomorrow on Dad's doctor appointment Mom and ogod job on your mammogram, your the super star.


I did it

I made it through Monday.  That is always a good sign.  It was so beautiful today.  The rain and then sunshine.  I loved it.  I left work a little early and went and had my annual mammogram.  Oh for fun!.  I did stretch it out to 18 months.  I think I will do that again.  Karen I ate some of your bruschetta for dinner and I loved it.  It was so good.  Thanks for sharing it with us.  It was nice to talk to you Robin and Rachel tonight.  Dad has a doctor's appointment at 8:30 tomorrow so I am going in with him.  I know I get to sleep in 1/2 hour.  I am going to work late tomorrow to make up the hours.  It should take us too long.  It is just a check up.  Have a wonderful Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Today was clean your desk day. I was lame I had to clean. But it work went by fast so that was awesome. The weather was bi polar. It was warm and sunny then rainy and cool. I went to Joanns to by some fabric for a bag I had an idea for. I came home and was tired so I just relaxed instead of doing projects. It was nice.



My day has been good. Work was busy so it went by really fast. It did rain a little bit here this afternoon. I was hoping for a big rain storm but it was just a little one.  I had a fun weekend also. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fun times

I had a really nice weekend.  Thanks for coming down Rachel and Karen.  It sure was nice weather.  I enjoyed going to the parks.  Sunshine is always nice.  Robin, I am glad you had a good weekend.  Karen left you a big bag of candy for you for Valentine's day at my house.  If you want to go to dinner one night, I will deliver it to you.  Rachel you were right about my kindle.  I left it plugged in all week and it is working now.  Thanks for the tip.  I hope everyone has a nice Monday.  It is always hard to get back to the real world.  I love to play.  Love the pictures Rachel.   LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun weekend.  I hope that you had a good time also Robin.  Here are some pictures.  I didn't get any of Mom, I will do better next time.  Thanks again for everything.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...