Friday, February 13, 2015

Unlucky 13

So last night my car had trouble starting and Walter called me to say hi so I was telling him about it. So after work today we were going to drop my car off at the mechanics. But this morning it wouldn't start at all. So I called work and told them I was going to be late and then I called walter to see if he knew a good way to start it. But he had an appointment at 9 so he came and picked me up and drove me to work and then dropped by after work to pick me up. My insurance covers towing so he waited with me till the tow truck arrived and bought me dinner. He had a gaming thing tonight so he went off to that. I thought it was nice of him to help me all day. Then tomorrow they should look at my car and see if they can fix it, then its valentines day so walter is going to drive everywhere until it's fixed.

So that was crazy. But at work me and this one girl have been waiting for the last five years to come out. I guess it's only being opened in 6 theaters in the usa. When we researched it we noticed you can already buy it on iTunes. So I am going to watch it tonight on my laptop and relax. Hope everyone has a great valentines day


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