Friday, February 13, 2015

Poor Car

I am sorry about your car Robin, that sucks.  I am glad that you were able to work everything out.  If you need help you can always call me also.  Karen, I am glad that you have been busy at work, that makes the time go faster.  Thanks again for the trains Mom, that is so fun.  We lost Thomas for a while this evening and it wasn't pretty.  Luckily we found him.   The weather was really nice again today.  Isaac didn't feel great so we took it easy for a little while and then we went on a walk, then grocery shopping.  After Oliver's nap we played with bubbles and the sand and water table.  They both got soaked with bubbles and water.  I got them dried off and then we just played inside until Casey got home.  I hope that everyone has a good Valentines day.


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