Saturday, January 6, 2018

I'm Back

We had a nice time today in Kamas.  I helped take Christmas down and just puttered around.  We did play bomber man.  It was fun to hang out.  We left and made it home safe and sound.  It was raining in Kamas and snowing in SLC.  Go figure that one out.  Dad is going to work a little bit in the morning.  I guess the DLL is almost done and they want to test it out.  That is good news.  I am not sure if we will make grandma's house or not.  I am going to sleep in for sure.  Rachel, did your church time change?  If you need to go to church next week.  We can meet down here and work our way back up to Logan.  It is up to you. I will take you for as long as you want to stay.  Everyone have a restful sunday and hopefully get feeling better.  LOVE MOM

Friday, January 5, 2018


we made it to kamas safe and sound.  Me and Karen went to the dinner it was very nice. The food was good and I won a battery charger and Karen won a 25 gift card to amazon.  Robin I hope you get feeling better soon.  This is a tough flu.  Rachel, I hope you get sleep tonight. It was warm. I am glad you guys got some rays. Have a nice weekend. We are spending the night. I am going to help take down Christmas decorations tomorrow. Love ya Mom

It's done and done

I'm so glad today is Friday. I'm so glad to be done working for a few days. I'm just relaxing tonight I still feel under the weather this cold really holds strong. I hope everyone has a good weekend


I hope that you were able to make it to your dinner Karen and got a bonus or something fun.  The kids didn't sleep well last night so I woke everyone up on time this morning and I am hoping that will help.  Oliver was starting to be grouchy and I just told him I was tired and not to push it today.  He was really good the rest of the day.  After we dropped off Isaac we walked around the hobby lobby and bought some new stickers.  We went to story time and it was nice to go again. The slide was broken so we didn't stay long afterwards.  It was such a pretty day we worked on cleaning out the flower beds in the front yard.  It was so nice outside we didn't really need coats.  After we picked up Isaac we went to Shaffers since everyone was good today.  We went on a walk after we got home which was nice, Oliver was sad that Isaac runs faster than him. Isaac is getting really good at Mario Kart and was beating Casey this evening.  I hope that everyone has a relaxing Saturday, love you guys.


Thursday, January 4, 2018


I am with Robin.  Today was a long day and I was so ready to be done with it.  Dad stayed home from work today and so I drove.  It was nice to just have music going on the way home.  Rachel, I am sorry that Oliver had a bad day.  Something is bugging him.  I haven't figured it out.  I think it will be good when he gets back into his school again.  Karen, I am glad that you went to the doctor.  I hope you start feeling better soon. I read today that the flu is running rampant in Utah.  Tell Isaac I accept his challenge to bet me at Mario Cart.  I bet he will take me down.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  If Karen is feeling better me and her are going to her work party.  If she is sick we are going to Kamas to hang out and watch movies.  Saturday is suppose to be stormy.  Maybe getting rid of all this junk in the air will help us.  LOVE MOM


Well I went to instacare and got drugs for all my aliments. So hopefully I will be all cured soon. So I took the day off. I got a nap which is nice. I am going to go back to work tomorrow so wish me luck. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wearing down

Today was good but after lunch I was grumpy. I'm not sure why but I just put in my headphones and made it through the end of the day. I went to cafe too to get soup it tasted so good. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday



Today was good.  Ruthie and Oliver didn't sleep well, I think they still have a bit of a cold and Oliver is super grumpy still.  School wore Isaac out yesterday but he had a good day today.  Oliver slept in so me and Ruth played with her kitchen which was fun.  I made Oliver's hot chocolate wrong and he was upset, we also went to Sam's club and I got new toothbrush heads and he was pretty upset about that for some reason.  Casey came home for lunch and it is fun that he can do that.  Ruth took a nap and Oliver was playing the switch so I sewed for a bit and that was a good break for me.  We want to switch banks with the new job so we were going to set up a new account after work but they close at 5 so we are going to try later.  Me and Isaac made cookies after dinner and that was fun and he was excited.  Isaac has been getting gold medals on Mario Kart and he is excited to beat Grandma.  I hope that you guys are feeling ok, love you.


Watch out Grandma

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


I still have a cough, but my voice is getting better. Work was good. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer.  I hope everyone has a good Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Happy day

Happy birthday ruth. Good luck with having a 2 year old rachel. I still have a bit of a cough and a runny nose but I felt crummy all day. Work was really busy but I made it out alive. I just came home and relaxed. I am glad the weekend is close.  I hope I'm over the cold by then ha ha


Happy Happy Birthday

I can't believe that two years have gone by.  Man time goes fast.  I am sorry she didn't sleep last night.  That makes for a long night.  Putting a movie on is the way to go.  I am glad they had fun with the piñata.  Isaac really wanted the bubble gum tape.  Work was work.  I got a lot done and that was good.  We went grocery shopping after work and then watched Star Wars (the first one).  It was fun to watch.  I have the words memorized.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Thursday.  I hope everyone starts mending soon.  Dad did get the jeep inspected today so that was good.  He was feeling a little better.  LOVE MOM

Birthday Girl

I can't believe Ruth is two, it is crazy.  She didn't sleep last night.  Casey ended up sleeping downstairs and I turned a movie on for her in our room and slept while she watched it.  She fell asleep when it was time to get up so I just let her sleep until it was time to go to Isaac's school to volunteer.  The kids did really well at the school and we had a fun time.  It was fun to see Isaac.  We went grocery shopping afterwards which was good.  Ruth took a nap and me and Oliver relaxed.  Collin Isaac's best friend came over to play and they were both excited and cute.  They made markers the whole time and had fun.  It was Roxanna's birthday and she really wanted a mermaid pillow so we took her over one and she loved it.  I hope that wasn't dumb.  Ruthie wanted beans and rice for dinner so we took her to Costa Vida and she had fun.  We ended up doing to pinata, thanks Mom and Dad.  Isaac brought up his light sabers and we just sat it on the floor, the kids had fun.  They all wanted the bubble tape once it was opened, it was funny.  I hope that everyone is feeling better and getting some rest.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Birthday Pictures


I am sorry everyone is sick.  Everyone I talk too someone has it, it is a bad one going around this year.  I slept really good last night which was wonderful.  We just hung around the house today.  We did go on a walk but Oliver was not happy about it but it felt good to get outside.  Ruthie loved the let it go dress, she wore it all day.  It was so cute.  Oliver loved the kitchen box and spent a lot of time in that today.  I had young women's tonight and we played a dice game called Tenz, it was really fun and I think we should get.  Casey had a good first day at work, he is training and it is a lot of learn but he is liking it.  He got to come home for lunch which was nice.  Everyone get some rest, love you.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...