Thursday, January 4, 2018


Today was good.  Ruthie and Oliver didn't sleep well, I think they still have a bit of a cold and Oliver is super grumpy still.  School wore Isaac out yesterday but he had a good day today.  Oliver slept in so me and Ruth played with her kitchen which was fun.  I made Oliver's hot chocolate wrong and he was upset, we also went to Sam's club and I got new toothbrush heads and he was pretty upset about that for some reason.  Casey came home for lunch and it is fun that he can do that.  Ruth took a nap and Oliver was playing the switch so I sewed for a bit and that was a good break for me.  We want to switch banks with the new job so we were going to set up a new account after work but they close at 5 so we are going to try later.  Me and Isaac made cookies after dinner and that was fun and he was excited.  Isaac has been getting gold medals on Mario Kart and he is excited to beat Grandma.  I hope that you guys are feeling ok, love you.


Watch out Grandma

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...