Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Birthday Girl

I can't believe Ruth is two, it is crazy.  She didn't sleep last night.  Casey ended up sleeping downstairs and I turned a movie on for her in our room and slept while she watched it.  She fell asleep when it was time to get up so I just let her sleep until it was time to go to Isaac's school to volunteer.  The kids did really well at the school and we had a fun time.  It was fun to see Isaac.  We went grocery shopping afterwards which was good.  Ruth took a nap and me and Oliver relaxed.  Collin Isaac's best friend came over to play and they were both excited and cute.  They made markers the whole time and had fun.  It was Roxanna's birthday and she really wanted a mermaid pillow so we took her over one and she loved it.  I hope that wasn't dumb.  Ruthie wanted beans and rice for dinner so we took her to Costa Vida and she had fun.  We ended up doing to pinata, thanks Mom and Dad.  Isaac brought up his light sabers and we just sat it on the floor, the kids had fun.  They all wanted the bubble tape once it was opened, it was funny.  I hope that everyone is feeling better and getting some rest.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...