Friday, February 8, 2013


I like the letters.  I think I will get him that or something like that.  I am excited for you to come down. 


I am now the owner of a new kindle.  YEAH.  I am excited about that one.  It does feel nice to be able to read again.  I would love for you to come down Rachel.  I hope the weather isn't too bad.  Please don't come if it is too bad.  We can go play.  Not much else going on with me.  Work was busy and I am tired.  I did get my dishes done.  That was a major deal.  I was lazy and haven't done them for three nights.  It was getting bad.  Tomorrow I am going to do laundry.  I am excited to see you guys tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Finally Friday

Mom, I am not sure either what would be good for Isaac for Easter. Here are a couple of things I had on my amazon wish list.  He really doesn't need too much, he is so spoiled.  I am going to come down with Casey tomorrow.  I am going to a relief soceity activity in the morning, it should be done at 12 and then we will come down.  Is that going to be alright?  Other than that not much else to report.  I hope that everyone has a good night.


LeapFrog Letter Factory Phonics

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn: Learning Piggy Bank
Product Image

Little Tikes Rocking Horse Blue
Product Image
Anatex Mini Rollercoaster
Product Image

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Random Thought

I am glad that everyone had a good day.  Dad had a bad stomach so he stayed home today.  I think we are back to a really mild diet for awhile.  Get it back in control.  We were walking Shop Ko tonight and a random thought came to me.  What to get Isaac for Easter.  What do you thin he needs?  I was just pondering that thought.  I am excited for the weekend.  I think we are taking Grandma Bodily out for her birthday on Saturday but it might be Friday night with Annette.  I am not sure what is going on.  Stay safe in the snow.  The air was a little better tonight coming home from work.  It just felt better.  I am going to try and do some house work this weekend and maybe some laundry.  It is starting to need it.  Have a nice company luncheon Karen.  I hope you win something.  LOVE MOM


today was good. I was tired but made it through. Mom and dad took me out for dinner it was nice to chat. I am excited tomorrow is friday!! although I have been putting off projects till later and I think friday night and saturday are going to be catch up day. but it will be good. Its suppost to snow so that might help me focus since I can't go out. not to much else with me have a great friday robin

Very Nice

Good job Karen, I am glad that you are busy at work, that is nice.  Robin I like the lace collar, I think that it is coming together really nice.  I am excited to see the finished product.  We had a good day, nothing too exciting.  We walked around the hobby lobby for a while.  Isaac took a long nap so I was able to get some sewing done, it was fun to do.  I watch the kindle fire while I sew and it has been really nice.  When Isaac wakes up he comes in and wants to play a game on it for a while.  It is a nice waking up activity.  Isaac wanted to drive the truck this evening so we looked for a sweater for Casey and mattresses.  Their is a new mattress store in Logan that opened Saturday we went too.  It was nice, the had the same prices and fishers though.  Some of the beds had massage features in it.  It felt really nice I must say.  Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.



Well it is almost the weekend. Yea! Tomorrow is the company luncheon and payday so double bonus there. Work has been busy. They have redesigned the project I am working on and they want it built and shipped to a show in 2 weeks so it is a little bit of a rush there. I have made good progress though so they won't be waiting on me a least. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday BYE

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

it has been a day

Thanks everyone for the support. I scheduled the surgery on the 21st. he said the morning was booked so I am going to do it late afternoon. It will suck to fast all day but it will be good to sleep the whole night ;) I will keep you updated as I know more. but I should be in good shape in 5 days from what they say :) so that will be good. Then I decided I needed a few things at walmart for projects and food. as I was checking out a guys t.v beeped as he walked through the door. the checker was like wait a sec and you still have the device on. He got super nervous looked around and ran out leaving the t.v behind. he was trying to steal it. CRAZY world. i couldn't believe it. then I went out to my car and my back tire looked low. I drove home and it looked lower. so I speed off to discount tire and there was a staple in my tire. they fixed it for me. They were going to rotate my tires to but one of the lug nuts was wrong and they had to weld it off and it was going to cost 50 dollars and I would have to drive with it missing till I went to the proper place to get the right one. So I didn't get my tired rotated, but they are fixed, Then I came home and ate my weight in chocolate and worked on my lace flower piece. I posted a picture. Its still in progress but its what I have so far. Crazy day!!! Hope tomorrow is less insane. :) have a great night Robin

Quiet night

Work was busy today but I think it will start slowing down in a couple of weeks when US News is over with.  Dad's belt broke tonight so I went and got him a new one.  His stomach wasn't feeling very well so he stayed home.  Isaac is getting so big.  He is so smart.  He just changes so fast.  I found a cute shirt for him at Kohls but I couldn't decide what size to get him.  Do you think I should buy size 3?  Well Robin I am glad there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  You will start feeling better really soon.  LOVE MOM

Can't think of a title

I am glad that you are doing good and had a good day Karen.  Robin, I am glad that they scheduled your surgery.  I am glad that you will be feeling better soon.  I will start making a care package for you.  Mom I am so excited for the CD, thank you so much.  We had a good day.  Isaac woke up early but nothing to complain about.  He was in a good mood.  He kept asking to go to nursery so he must of had a good time there.  We walked the mall this evening and that was nice.  I rented the car stroller and Isaac liked that.  He is getting so big, he walked to get in and out by himself.  He knows he shapes.  We were playing with the quiet book today and he just started naming them off.  He is learning a lot.  Well everyone have a good night.  Thanks for everything.


Half way

Well things are going good here in Kamas. I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. I started a puzzle and just forgot. Work went by quick today. I went to Heber after work and went shopping. I figured I better go before the storm hit on Friday. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Good Luck

Good Luck Robin with the surgeon tomorrow.  If you want me to come with you just let me know.  I can leave work.  I am glad you are going.  I was in a slump today also.  I blame the inversion.  It is wearing on me.  We went and got Rachel her exclusive Josh Groban CD at Target.  It was the last one they had on the shelves.  I did take a picture of it on my shrine.  I thought you would find that amusing.  Not much else going on with us.  It was a crazy day at work.  I don't work on Presidents day.  Karen doesn't get the day off.  Any ideas of something fun to do with a day off? 

beep beep

today was alright. I think I hit a slump this week. I had a hard time caring about work. I made it out alive but it was an effort. i blame my gallbladder. Tomorrow I have my doctors appointment with the surgeon. so i will keep you posted on that. I talked with another photographer friend of mine, he wants to do a photoshoot. we are going to meet up on sunday and talk about some ideas that would be fun. I started stiffening my lace. I tried it on one piece. it holds the lace up but I still need wire to shape it. so hopefully by tomorrow the lace will be dry. I'm glad josh groban was fun. have a great night robin


Josh Groban is truly an angel.  He has such a wonderful voice.  It was really fun to go to the concert with Mom.  It made me really happy.  Isaac had a fun time with Casey last night.  They had a good time playing together.  Today was pretty good.  Isaac was a little grumpy but we worked through it.  We went to story time and that was fun.  The last wheel of time book came out last month so I put it on hold so I can read it.  I am excited to see how it ends.  We were going to meet Casey for lunch but Isaac was upset so he came home and had lunch with us there.  It was nice.  Jenn came over and sewed.  I finished this weeks mystery quilt.  I forgot to take a picture but I will put one on tomorrow.  We visited Casey's Dad tonight and they are doing good.  It was nice to visit.  I have attached a picture of Isaac smiling.  Everyone have a good night and dreams of Josh Groban. :)


Monday, February 4, 2013

You raise me up

WOW Karen you did have a burst of energy.  I love nights like that.  You will have to post a picture of your shelves.  Do they look nice where you wanted them?  Robin I am so glad you are learning at school.  That is good.  You are learning new things.  I always think that is important.  Josh was amazing.  Thanks Rachel for driving all the way down.  He was in New York giving a concert and 500 theaters showed it.  I think that is amazing.  His voice was perfect and he is really funny.  I had a really good time.  Rachel is going to research concerts.  They seem to have a lot of them. His new album comes out tomorrow and he sang a lot of the songs and I think it will be a good album.  Rachel will get home around 11:30.  I hope the fog isn't too bad.  Have a great Tuesday.  JACHO is at the hospital all week doing a survey.  I hope we pass.  I went to work early this morning so I have 1/2 hour over.  I get to leave early one day.  I also have to stay late on Wednesday.  I might just leave a little early on Friday.  I will see if I can get out of bed.  I might just go in a little later a couple of days.  LOVE MOM

no sympathy

sorry your heater went out karen that sucks. But I can't feel alot bad its 64 every day at my work. its always on the chilly side. but I does suck so I feel a little bad. anyway I hope josh groban was fun!! I hope he warmed your hearts. Today was good for me I worked and went to school. School is overwhelming I feel so left behind but I have to keep telling myself its a new subject and I can't master it in one day. it takes time. So I am going to do homework tomorrow. Give it some more time. well have a great one Robin

What a day

Well my day started off with no heat at work. It was 40 degrees in the shop when I got there. Luckily my off was 64 so it wasn't as cold as some place but it was still chilly. They got the heat working again right about lunch time. So hopefully it will still work tomorrow. Tonight I felt very productive. I got my new fire alarms put up. Then I put my shelf together. It looks nice. I even got the cabinet lights that Robin got me installed. They are nice Robin. Thanks they are nice and bright. Then I got my dishes done. Impressive I know. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fun Times

We had a nice day also.  Thanks Karen for staying the night and playing Catan.  I am glad you won.  I thought for sure I would have seen a picture of your shelves for your plants.  I am glad you found your foot Robin.  You are now free to create your projects.  Thanks Rachel for coming down for Josh I have to admit I am way excited to go.  Drive real safe in the fog.  It was a little crazy when Karen drove home last night.  But you are both good drivers.  We had a quiet day.  After Karen left we just slept.  I did start going through my receipts for taxes.  I hate taxes.  They are a pain.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM

i found my foot

well good news I found my foot for my sewing machine :) I was excited. My house is layered in projects now. I am trying out the lace stiffner on a little piece to see how well it holds up. so i am watching a movie while it dries. well not to much else going on. I'm glad you get to go see josh groban sorry I have school but I will think of you. ;) have a great monday robin

So Excited

Me and Mom are going to the Josh Groban Movie tomorrow!!!! I am really excited thanks Mom for going with me.  We had a good day.  Isaac loves the food that you got him Mom, he has played with it all day.  I wore my new shirt to church and it looks really pretty.  Casey didn't work today so he was able to go with us which was really nice.  Isaac did really good in nursery, it is good to see him start to interact with the kids.  Casey made steak for dinner tonight and it tasted really good.  It was fun to have.  Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.



Well thanks for the nice time everyone. I made it safe and sound back to Kamas. i hope that everyone has a great week. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...