Saturday, January 14, 2023


 I slept in this morning and just went slow. We drove up to Logan and played. We made bath bombs at a store and then went to the jump zone. Rachel made a really good dinner. We are going to stay until Monday. Karen I am glad you had a nice day. Robin that is nice you see I think Lunas hair looks redder in her pictures. Be careful in the snow tomorrow. Love mom


 We had a good day and it is really nice to have Mom and Dad here.  I went to exercise class this my.  The I went to a baptism.  I like going to them and the kids are always so excited.  Casey hasn't been sleeping well so we went to look at beds.  We bought one.  It is supposed to be really nice.  They only had high legs so the bed is so high up but it is really comfortable.  Casey took our old bed to the dump and picked up the new one.  I had another primary meeting so I went to that.  It was so hard to stay awake.  Mom took Isaac to his birthday party for his friend and Dad helped up bring in the bed and work on the office.  I made dinner but the rice took longer to cook than I thought so it was late.  We went and bought some sheets and ice cream after dinner.  Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad 

Love Rachel 


I didn't sleep great last night. Luna woke up at 1 having a huge fit. It took about an hour to calm her down. Then I just kept waking up every hour for some reason. We took Jeramy Mom out for lunch. Then she needed to drop some things off at her sister's. So we went to Jeramys aunt's house for a while. Luna did great all day and was really cute. when we got home Luna was already asleep but stayed asleep once we put her in her bed. I worked on a glitter tumbler and took it slow. When she woke up we had dinner and relaxed. 


 I had a good day. I slept in and then I did laundry. Other than that I was just lazy. So nothing too exciting but it was a nice day. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, January 13, 2023


 Work was good. I am caught up and that feels nice. I picked dad up and we went to winco. It was nice to do some heavy shopping. We haven't been in a while. We came home and had chips and dip and watch van helink for our scary movie for Friday the 13th. We even bought popcorn. We live on the wild side. I am glad you got brushetta Karen. Rachel I really agree with the therapist. I am glad you took him. Robin I hope you had a nice day. We are heading to.logan tomorrow. I am going to sleep in and go up in the afternoon. Love mom


Today was good my throat feels swollen so that was annoying. A vendor took us to Taconos for lunch. It was good. I picked up a little Caesars for Jeramy and Luna because I wasn't hungry. The Grovers came over and said hi. The kids played and had fun. Luna is getting better at stairs. I am tired again but I don't think that is anything new. We are taking Jeramy s mom to breakfast tomorrow. 


 Today was good.  I felt like I drove all over the valley.  I checked Oliver out of school and took him to the behavioral therapist on the other side of town.  We just talked.  She said Oliver doesn't necessarily have ADHD.  She thinks we should get him tested at school for a learning disorder so he can get the help he needs to succeed at school.  She said he is a nine year old who doesn't fit in the mold at school and that is ok.  She said to make a list on a white board of the tasks he needs to do at home so he can visualize what he needs to do and keep track better. We picked up a sandwich in the way back.  It was beach day at school and Oliver really wanted to go.  We made it in time and he ate his sandwich at school.  Isaac had ambassadors.  I drove him their and then came back and got the little kids.  We met Casey for dinner.  Isaac really wanted a Cesar salad.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad and thanks for coming.

Love Rachel 


 Yeah it's Friday. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy, just working on my to do list. After work I went and got brucetta from red rock. It tasted really good. I hope that the behavioral therapist for Oliver went well. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday, January 12, 2023


 Work was good. I just made meetings all day. We met the gumm gang for dinner and went to Italian village. It tasted good. It was nice to visit. Dad's eye is a lot better and he went to dinner. He ate a lot and that was nice to see. Robin that is neat about your physicals. That is neat they do that. That is a lot of money. Luna is so cute. I will have to make sure I have quarters when we go out. Karen I am super excited for you. You are amazing. Rachel I love those dresses. Ruth looks so cute. I am glad you got a new pair of pants. It was nice to have sun shine and it is staying late longer. Have a nice Friday the 13th. Scary movie and pizza night. Love mom


 Good luck with your interview Karen.  I am excited for you.  Good job getting a physical Robin, I need to do that.  I hope Dad feels better.  Today was good.  My work had an annual meeting and they gave us lunch.  It was at an event center at the apartments in 2209 so we walked there. Isaac had orchestra after school.  I bought Ruth a dress that matches her doll and that came today.  She looked cute.  I ordered some Lululemon exercise pants and they came today so I wore them to exercise class.  I looked pretty cool and had great self esteem.  We did tabata and it was really hard.  Tomorrow I am taking Oliver to a behavioral therapist.  They only had appointments during school so I am taking a long lunch and will check Oliver out of school.  

Love Rachel


I was so tired today. Although it was really nice to have a sunny day. It was needed. My works healt plan gives you 1,000 dollars a person towards your deductible if you do a physical. They had a health fair at the clinic to get a bunch of people done. So me and Jeramy dropped off Luna and went over. It took an hour but we are doing good. Jeramy is drinking too much soda. Then I was going to mail the ctr things at lunch but I left them at home. So after work I picked up Jeramy and we went to UPS then one man band for dinner. Lunas figured out the quarter candy machines give her Skittles so it's her favorite. Hope everyone had a good day



 I am sorry dad has a sti those suck. My day was good. Work was quiet because 2 of the people in my office are out. I made it thru though. I got an email from TI and they are going to have me back next week for a second interview. So that is exciting. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


 Dad just has a bad sty in his eye. Nothing serious yeah. I love those ctr badges with their names that is really cute


 I didn't get much done today but I made it through. I stopped at sprouts on my way home to get probiotics and they had a big bottle.of valerian root so I got that for you Rachel. That is fun Ruth go see the elk. that is a fun place. dad loves it when they call him. I am so glad casey is feeling better. It might take awhile. Karen bought us tickets for at the hale theater in February. That was fun. Robin I hope your throat isnt bad. Mine was really sore after Christmas. We are at instacare. Dad's eye is swollen and sore. He just hasn't been right for a while see what they say. There is so much going around. Love mom


 That is sad about your coworkers Robin.  I am sorry.  That was nice of Andy to give you a ride Karen.  Ruth had a field trip to hardware ranch and she was so so excited.  She packed her lunch last night so she would be ready.  She had a fun time and liked seeing the elk.  Casey had activity days tonight and the kids had a fun time.  The made marshmallow snowmen.  Isaac had young men's and the decorated cakes.  Work was good today.  I made two zipper pouches and a wine bag.  They got a new janome machine on loan.  It is their newest model and it cost $23,000.  It has the biggest hoop on the market.  The machine is giant.  My boss was unpacking it and getting it set up.  They are going to make put it out in the middle so everyone can use it.  Casey is still doing good.  He is getting better every day.  I also had book group tonight.  It was good to see everyone and I thank them for all they did.  We met at the creepery and it tasted good.

Love Rachel 


There was a young kid at work whose wife was pregnant. They went in for the 21 week aultrasound and found out the vital organs were not developed so they are going to have to terminate the pregnancy. So everyone was sad at work. It made the day go by slow. My throat is feeling swollen so I'm taking all my vitamins so hopefully I don't get sick. Luna didn't eat very good today and was a donkey on edge. I think she has a few teeth popping through so she doesn't feel good. We packed up all the bottles and kept them close just in case. But we are trying to go bottle free. We will see if we make it or not. 



 My day has been good. I got up and shoveled my walks. Then i took my car down and got my oil changed. I just dropped it off and then I was planning to walk to work. Andy saw me though and stopped to give me a ride. Which was nice. At work I am just working on my to do list. Around 11 my car was done so I got ready to walk down to pick it up, but Andy was nice again and gave me a ride down. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Today was good nothing too wild. I said where is Luna's nose and she pointed to her nose. It was the first time she's found her nose. I made the ctr pendants tonight after Luna went down. I feel so tired today. It's hard to get in action. It rained a lot tonight. All of our snow is gone now and we have puddles everywhere.


 Work was good. Nothing too exciting. I stopped at firehouse subs on the way home from work and got some subs. They tasted really good. I heard with beans and wheat you have to go slow. Your stomach isn't use to all that fiber.  You have to work up slowly. Some one tole me once that all the people that store wheat really isnt that good because your stomach would have to get use to them. You probably have had more beans this week than I have ever eaten. They aren't my favorite. I am proud if you. That is good food. It poured rain here this evening. Crazy weather. It is suppose to snow tonight. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


 It snowing here today also.  It is wet snow.  Work was good.  I feel like I go slow slow though.  My machine was having tension problems and it took my a bit to figure out what was going on.  The kids had a good day at school.  Isaac had orchestra after school.  He forgot his violin but Casey ran it over to him.  I went to exercise class this evening and it was so hard.   It did feel really good afterwards.  Casey is walking Tony in the snow.  I have been eating a lot of beans and they are giving me gas.  I need to cut back a bit I think.  I read if you soak beans before you cook them it helps but I am using canned beans.  Can you soak those?  I don't cook the beans usually just eat them.  Maybe I need to cook them.  Those are my thoughts and questions on beans.  The end.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I had to get up and shovel this morning. Work went well. It was meeting day so it went by pretty fast. I was tired today so after work I fell asleep on the couch. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, January 9, 2023


 Work was good. I was stressed about payroll but it went well. I just worked afterwards. Meetings and more meetings. It was raining so I just came home. Dad didn't walk. His tummy is still upset. I am glad you found some therapists for Oliver and Karen that is fun about the job. Good.luck. Robin I hope all is well. It is some storm coming. Be careful out there. Love mom


The same person that bought a ctr thing decided to by them for her primary class so she placed an order for 13. That was fun. Then after work Luna had a huge fit and would not calm down. I gave her some infant Motrin because I ran out of infant Tylenol. I think she has teeth coming in again. Jeramy watched a movie with her once she was calm and I ran to Costco and Walgreens for Jeramy and Luna medicine. They were completely out of anything related to Tylenol infant. They stashed children's Tylenol behind the counter but she isn't old enough yet. So I looked in the baby section and they have teething natural pills. So I tried those they had great reviews on Amazon. She fell asleep pretty quick so hopefully they were working. Last night and tonight she didn't have a bottle just a sippy cup. So that was exciting



Work was good today.  Their were two step by step instructions that were missing a picture so I worked on those today.  I felt like it wasn't doing great on them so it was frustrating.  It is probably fine.  Oliver had a doctor's appointment at the same time as Isaac's violin lessons so I had him skip them.  Oliver's appointment was good.  The doctor from the forms his teacher and we filled out was pretty certain that Oliver has ADHD.  He didn't think he was hyperactive.  He was really good to discuss options and what to do going forward.  We got a list of behavioral therapist and I will get him an appointment.  Oliver wanted to make chocolate strawberries and Isaac wanted to make dinner so Casey took.them to the store.  They had to go to a couple stores to find everything so we had a really late dinner.  I didn't exercise class but I was able to get a lot of cleaning done.  Their was an ambulance at Cher and Andy's house and we are worried about them.  I hope they are ok.  I am glad your interview went well Karen.  It sounds like a perfect job.
Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I had my interview this morning. It went good. He said he was going to pass my name on for the next round of interviews and he thought I would be a good fit. After lunch I went to work. Work was just the usual. It did turn into a blizzard out. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Sunday, January 8, 2023


 We spent the night in Kamas. The meat turned out really good. There was a lot. Robin Lunas hair is long. She is growing up way to fast. Rachel that looks like a busy weekend. I loke what you did to the living room. You will like the crafts out of there. It will be weird working a full week. I haven't done that since before Thanksgiving. Have a nice week. Love mom


 My weekend was good also. Mom and dad came up and helped me get my smoker together and then we smoked some beef and pork. It turned out good and it made a lot. After mom and dad left I took a nap. I hope everyone had a great week. Bye 

The weekend

 We had a good weekend and got a lot done.  I went to exercise class yesterday morning and made it for the whole two hours.  We worked on the office downstairs.  We moved the rocking chair upstairs and the craft stuff under the stairs.  Then we started ripping up the carpet.  Isaac wanted to make dinner so we went to the store.  These guys were getting in a fight in the produce area so we had to hurry through.  Then me and Isaac cooked.  He made this amazing roasted tomato sauce for spaghetti with clams.  Also some wrapped dates that were pretty good.  It was a delicious dinner.  Today I had a meeting in the morning and Casey went to work.  The kids were so amazing and got ready all by themselves and were ready when I picked them up.  I was proud of them.  Church was good and it was nice to be back in primary.  Isaac had a meeting after church with the bishop and he is going to be the decon president. Also they are going to release me in a couple weeks.  We went to Randy's house for dinner and the kids are having fun playing.  We are watched Indiana Jones and it is a really good movie.  Good luck going back to work.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


Today we didn't do much. We just played around the house. I hope your meat turned out Karen. 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...