Monday, January 9, 2023


The same person that bought a ctr thing decided to by them for her primary class so she placed an order for 13. That was fun. Then after work Luna had a huge fit and would not calm down. I gave her some infant Motrin because I ran out of infant Tylenol. I think she has teeth coming in again. Jeramy watched a movie with her once she was calm and I ran to Costco and Walgreens for Jeramy and Luna medicine. They were completely out of anything related to Tylenol infant. They stashed children's Tylenol behind the counter but she isn't old enough yet. So I looked in the baby section and they have teething natural pills. So I tried those they had great reviews on Amazon. She fell asleep pretty quick so hopefully they were working. Last night and tonight she didn't have a bottle just a sippy cup. So that was exciting


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