Saturday, October 14, 2017


Well it was fun seeing everyone. I hope Casey had a great birthday celebration. Ruth was really cute singing happy birthday. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow . Bye

Thursday, October 12, 2017


I'm ready for Friday. I was tired today. Work was good it's nice it's a bit slower. I came home and worked on more Harry potter stuff. I forgot i had to pick up shirts at scheels to embroider. So I ran down and grabbed them. I might be able to meet up for lunch if that is ok in day. Have a good one



I hate to cough.  I am sorry you have a cough Karen.  I stayed home one more day.  I just didn't want to cough at work.  I am going to go tomorrow.  Just make sure I don't get too far behind.  We went tonight to Target and spent my 25 dollar gift card.  That was fun.  Rachel, I love the quilt.  That is really a nice bright quilt.  That has been a lot of work.  Robin it was nice to talk with you tonight.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

Busy Week

I hope that everyone is feeling better, colds suck.  Today was a busy day.  Casey got home late last night and was really tired so he stayed home today.  I had a dentist appointment this morning to fix a little cavity.  I dropped Isaac off at school and then I dropped Oliver and Ruth at Randy's and he watched them.  He was watching Ivy so they played together.  Randy got Casey a chain saw for his birthday which was really nice.  The dentist went good and was fast.  When I picked up the little kids they hadn't gone to the park yet so we walked over there and played for a bit.  We came home and had a quick lunch and then took Oliver to school.  Casey was up so he watched Ruthie and I went to quilt group.  That was fun and it is good to talk with everyone.  Casey hung the canoe up while I was gone and it looks really nice.  I had dropped Isaac's bike off at school so we rode bikes home which was nice.  We just spent the night at home and played, it was nice.  We are coming down tomorrow but it will be later.  Thanks for taking Casey shooting Karen.  I finished the quilts for the bunk beds, I think I will add a border but I thought I would bring them down and try them out.  I also attached a picture of my long time gone blocks, I am getting close to being done.



Well I didn't know we had plans this weekend. I will have to get my guns ready. I still have a cough so I didn't sleep well again. So I am tired. Oh well I will sleep eventually.  Work was good. It went by pretty quick. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. So we are having a treat day. So I made 2 dozen cookies tonight. I hope you are getting better mom. I also hope that I didn't give you my cold. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I'm sorry everyone is tired and or sick. I hope it's a restful night and everyone feels better! My day was good nothing crazy work has been slower so that is nice. I am still working on Harry potter stuff tonight. It's a never ending story.



I didn't sleep very well last night either.  Weird we all couldn't sleep.  I was so plugged and I took some medicines and I think they hyped me up.  I stayed home from work today and that was good.  I slept all day.  Dad stayed home to take care of me and did all the laundry.  I thought that was so nice of him.  I still don't feel very good but I can breath better so that is nice.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


I talked to Casey and he said that sounded good coming down this weekend and going shooting Saturday if that works for everyone.  There must be something in the air because the kids didn't sleep last night either.  It was a long night.  I don't think poor Isaac ever slept, he was excited for crazy hair day and eating school lunch.  My dumb alarm didn't go off so I woke up 10 minutes before we had to leave.  I hurried and made Isaac's hair crazy for school and he ate a quick breakfast.  He wanted to eat school lunch today I walked in with him and put money on his account.  He said it was good but he didn't have any time to eat it so he was starving after school.  This morning we cleaned and folded laundry.  Then I told Isaac I would bring his bike to school so we could ride home so I walked it with Ruth in the stroller and Oliver rode his bike.  It was a pretty day.  Oliver wont pedal up hills so I had to pull him the whole way home and that was a lot of work.  We rode bikes to pick up Isaac and after he had a snack we went to the jump zone with the card Mom got us.  It was a lot of fun and there weren't a lot of people.  Casey called around 8 and they are picking up the first car and he will be home in two hours, he had a fun time.



Well the week is half over. Yeah. Things are good here in Kamas. I did have trouble sleeping last night. My head was stuffy so my mouth would get dry and then I would start coughing.  So I am a little tired today. I was tough and got my laundry done tonight.  I hope that you are feeling better mom. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Today was ok. It kinda dragged but nothing crazy. I came home and worked all night on Harry potter stuff. I still have a lot to do but I guess the more I get done the less I have to do ha ha ha. I'm sorry you are sick mom. Colds are the worse. I'm feeling better. My heart was still weird yesterday but today I felt better. I am going to call the doctor tomorrow to see if I can return the monitor early. Have a good night



My day was good. I made it thru work. I also called my dentist so I could get a mold made to get a tooth finally. Still no more mice so that is good. I hope that you get feeling better soon mom. Have a good one. Bye


Well it is official, I have a cold.  I made it through work and then came home and rested.  Everyone at work has it also.  I think it is because I had a flu shot but that is just me.  I hope that Casey got off OK on his sleep over.  I hope he has fun.  Karen, I am glad you made an appointment to get your tooth on.  That will feel so nice.  Robin, I love your Harry Potter Stuff.  How is your heart doing.  Is it still giving you troubles?  Well I am off to bed to rest.  Wish me luck.  LOVE MOM


Today was a busy day.  I ended up babysitting this morning which was fun but makes it busy.  Casey left around 11 and was excited to go camping.  Oliver only wanted dinosaur chicken nuggets for lunch so we had to hurry to Lee's and get them.  Oliver had school and I decorated the gym for this evening young women's in excellence.  It took about an hour so I didn't get a lot of time to sew but a little.  We rode bikes today, it was cold this morning but really pretty on the way home.  I forgot Isaac's library books this morning so he couldn't get any new ones.  I had to take the kids with me tonight to young women's so we went to shopko and I got them each something fun to do.  Ruthie got stickers, Isaac a lego, and Oliver a paw patrol car.  I had to be there ten minutes early and then they started late so they were bored with their toys by the time it even started.  The leaders did our skit and it wasn't very good.  We practiced yesterday but it didn't flow very well.  After two talents the kids were done so we went in the hall but they were tired so we just went home.  I put them to bed early and I think they could use it.  Everyone have a good night.


Monday, October 9, 2017


Today was good nothing to crazy. I worked on Harry potter land when I got home. We are doing a picture thing so I made a wizard wanted sign. In the picture it's weird because it's a trifold to hold up the sign but the black square is a hole for people to put their faces in. It took way longer than I thought it would but I guess it's one more thing off my list to I did more of my elephant last night. Once Harry potter craze is done I will hopefully have more time to work on it



Well I took today off work, but I have to go back tomorrow. I was just lazy today. The good news is I still don't see any signs of mice so I think wo got them. I keep checking though just in case. I am sorry that you are getting a cold mom. I hope you didn't catch it from me. I am still congested and have a bit of a cough. I am starting to feel better though. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


I didn't have to babysit this morning because the library is closed on Columbus day.  We just cleaned up around the house.  After lunch I rode my bike with the kids in the trailer to the church and we practiced a synchronized swimming skit for tomorrows talent show at young women's.  We are doing a short one and it should be cute and funny.  I tried to give Ruth a nap afterwards but she wouldn't do it.  We rode bikes to school also which was nice.  I made chicken soup for dinner and I worked on that after school.  Nobody but me and Casey ate it so we have a lot of left overs.  Isaac was having a fit over it and wouldn't eat the noodles.  Casey is going camping with his friend tomorrow and Wednesday so we took the CRV up the the end of the trail so they would have a car to drive home.  Isaac got car sick on the way home and didn't feel good so we stopped a lots so he could walk around.   Oliver had to pee in Smithfield so we stopped and Isaac threw up in the bathroom and Ruthie pooped.  Oliver had a melt down because we didn't buy candy.  It was late so we just did a quick bed time.  I hope that everyone is doing well, love you.


PS. I didn't take a single picture today, sorry.


I made it back to work today.  It was busy and I didn't accomplish much but I made it.  I feel like I am getting a cold today.  We stopped by Harmon's on the way home and got cheese balls for staff meeting tomorrow.  Dad cooked the steaks tonight Karen.  They were yummy.  Robin, your makeup gets better and better every week.  You do have your work cut out for you if you are making a Harry Potter Village.  Have fun.  Rachel, I love your pictures.  You are amazing.  Wish Casey a fun camping trip.  At least the weather will be nice.  That is good.  Not much else to report from my end.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, October 8, 2017


I'm glad your tooth is feeling better karen. Today was good. Nothing crazy. I worked at lagoon. Then after I met up for a bit with a girl from maggie. She was buying me supplies. They want me to basically create Harry potter world by Friday for employee appreciation week. It's going to be a busy week to say the least. I like your family pictures Rachel way to rangle the kids :).



We had a nice weekend with Karen.  She is doing amazing.  We fixed the mouse hole where they were getting in and cleaned everything up.  It was nice to find where they were getting in.  We drove down to see Grandma for lunch.  Man was it windy and cold.  It even snowed for a few minutes.  We got her kindle working and dad fixed her old remote so she only has to use one remote now to watch TV and movies.  She was very happy.  Rachel.  Those are amazing pictures.  I love everyone one of them.  Oliver has grown up so much and I love the picture of you and Casey.  Well I really just love them all.  I love your elephant Robin.  That is beautiful.  You are so gifted.  I hope your heart was doing OK today.  Everyone have a nice week.  Karen I am glad you are taking one more day off.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. Mom and dad took off around 11 and i just was lazy all day. Thanks again mom and dad for coming up and taking good care of me. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

The weekend

Sorry I didn't blog last night, I lost track of time.  I like your elephant Robin, that is awesome.  Yesterday was a fund day.  We did the red ribbon race in the morning.  Isaac ran the whole thing with his friend and we walked it.  It was fun to do and brought back a lot of memories.  Friday Casey went to get a new tube for Oliver's tire and saw a bike on sale at Joyride, so we went there Saturday and Isaac bought a bike.  It is perfect for him and he loves it.  When we got home we rode to the school, that is where they wanted to go.  Ruthie was having a meltdown so I rode back and got the car and we drove home.  Ivy's birthday is today so they had a party yesterday for her.  She is cute and it was fun.  The kids did really well and were really well behaved.  We picked up a pizza on the way home for dinner and then went on another bike ride.  Today we went up the canyon after lunch and took some family pictures.  It was cold and the kids are wild but we got a couple of good ones.  We were thinking of doing it next weekend again if you guys want to do that.  We went of two bike rides today, it is a fun new bike.  Everyone have a great Monday, love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...