Saturday, April 10, 2021


 We had a nice time at lagoon. It was crowded but not horrible. The kids were so cute and love to ride. We went to cafe rio afterwards because isaac was hungry the chips and queso tasted really good. Karen I am glad you got your air-conditioner out. Robin. I hope you had a nice chill day

Friday, April 9, 2021


Today was ok. I was tired so it made it hard to make it through work. Then we took jenkins on a walk and had dinner. Jeramy has to work tomorrow now so it will be a chill day for me


Nice day

 We had a nice day. We slept in a little bit and the went to this is the place. It was so nice to be out in the sun. We went to spaghetti factory for a late lunch. They were so slow. We went to liberty park after that. We came home and I cooked the pork bomb. That one would diffently be better on the smoker. I hope everyone had a nice day. We are going to lagoon tomorrow. Isaac is about to burst. Dad is going to kamas to help take down the cooler for her new windows on Monday. Love mom


 My day was good. Work was quiet but I kept busy so it went by pretty quick. After work I went to the grocery store. Then I picked up brucetta from red rock for dinner. It was good. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, April 8, 2021


Today was good. I was tired so I just zombied through the day. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We went to black bear diner and it tasted ok. But it was nice to go out. 

My friday

 I left work a little early because I was over my time. Rachel and kids came down and we had the checked bomb we bought in morgan. It tasted really good. We took the kids to the trampoline park and then went to artic circle for milkshakes. We could even sit inside. That felt nice. We are going to play tomorrow. Love mom


 My day was good. I really don't have any thing exciting to report. It was just a usual Thursday. I did watch my physics lecture after work. I hope everyone had a great day bye 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Today was alright. I went into work and helped out with some projects. Then I came home late  so we went to slim chickens for dinner. It's nice it's so light out later in the night. It makes me feel like I can do more after work


 I went into work early today and did screenings.  I am with Karen it is really quiet at work.  I got some work done so that felt nice.  Most of it was things that I had to fix.  Those are always the worst.  I came home and we went to Smith's and got some strawberries and grapes.  Winco doesn't have very nice fruit like that.  We just vegged after that.  Paul has his disposition today and it went 8 hours.  He really fell off the deep end.  Some one at work gave me the promo code for Intermountain for Lagoon and it saved me a lot of money.  I was super excited about that one.  Tickets have been purchased.  Not much else to report on my end.  Rachel drive safe tomorrow.  I am excited to play.  I bought a chicken bomb at Morgan meat place and I am going to cook that.  I am going to get one for you Robin so Jeramy can smoke it.  They said they are really good that way.  I will see if it is any good tomorrow.  Well have a nice Thursday.  It is going to be my Friday.  LOVE MOM 


 This morning I went to take the van in to get fixed.  They didn't have an appointment and they said that they wouldn't have scheduled it on a Wednesday since it is a 5 day repair.  I had a rental car lined up and they said they would called.  I got a little emotional but it will be fine.  I did call and make an appointment, I don't know what happened. When we were hiking Isaac wanted Mo betta so we went there for lunch.  Then we went to baby animal days.  We had so much fun.  I really liked how they had it set up this year.  Oliver loves all the animals.  We went and held the chicks four times.  They got to hold turtles and they were so cute.  Even Isaac had fun.  We had a little time before dinner and I worked on my quilt.  My tension was off and it was horrible.  I had to unlock everything.  Well we are head down to SLC tomorrow.




 I am glad that the week is half over. My day was good. It is spring break thus week here so there are a bunch of people gone. So work was on the quiet side. After work I did my lean manufacturing homework. It wasn't too hard. It was calculating the number of parts you get through a system if you loose a certain percentage to scrap at each step. Then I watched a lecture for that class on machine matainenance. Tomorrow I am going to watch my physics lecture. Fun times I know. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


It snowed today so that was sad. I liked the 70 degree weather. I had a doctor's appointment for my glucose test. I guess they will know next week if it went bad. If I'm fine then they won't call. But luna still has a heart beat so that is good. Then I worked. Our bathtub started leaking last night so today we went to lowes and got a new part and it fixed it up. I'm glad you guys had fun camping rachel. 


Welcome Back

 What beautiful pictures.  You look like you are alone in the world.  That is amazing.  I hope that Casey's finger is OK.  I am glad you made it back safe and sound. WOW what an adventure.  The kids look so happy.  Robin, I love your rocks.  That will be so nice.  You will love that.  I am glad you checked out at the doctors.  I can't believe you are  at 29 weeks. Times goes so fast.  Well at least for me :).  Karen your arm looked so sore.  I hope it feels better tomorrow.  I had a meeting at 7:00 this morning and so I got up early.  I was going to go into work at noon but it was cold and snowing and I wasn't that dedicated.  I just stayed home.  We did go to Winco after work.  I needed some fun food.  We just came back home and vegged.   I have to go into work tomorrow and go in early and do screenings.  Have a nice Wednesday.  LOVE MOM 


 My day was good. It snowed a bunch here. I went and got my allergy shot this morning. My arm is still sore though. Work is still moving along. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

We're back

 We made it back and had a fun time.  It was so pretty there.  Oliver said only heaven would be prettier.  It was a long drive but everyone did good.  We had planned to go to poison canyon but the road was too bad for the van.  I turned around and got stuck.  Casey was digging out the van and hurt his finger, it got slammed between two rocks.  It was pretty bad.  We got out and tried another road which was a lot better.  You start at the top of the canyon and hike to the bottom.  We got a little ways down and decided to camp there for the night.  It was pretty and the kids had fun exploring.  They have rock stacks that are called cairn but it sounds like Karen's.  The next day we tried to find a way down but it was too hard for the kids.  We we setup for lunch and just explored all afternoon.  We hiked out to the car and tried to find a new spot.  Their were these springs but the road was bad.  We stopped at a old log cabin and then found a place to camp.  The next day on Monday we found a hike called Angels point.  We hiked down to the river.  Ruth hates the sand in her sandals and there were thorns so she lost it.  Tony's feet were sore also but we made it.  The river was so fun.  It is the dirty devil river.  We walked up and down it and found some slot canyons.  We just played there all day.  We were thinking of camping in then slot canyon but it was so windy.  Tony rushed by Ruth when were getting out and she fell in the mud.  the boys were cover in mud also just from playing.  We didn't have a change of clothes besides pj's and it was supposed to get cold so we decided to hike out.  Then it was so windy at the van we decided to come home.  It was like 9 at night.  We picked up some hamburgers and drove home.  The kids were so good about it and did an amazing job backpacking.  They did the best if we backpacked a bit and then explored without their packs.  We did Easter baskets this morning and that was fun.   Here is a picture overload.  Love you guys 



We wore Tony out

Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...