Friday, February 17, 2017


Today was good. Im really glad it was friday. I had to work at scheels so the night was boring. My computer broke. I might bring it up to logan to see if it can be salvaged. I didn't move everything over from to my external hard drive yet so that is much for procrastination saving the day :) well I will see everyone tomorrow


Yeah for Friday

I am glad that the weekend is here also. We are having a tour at work on Tuesday so we have been cleaning and organising all day. The are the biggest distributor in the world and so far they haven't been using our pumps, but they are being an aduitor out to see if we meet their standards so they can start. So management is really going all out. I am planning to leave after lunch sometime tomorrow also. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Isaac didn't have school today and it was really nice to go slow in the morning and not rush.  Oliver fell asleep yesterday at 4 and then woke up at 4 am.  He came in with us and he did fall back to sleep.  He fell asleep again driving Isaac to martial arts but I woke him up when we got home.  This morning we went grocery shopping and went on a walk.  The boys then played in the backyard for a while which is fun.  We went to Sam's for a snack and to get out of the house when Ruthie woke up, then we went to Lowe's to get some sand for Oliver to dig in.  Then we took Isaac to martial arts, he has been having fun.  Kelly and Randy came over last night and tonight to help with the Jeep.  Terry came over with them tonight and we talked and she helped me put the kids to bed.  It was fun.  They got everything apart on the jeep and Casey just has to read about it now.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow, we have out list and are excited.


We did it

Well, I made it through work.  My headache was a little better so that was good.  I took a nap when I got home.  It made me feel a lot better.  I do have one piece of sad news.  They are retiring the thimble in the monopoly game.  I don't know what piece I will be now.  It is pretty hard.  :)  I am excited to come to Logan tomorrow.  We will get up and come up.  I don't have any more news.  Everyone be safe and remember how much I love you  MOM

Thursday, February 16, 2017

High 5

Good job karen. I'm glad they gave you a party. I can come up saturday. I might come up later though if that is I can sleep in. I might come up after lunch. I didn't have to work tonight. It's been nice to have some down time. I work tomorrow night though. Next week we are launching our new season at maggie so it will be busy..Have a good night



Congratulations Karen, I am glad you found a good place to work.  Thanks for talking with Isaac Mom, he loves it.  Oliver's birthday party is Sunday at 3 but if you want to come up Saturday we would love to have you. Today went pretty well.  I watched Henry's brother and sister this morning.  It was cold outside but we played in the backyard this afternoon.  Isaac had martial arts and he wanted Casey to take him and pick him up.  Oliver fell asleep at 4.  He was so grumpy today.   Isaac doesn't have school tomorrow so that will be fun to just go slower.


Way to go!

Karen, I can't believe it has been 5 years.  Congratulations.  I hope everyone had a great day.  I have a bad headache so I am going to go to bed early tonight.  I hope it gets better.  I think the storm is moving in.  I was just going to start a plan for this weekend.  We are going up on Saturday and painting Oliver's room and Ruth's.  We are going to stay the night and have Oliver's big birthday party.  LOVE  MOM


Well the 13th was my 5 year anniversary at work. So today we had a pizza luncheon and they gave me my 5 year award. 5 years has gone by quick. My day was good. It stayed busy so it went by quick. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Today was good. We watched "up" so that was fun. I didn't have to work tonight. It was really nice. I didn't do anything productive. Have a good thursday


Hump day

I had a good day at work.  It didn't seem so busy to me so that was good.  Rachel at least you got an extra day over with this week.  It will seem like a short week now.  I took trax home tonight from work.  Dad was working at the office.  I talked with Julie and Jeff and it was nice to visit with them.  I did laundry tonight and started working on my taxes.  It isn't so hard this year.  It was a quiet year.  Everyone enjoy tomorrow.  It is suppose to be really warm.  LOVE MOM

What day is it?

I thought it was Tuesday this morning and I was talking up story time at the library for Oliver and then I realized it was Wednesday and we should be going to the fun park.  Oliver didn't want to go so we just stayed home and read books which was nice.  We played outside and waited for Isaac for a while.  I watched Neve this afternoon and the kids had fun with her.  Isaac had martial arts and he stayed for the two hours.  Me and Oliver went to the grocery store and then went and watched him for a little bit.  It was endurance day or something, they were running around and really working hard.  We had a quick dinner and then the elders quorum  came for a visit, they are just visiting everybody.  Then it was bed time.  Love you guys.



Well we have made it halfway through the week. It was a busy day today. It wasn't anything too bad. Just a bunch of little stuff that kept popping up.  It did make the day go by fast so that was good. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Good job Robin handing out card, that sounds like a really good thing to do.  We had a busy day but it was fun.  Ruthie and Oliver didn't sleep much so we were kind of tired today.  I made the kids heart pillows and they loved them.  I helped in Isaac's class party and that was a lot of fun.  The kids loved the kiss the frog game and Isaac showed me all his stuff and was excited.  Randy watched the little kids and they did good and had fun.  Henry's Mom had a meeting so I watched Henry after school for a while.  He always wants to do tie dyed shirts but it is too cold so we just painted some shirts today and I think they weren't thrilled but did it.  Isaac loved the frog game so much we played it at home and he made several variations of it, it was cute.  Casey had scout and I had young women's.  We did minute to win it games combined with the young men, it went pretty well.  It even ended on time which was nice.  Everyone enjoy your night and have a good day tomorrow.



Today was good. We went up to the hospital to hand out valentines day cards. Everyone love them and they loved the sorting hat. We did have one guy that said he didn't support pagan holidays that were supported by corporate companies to make money. But he appreciated the thought. It made me giggle. The nurses laughed to and said they support pagan holidays and they also enjoyed the candy that went with that cards. I came home and wanted to work on taxes but my computer won't turn on so I figured it was on strike. So I just relaxed. Have a good one


Happy Valentines

I hope everyone had a nice valentines day.  I agree with Karen that story about Oliver sharing his binki is so cute.  It was a busy day at work and tonight we watched Princess Bride.  It is on Netflix.  I really love that movie.  I made grilled tunas for dinner and they tasted really good.  I haven't made them in a long while.  It is so hard to keep my bread from going moldy.  I just don't buy it very often any more.  Well have a nice hump day tomorrow.  It is suppose to be really pretty.  When is everyone going to Logan?  I just was trying to get my clip board of fun ready  :)   LOVE MOM


Rachel that is a super cute story of Oliver. My day was good. I had meetings all morning and then I went to the dentist.  I have some cavities so I havd to go back. Joy of joys. But I will get it done and then I will be good for a while,  I hope. Well I hope everyone had a great Tuesday.  Bye

Monday, February 13, 2017


It was sunny today but it was cold, we still were able to play outside a lot.  It has made all of us happier which is fun.  Ruthie's teeth broke through so that means more sleep.  This morning after we dropped Isaac off we got Oliver's birthday decorations and then some chocolate for valentines day.  I also made the kids some heart pillows since that is what Isaac wanted.  After we did Isaac's homework we just played outside until Isaac's martial arts.  He stayed for both classes which is good.  Casey took us out to dinner for valentines day since we are busy tomorrow.  We went to Cafe Rio.  Oliver so so nice this morning, he had claimed a binki and he had it in the car.  He was sitting by Ruthie and she started to cry.  He took the binki out of his mouth and said "This is Ruthie's binki now" and then gave it to her and she calmed down.  It was sweet.  Good luck with your new president Robin, I hope that it becomes a better place to work.


Me 2

I also hope that I don't have any cavities, but that is not how it usually goes. My day was good for a Monday. It is just the usual here in Kamas. It was cold here this morning.  I am missing the temporary warm weather we were having. I hope everyone has a great Valentines Days. Bye


Man Robin that is big news to get a new president in a small company.  I hope he is good.  I bet that is why your bosses have been so weird lately.  They knew what was going on.  Not much going on with us.  Work was good.  Nothing too exciting.  We went to Sam's after work and got some Vitamin D.  I feel like one of Robin's sayings.  Good luck at the dentist tomorrow Karen.  I hope you have not cavities.  It was such a pretty day today.  Rachel, I hope you got to get some sunshine.  Happy Valentines day tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Our president of the company is stepping down and we meet the new guy today. He seems nice. I also did the valentines box challenge. So that was good to have over. I am working scheels so that is boring. Have a happy valentines day tomorrow


Sunday, February 12, 2017


It was fun yesterday. Thanks. I had a dream last night about an was weird but I picked one up for lunch and it was delicious. I just chilled all day. It was nice. Have a good night



Well my dau has been good. I really don't have anything exciting to report. It was a quiet day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Nice day

We had a good time yesterday as well.  It was fun.  We had a nice day today.  We went out to see grandma and Susan was there and Jed and Teresa came over for a little while.  It was good to visit.  We came home and took a nap.  Rachel, that is a long time for meetings.  I love the frog.  Everyone have a nice Monday.  It was nice to have sunshine today.  LOVE MOM


Thank you for the fun time yesterday.  We are spoiled, we love you guys.  Today was good, we went to church and the kids are crazy like always.  Oliver did go to his class which was good.  I had meetings all afternoon starting at the end of church until 4.  Casey ordered pizza for dinner which was really good.  Thank you for the projector, I made the frog and it was really cute.  Isaac is so excited for his class party now.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday and don't work too hard.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...